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Kairos, The Heart of Night

In the dark depths of Malfeas, it is said that there is a great ashen plain, filled with lakes of molten fire and pits of eternally-burning flames, and that in its centre lies a mountain crowned with fire. That place is Kairos, the Heart of Night. Kairos was originally Tartaron, the Primordial that created the concept of death, but the twisting the Yozis endured warped it into the form of Kairos.

  • Tryphon, The One Who Watches, Fetich Soul of Kairos

Tryphon is a vast mountain, crowned with fire, and forms the Fetich Soul of Kairos. It constantly rumbles with anger and hatred at the Incarnae, and is sometimes known to unleash its cataclysmic rage upon what it considers to be its enemies. It is guarded by Second and First Circle Demons, but is a threat to them as well.

    • Valdorian, The Shadowed One, Warden Soul of Tryphon

Valdorian, the Shadowed One, appears as a shadowed warrior clad in armour of black steel. His presence is signalled by great and terrible battles, and bloodshed attracts his presence, while the ringing of silver bells repels him. Valdorian is bloodthirsty to the extreme, and desires to battle with Creation's greatest warriors for the sheer thrill of the fight and the joy of crushing a defeated enemy underfoot.

    • Vasilios, the King in Tatters, Defining Soul of Tryphon

Vasilios, the King in Tatters, resembles a man wearing only rags, but with a brilliant brass crown atop his head. He is horrifically scarred in his face, but is proud and cruel and vain, and is terrible to behold. His presence is signalled by bizarre and horrific hallucinations, and the pride of men draws him near. With but a word he fans pride and hope, only to cast it down when he is done speaking. His words are known to draw men into horrible despair, and he is primarily summoned by sorcerors seeking to drown their foes in horrific despair.

    • Aeton, the Midnight-Black Steed, Messenger Soul of Tryphon

Aeton appears as a horse of night-black appearance, so dark it appears to absorb the very light that touches it. It glows with darkness, and moves with incredible speed. It is for this reason that sorcerers use it, as a transport. Aeton's preferred food is human flesh and its preferred drink is blood from the selfsame creature, and as such, it is eager to go to Creation, so that it may grow drunk on blood and devour the flesh it loves to eat. Its presence is signalled by a darkness in the sky, and it is attracted by blood and repelled by the sight of mirrors.

    • Thanatos, the Torn Shadow, Wisdom Soul of Tryphon

Thanatos, the Torn Shadow, resembles a gaunt figure, with only half a shadow, and eyes that seem to be nothing more than endless caverns of flame. He keeps a book, its words written in flame, that is a record of Creation, detailing, in exact detail and minutia, thousands of lives, all (except for the ones still in progress) ending in woe and tragedy, and is usually summoned into creation by sorcerers seeking to find an enemy's weakness.

    • Elysion, The Nightmare of Sorrow, Reflective Soul of Tryphon

Elysion resembles a man with a shadowed face hidden by a black hood, so that no mortal can see his true form. Were they to do so, they would die, for Elysion represents sorrow and misery and despair triumphant, something that no mortal can withstand. He is a master of slowly breaking mortals in mind and body, so that they become nothing more than a mouthpiece for himself, and is usually summoned by sorcerers seeking to utterly destroy the enemy in spirit.
