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"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Forget the critics and sing!"

Character Sheet

Name:   Anthony              Concept: Singer of Histories and Futures
Player: Ketrus               Anima:   
Caste:  Zenith               XP:      0/0       
Motivation:  Create a new Creation-wide Culture of Song
Intimacies:  His performers, his songs
(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [XX...]   Charisma      [XXXXX]   Perception    [XXX..]
Dexterity     [XXX..]   Manipulation  [XX...]   Intelligence  [XXXX.]
Stamina       [XX...]   Appearance    [XXXX.]   Wits          [XX...]
                            (=Abilities=) 5
(Dawn)                  (Zenith)                (Twilight)
Archery       [.....]   .Integrity    [X....]   Craft         [.....]
Martial Arts  [X....]   .Perform      [XXXXX]   Investigation [.....]
.Melee        [XXXXX]   .Presence     [XXX..]   .Lore         [XXX..]
Thrown        [.....]   .Resistance   [X....]   Medicine      [.....]
War           [.....]   .Survival     [.....]   .Occult       [XXX..]
(Night)                 (Eclipse)               (Specialties)
.Athletics    [X....]   Bureaucracy   [X....]   Melee:  Sword +1
Awareness     [X....]   Linguistics   [XXX..]   Perform:  Song +1
Dodge         [X....]   Ride          [.....]
Larceny       [.....]   Sail          [.....]
Stealth       [.....]   .Socialize    [XXX..]

   (=Backgrounds=) 1                      (=Virtues=) 3
Contacts       [X....]        Compassion [XX...]    Temperance  [XXXX.]
Artifact       [XX...]        Conviction [XXX..]    Valor       [X....]
Followers      [XX...]        Virtue Flaw:  Overindulgence
Resources      [XXX..]        Condition:  Must pass up a favored pleasure to act in a moral fashion
7                                         (=Attacks=)
Essence        [XXX.......]   Name:   spd,  acc,  dam,  rate,  range
Willpower      [XXXXXXX...]   Sword: 3 spd, 12 acc, +5L dam, 6 PV, 3 rate
Limit          [.........!]   Name:   spd,  acc,  dam,  PV,  rate
                              DV: 4, Soak: 5/4 L/B, Join: 5, MDV: 6
Health Levels:                Personal Ess 
-0:  [ ]                      Periph Ess    
-1:  [ ] [ ]                  Committed      / 
-2:  [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]
Frugal Merchant Method                        (1m, inst, supp)
  Know exact value of object, +1vC/3vM autosucc, combo-ok
First Melee Excellency                        (1m/d, inst, ref)
  Add dice, combo-ok
Dipping Swallow Defense                       (2m, inst, ref(2))
  Apply full PDV
Bulwark Stance                                (5m, until next action, ref)
  Parry all at full PDV
First Performance Excellency                  (1m/d, inst, ref)
  Add dice, combo-ok
Respect-Commanding Attitude                   (5m, scene, simp(4lt))
  Succ>MDV, listen compulsion, 1wp/5 min resist, combo-ok, compuls, social
Heart-Compelling Method                       (6m, scene, supp)
  Succ>MDV, intense emotion, 2wp resist, combo-ok, emotion, social
First Presence Excellency                     (1m/d, inst, ref)
  Add dice, combo-ok
Irresistable Salesman Spirit                  (3m, inst, supp)
  Double presence action before MDV, combo-basic, social
Gathering the Congregation                    (10m1w, week, simp(5lt))
  Cha+[Perf/Soc], all who hear & persuaded gather, obv, social
Lucky[1] (1 pt)
Vice[Temperance - Alcohol] (2 pts)
Exceptional Short Sword (4 speed, +3 acc, +3L dam, +2 def, 3 rate)
Jade Hearthstone Bracers (-1 speed, +3 dodge, 8 attune)
Exceptional Chain Shirt(4/2 L/B, 0 mob, 0 fatigue)

XP Record


Jade Grand Goremaul (4 speed, +2 acc, +17/5L, -1 def, 1 rate, 16 attune)

