Level Three

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Harmonic Disruptor
Author ~ Ambisinister
Artifact Level ~ 2+ (minimum 3)
Material ~ Star Metal and Special
Commitment ~ Special
Sidereals in favor of the Usurpation sought to grab every edge they could against the powerful Solars, and the Harmonic Disruptor was developed as a result of this. The intent of the Disruptor was to provide assassins with a small window of time to strike in which an exalt would lose access to his artifacts.

The device is comprised of two parts: A starmetal sphere about the size of a billiard ball and a small, starmetal sliver which would be built into another artifact. Someone wishing to utilize the Harmonic Disruptor would keep the sphere and give the modified artifact to someone else. The modified artifact is identical to an unmodified artifact of the same type. Its secondary function is all but hidden within the essence structure of the artifact. The Disruptor was most commonly hidden in gifts by a Solar's Sidereal advisors. A skilled artisan (at least four dots in craft artifact and lore)may be able to detect the secondary function of the modified artifact by making a Perception + Craft: Artifact roll of difficulty 10. If they employ All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight to aid them, the difficulty drops to 5.

In order for the Disruptor to affect its target, the target must attune themselves to the modified artifact. Once the target is attuned, the bearer of the sphere can activate the Disruptor at any time, so long as he is within 50 yards of the modified artifact. Activating the Disruptor is a reflexive action which costs 10 motes and counts as the activator's charm use for the round. Upon activation, the sliver embedded in the modified artifact sends out what amounts to a high frequency essence pulse which grounds itself through the artifact's wielder. This essence pulse temporarily knocks the target out of phase with his attuned artifacts and disorients him. Mechanically, once the Disruptor is activated several things occur simultaneously: The target immediately loses attunement with the modified artifact. Furthermore, any hearthstone set in the modified artifact instantly shatters. The target's attunement to all other artifacts is temporarily disrupted for a number of rounds equal to (7 - the target's permanent essence). Finally, the target must make a Wits + Essence roll at a difficulty of (2 + the number of artifacts he temporarily loses attunement to) to resist the disorientation of the essense pulse. If he fails he suffers a -4 penalty to all pools. If he succeeds the penalty is reduced to -2. In either case the disorientation lasts for (7 - the target's permanent essence) rounds.

Because the target looses his attunement to the modified artifact, the Disruptor can only be used once. In order for it to be applied again the vicitm would have to re-attune himself to the modified artifact. ---