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The animal lying contentedly in the water was ugly, a ducks bill, a beavers tail, and an otters body. Even to the most forgiving of animal lovers, the Platypus was just funny looking, more so to the warlike and rowdy Lunar society.

Amrika was short, wiry, dark as the night, his aged and weatherbeaten face looked tired and worn, but there was a hardness to him, and the funny looking curved stick by his feet had bloodstains on it.

Glancing at the Platypus, the animal with which he shared a spirit, he couldn't help but chuckle, "Kassa, it is true, we are a funny looking creature."

"Yet the unwary fall prey to the poisonous spines in your legs old man."

The voice came from a woman who appeared to have stepped out of thin air. She was also dark of skin, but where he was tired and sun weathered, she showed the firmness and spring of youth, her lines clean and her eyes sparkling.

"Kala." Nodding his head in acknowledgement, he asked, "what brings the Lady of the Rivers to my small stream?"

"One of the deserts Sand Spirits has begun to attack our people as well as the caravans of the Realm. When I went to speak with him, he told me the Suns Chosen had deemed us Traitors to Creation and we were to not be trusted." Irritation and a touch of anger tinted her voice, and Amrika guessed rightly she had responded with Hot words, likely even injuring the Spirit and thus insulting the Spirits family and friends.

"So, now, ugly old Amrika, with his waddle, bill and strange tail is expected to once again clean up the mess you and the others have made."

"For some reason old man, the Spirits admire and trust you, so we beseach you, help us avoid war with the Sand Spirits and their allies."

Standing Amrika made a show of creaking joints and sore muscles, which didn't fool Kala for a second.

"I will expect a favour at the next Gathering Kala."

For the briefest of moments a twinkle entered his eyes, and Kala looked much less sure of herself than seconds before.


Charms :
Finding the Spirits Shape: Platypus
Tale Spinning Mastery
Spirit Scenting Technique
Devil Restraining Grip
Shaping the Ideal Form
Eagle Eye Advantage
Natures Harmony Advantage
Steel Paw Style
Beast Instinct Method

A versatile all around Lunar, capable of advancing in any direction, be it warrior or diplomat, hunter or sorcerer, Amrika can be a deadly (if not unbeatable) foe, and a great boon to his allies ... just don't mock his totem.