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Men screamed at the monstrosity that burst from the sand and began ripping them to shreds, terror spread through the ranks in mere seconds and before the Townsfolk got close enough to join the fight, the soldiers were routed.

Chasing off the remaining troops, the twonsfolk turned a blind eye to the monstrosity collecting up the wounded in it's pincers.

As night crept on, they pretended not to hear the blood-curdling screams that echoed through the night.

The next day, as they handed over the Mayors daughter bound and gagged to prevent her screaming, they all swore in their hearts it was necessary.

When she was discovered mutilated and violated in every possible, they could not pretend anymore.

But by the time the guilt-ridden villagers got up the courage to track and kill the Monster they had hired, it was long gone.

The shack where the creature had stayed is still haunted by echoes of terror.

Shirak the Terror That Haunts the Sands

Symbolism : Scorpions terrify people, and well it's completely understandable. As far removed from humanity as the Spider, the scorpions claws and tail incite terror in people. Scorpions have long played parts in stories as creatures of terror and slyness. I forwent the slyness and went for a brute of a killer for hire, a creature of terrifying visage, personality and skill.

Far beyond sane, Shirak is a Sociopath of terryfying strength and ability, he thrives on his victims pain and degredation, and will do nearly anything to have so called good people hand over one of their own to him.

Charms :
Finding the Spirits Shape (Scorpion)
Humble Mouse Form
Deadly Beastman Transformation (3)
Body Weapon Technique
Deadly Claw Blow
Bear Embrace Method
Steel Paw Style

Scorpion Ray Form : Str: 1, STam: 1, Claws, Tiny, Stinger with Poison

Beastman Form : Str: + 4, Dex: +1, Stam: +5, Fearsome Appearance, Rugged Hide, Impenetrable Beast Armour, Poison Stinger

Tell : Scorpion Chitin all over his body.