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Violet Lotus
night caste


Strength 1, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Intelligence 4, Perception 3, Wits 4


  • ma 2,*Thrown 3, Integrity 1, *resistance 2, survival 1, *lore 3, medicine 1, occult 1, *Athletics 3, *Awareness 2, :*Dodge 3, *larceny 4, *stealth 2, *linguistics


compassion 1, temperance 4(indulgence), conviction 3, valour 1


1st thrown excellency
2nd larceny excellency
2nd lore excellency


observer deceiving attack
durability of oak meditation
Iron skin conectration
graceful crane stance
shadow over water
chaos repelling pattern
easily overlooked presence method

resources 1
artefact 3 (poison hearthstone bracer thingy?)
mance 3 - the freedom stone

dodge mdv 6
parry mdv 4

essence 3
willpower 7

personal 16
peripheral 32