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Standing at the gates to the city, Corporal Venters was tired and cold, he hated night duty, even more than he hated Gate duty. All the REAL sick bastards tried to come in at night.

All of them.

Taking a surreptious sip from the flask at his hip, he eyed the approaching man with suspicion and irritation. It was nearing midnight, and all sensible people were tucked into bed.

The approaching man, turned out to be a pleasant looking young lady, bundled up to protect her from the night winds. She had sparkling grey eyes, violet hair tied back and an infectious smile. Despite himself, Venters smiled back and as per his duty asked, "what brings you to the gates of Fellhaven m'lady?"

"I bring a message for Lord Stoneridge." Her voice was husky, with a lilt of an accent Venters couldn't place.

"Fill out your signature m'lady in the booklet and enjoy your stay in Fellhaven."

Smiling, she did as asked and passed through, as she passed by she flashed a rather naughty wink the young Corporals way, leaving his heart racing.

Wandering through the streets of Fellhaven, Shanda couldn't help smiling, the young gate guard would be screaming bloody murder if he had any clue of the 'message' she was here to pass onto the Lord Stoneridge.

Her Mentor sought to bring the city of Fellhaven crashing down before his forces, but the Lord Stormridge was a tactical genius and had yet to be routed by the Beastmen or their leaders.

Nor was the elderly mortal stupid enough to allow himself to come into battle, no, the cagey old bastard stayed back, surrounded by his retinue of mortal and Dragon Blooded bodyguards, safe from the Elder Lunars blades.

Finally, in a fit of anger, Argyle had ordered his youngest protege to eliminate the blasted mortal.

As always, the young No-Moon had complied with a silent nod. Though many believed her to be mute, she just preffered to listen over speech. Intelligent and discerning, Shanda often helped Argyle plan battle tactics, but she as well had fallen prey to the cagey mortals superior battle genius, and the failure stung deeply.

Slipping into the shadows, her form melted and reformed as a Jaguar and trotted through the night to deliver her message.

Shanda Moon-Eyes

A No-Moon killer who serves her Mentor loyally and unquestionally....for the moment. Cats being the independant animals they are, Shandas fierce independance is bound to come between her and the man she admires most. I used the images of the calm, sexy, predatory cat for Shanda. Sure the female assassin is a cliche, but hell, what are cliches there for if not to play with?

Charms :
Finding the Spirits Shape (Jaguar)
Deadly Beastman Transformation
Beast Instinct Method
Food Scenting Method
Sense Sharpening Change
Stealthy Fox Method
Hide of the Cunning Hunter
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
-Assassins Fatal Touch

Jaguard Form :Str: 5, Stam: 4 Claws and Bite, Nightvision, furry. (I went one lower on each of the Stats as Jaguars aren't the largest of the great cats.)

Beastform : Str:+2, Dex: +1, Stam: +1, Terrible Beastclaws, Bestial Reflexes.

Tell : Stormy Grey Cats Eyes.

Deadly, silent, sexy, mysterious, suave, smooth, and unpredictable. Kinda like a prehistoric female James Bond.