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[hide]Kuroi Adi
Adi is something of an experiment. I have a tendency to gravitate toward Zeniths, probably because I feel most comfortable playing them (funny, since I'm closer in personality and type to Twilights). But, I wanted to make something different. So, there was Adi. She spends most of her time hugging the NPCs and being generally underestimated by the rest of the party.
Adi is a young, attractive Western woman in her early twenties with bronzed skin, green-and-blonde hair, and brilliant sea-green eyes. She's average height, but appears somewhat squat due to her pregnancy. She's due to give birth in about four months, as far as she can reckon. Her caste mark never fades, appearing as a slightly metallic gold circle tattooed on her forehead; she keeps a scarf around her head to hide it from notice, only removing it when she's certain it's safe. Her appearance is striking but comforting, and her smile is warm and inviting.
She wears loose, comfortable traveling clothes and a long cloak with a large hood (good for covering her caste mark). Most of her provisions and equipment are carried by her follower, Rajik, but she keeps a small pack with necessary items and some medical supplies slung over her shoulder.
Adi is a typical mother figure: kind, compassionate, and emotional. She is somewhat soft-spoken, preferring not to raise her voice if possible, and she dislikes violence as a means to an end.
Adi's history is pretty detailed, but I can probably summarize it in a few points.
- Born in a small village in Wavecrest, raised by her mother alone. Learned weaving from her.
- After her mother's death, married the harbormaster and joined his household as a second wife.
- Five years later, Lintha attacked her village. Her husband and his first wife were killed helping her escape, and she was left adrift in a small rowboat on the sea.
- Exalted after five days at sea, discovered she was pregnant then.
- Rescued from the sea by Moray Darktide, who offered her safe passage if she did what he asked (which included several less-than-savory duties).
- Dropped off two months later at the northwest end of the main continent, wandered until she couldn't stand the cold, was rescued by Lunars (including the current incarnation of her past self's wife) (Blue Wings Weeping, Changing Moon, about eighteen, dove totem, female)
- Spent three months with Lunars, learning what she could about the First Age. Blue gave her a moonsilver daiklave before she left and made her promise to come back. Left for the south.
- Met Rajik in Threshold area, fighting a bunch of other kids. He helped her along and eventually started following her.
- Hooked up with the Cult of the Illuminated for a few months, but found them to be stifling. Left without giving word of where she was going.
- Now, traveling with a group of Solars and Illuminated Dragon-bloods looking for a missing servant.
That's about it for now.
Statistics (2ED)
~160 XP
Name: Kuroi Adi
Caste: Zenith
Anima: A flock of sun-white doves
Concept: holy mother figure
Motivation: Bring peace to all of Creation
Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 4
Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Melee 1, Integrity 3, Performance 3 [Speeches +2], Presence 4, Resistance 4, Craft: Wood 4, Lore 2, Medicine 4, Occult 2, Awareness 2, Linguistics 2 (Seatongue, Old Realm, Riverspeak), Sail 2, Socialize 2
Artifact 4, Allies 1, Contacts 4, Resources 2, Followers 2, Familiar 4
Performance: Respect Commanding Attitude, First Performance Excellency
Presence: Second Presence Excellency, Majestic Radiant Presence, Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement
Resistance: Body-Mending Meditation, Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2, -2), Durability of Oak Meditation, Iron Skin Concentration, Iron Kettle Body
Craft: Second Craft Excellency, Craftsman Needs No Tools
Medicine: First Medicine Excellency, Flawless Diagnosis Technique, Ailment-Rectifying Method, Wound-Mending Care Technique, Instant Treatment Methodology
Sail: Salty Dog Method
A Spoonful of Sugar: (Flawless Diagnosis Technique, Instant Treatment Methodology, First Medicine Excellency, Wound-Mending Care Technique), 19m (or more), 1W: Adi takes a piece of candy, a small fruit, or some other sweet treat and pricks the image of the sun on the surface with a small needle. She kisses the symbol and places the treat in her patient's mouth. By the time the patient is done with the treat, she has diagnosed and treated them for any wound or sickness they may have. (Mechanically, she activates Instant Treatment Methodology first, reducing the time it takes her to treat the patient to a few seconds. She then uses Flawless Diagnosis Technique to discern their ailments, and Wound-Mending Care Technique, supplemented with the First Medicine Excellency to heal them a number of Lethal or Bashing health levels equal to her successes on an Intelligence+Medicine roll.) The highest she will pay for this combo is 25m 1W, and if she finds a disease affecting her patient in the process and rolls more than five successes, she can banish that disease for 5m, per Ailment-Rectifying Method.
Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 2
Virtue Flaw: Compassionate Martyrdom
Limit Break: X X X X X X X X X (9)
Willpower 6
Essence 4
Statistics (1ED)
~50 XP
Name: Kuroi Adi
Caste: Zenith
Nature: Caregiver
Anima: A flock of sun-white doves
Concept: holy mother figure
Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 4
Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Melee 1, Endurance 3, Performance 3 [Speeches +2], Presence 4, Resistance 4, Craft: Textiles 4, Lore 2, Medicine 3, Occult 2, Awareness 2, Linguistics 2 (Seatongue, Old Realm, Riverspeak), Sail 2
Artifact 4, Allies 1, Contacts 4, Resources 2, Followers 1
Salty Dog Method, Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2, -2), Harmonious Presence Meditation, Majestic Radiant Presence, Flawless Handiwork Method, Object-Strengthening Touch, Touch of Blissful Release, Flawless Diagnosis Technique, Durability of Oak Meditation, Iron Skin Concentration, Unfailing Tortoise Technique, Essence-Lending Method, Respect Commanding Attitude
Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 2
Virtue Flaw: Compassionate Martyrdom
Limit Break: X X X X X
Willpower 6
Essence 3
Merits and Flaws
Eternal Vow (+3) (with Blue Wings Weeping)
High Priest (+6)
Known Anathema (-2)
Permanent Caste Mark (-2)
Climate Sensitive: Arctic (-1)
Unusual Appearance: Sea-green eyes that fade depending on the amount of Essence she uses (-2)
Disciple: Rajik (-2)
Expanded Backgrounds
- Artifact 4
- Adi's sole artifact is a moonsilver daiklave that can be commanded to animate and attack an enemy, also known as Flying Silver Dream from CB:Z. Adi and Blue, the Lunar who gave it to her, call it Luna's Shining Fang.
- Allies 1
- Adi's Ally is Blue Wings Weeping, a Changing Moon Lunar. She's currently living up north with the rest of her pack, training with her First Age master. It would take her a few months to actually get down to Adi if she put her mind to it. It should probably be noted that Blue has something of a crush on Adi. Adi and Blue also have an Eternal Vow.
- Contacts 3
- Adi has major contacts within the Silver Pact and the Cult of the Illuminated, and also counts Moray Darktide as a contact. Her minor contacts are a network of innkeepers, merchants, and other people she's met on her journey. Recently added major contacts are Olaf, a Dawn caste Solar who traveled with them for some time, and the crew of the Voltaic Havoc, a trading ship that carried them from Yane to Chiaroscuro.
- Resources 2
- Though not rich by any means, Adi has enough to support her and Rajik sparingly but comfortably on their travels.
- Followers 1
- Rajik, an outcaste Wood-Aspected Dragon-blood, has been with her for several months and serves as a bodyguard and travelling companion. He is also her two-point disciple - she spends more time getting him out of trouble than he does protecting her.
- Total Experience is (more than) 34. With that, she bought another dot in Performance and the Charms Flawless Diagnosis Technique and Object-Strengthening Touch. Recently added through experience: Touch of Blissful Release (Medicine), Essence 3.
- Recently, a Moonshadow named Silver Handed Herald did something to Adi, which he claimed was a protection Charm. She now has a slick black Old Realm rune on her forehead (it reads 'protection' as far as she can tell) that will not disappear. One plus to this new development - her Caste Mark is now covered by the rune. That, I fear, may be the only good thing that will come of this. However, we've discovered that Silver Handed Herald works for the Mask of Winters, and that the charm faded after about a day, leaving no mark.