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The Green Lady

She really works for the Mask of Winters. She's seen one secret too many and has converted to the creed of Oblivion. She still plays the double-agent game with the Sidereals as well as with the Walker In Darkness. In truth, she doesn't work for Mask of Winters either, but directly for Oblivion, making her a double-triple-quadruple agent or some shit.

She knows she's on her own side, and that's the important thing.

For the duration of this game, she's been loaned out by the Walker to the Queen as part of the Tripartate Alliance.

Ten Thousand Virtues

Chosen of Endings and traitor to Creation. The Green Lady's sifu. Technically serves the Bishop of Chalcedony Thurible, but really serves himself. And Oblivion. Currently working

The Tripartate Alliance

A three-way alliance between the Unspeakable Eightfold Obsidian Queen, the Bishop of Chalcedony Thurible and the Walker In Darkness, orchestrated primarily by Ten Thousand Virtues and the Green Lady.

The immediate goal of the Alliance is to help the Bull of the North complete his conquest of the North and using him against the Blessed Isle to wreak havoc on the Lover Clad In The Raiment of Tears.

End Chapter 3 plot:

TTV attacks Rook's dojo. The Green Lady helps them escape and tries to convince them that the Gold were responsible. Even if she cannot, she refuses to stay in Yu-Shan and heads for a gate.