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Character Sheet

Name: Aimless Key ('Key')    Concept: Mad Adventurer/sorcerer     
Player:  DooM                Anima: Stylized towers of greatness and wonder
Caste:Twilight               XP: 24
Motivation: To find artifacts or spells the likes of which no one has ever seen.
(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [XX...]   Charisma      [XXX..]   Perception    [XXXX.]
Dexterity     [XXXX.]   Manipulation  [X....]   Intelligence  [XXXXX]
Stamina       [XXX..]   Appearance    [XXX..]   Wits          [XX...]
(Dawn)                  (Zenith)                (Twilight*)
Archery*      [XXXXX]   Integrity     [XX...]   Craft(magitek)[XXXX.]
Martial Arts  [.....]   Perform       [.....]   Investigation [XXX..]
Melee         [.....]   Presence      [XX...]   Lore          [XXXXX]
Thrown        [.....]   Resistance    [X....]   Medicine      [X....]
War           [.....]   Survival      [.....]   Occult        [XXXXX]
(Night)                 (Eclipse)               (Specialties)
Athletics*    [X....]   Bureaucracy   [.....]   
Awareness*    [XX...]   Linguistics*  [XX...]
Dodge*        [XXXXX]   Ride          [XX...]
Larceny       [.....]   Sail          [.....]
Stealth       [.....]   Socialize     [.....]

Languages: (Riverspeak), Old Realm, High Realm
   (=Backgrounds=)                        (=Virtues=)
Artifact       [XXX..]
Artifact       [X....]        Compassion [XXX..]    Temperance  [X....]
Resources      [XXX..]        Conviction [XX...]    Valor       [XXX..]
Influence      [XX...]        Virtue Flaw:  Foolhardy Contempt
                              Condition: Opportunity to prove Bravery.

Ammo: Sol 6/6 Luna 6/6

Essence        [XXX.......]        Name:Flintlock   spd 5,  acc 11,  dam 10L,  rate 2,  range 30
Willpower      [XXXXXX....]    Name: Broadhead  spd 6,  acc 10,  dam 4L,  rate 3, range 200
Limit             [XXX......!]   Name:   spd,  acc,  dam,  PV,  rate
                              DV:8 , Soak: 8L/8B 3/3 Hardness , Join: 4 , MDV: 6 or 2 
Health Levels:                Personal Ess   15/15
-0:  [ ]                      Periph Ess     30/30 (36)
-1:  [ ] [ ]                  Committed  Pers/ Periph 6
-2:  [ ] [ ]                  Willpower: 6/6
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery                    (cost 1W, duration Perm.)
  Enables TCS actions
Spirit Detecting Glance                       (cost 3m, duration 1scene, type Reflexive (step1))
  See spirits.
All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight             (cost 6m, 1 scene, reflex.)
  (Munchkin Eyes - Essence)
Third Dodge                                   (4m, instant, reflexive)
  +2 DDV  Other dodge Reroll
Shadow Over Water                             (1m, Instant, Reflexive)
  No DV penalty
Seven Shadow Evasion                          (3m, Instant, Reflexive)
  Perfect Dodge Compasssion
First Archery                                 (1m/die, Instant, Reflexive) 
Second Craft                                  (2m/Succ, Instant, Reflexive)
Crack-Mending Technique                       (10m/1w, Instant, Supp)
  Ess*3 of normal repair work per hour.
Second Invest
 +Succs to an invest roll                     (2m/succ, Instant, Reflexive)
Judge's Ear Technique                         (3m, Scene, Reflexive)
  Lie-detector (Ess in auto-successes if needed)
Courtier's Eye Technique                      (3m, Instant, Simple)
  Roll (Perc+Inv)+Ess Succs Vs. Manip+Soc/2, to learn Res, Influence, Backing, Followers


Emerald Countermagic                          (10/20, 1action/instant, 1st)
  Protect or Shatter Sorcery
Demon of the First Circle                    (20+m, Sundown/Midnight, 1st)
  Summon demon, spend 5 motes to reduce demon die-pool by 1.
Death of Obsidian Butterflies          (15m/30x100x10 yards, 1st)
  Pew pew, perc+occult+ess to hit, 8L+extra succs.

---Solar Sanctuary! (Inactive) ----

Name                                          (cost)
Intimacies: The Circle, Her Reputation, Artifacts
Flaws: Known Anathema **
Backgrounds: Already Specified
Equipment:Twin Artifact Flintlocks - Sol's Light and Luna's Fury

Speed 5, Acc +2, Dam 10L, Rate 2, Range 30per, Cost 1m/shot, 2m/Vuln Shot, 2m/ Sigil Shot Repair 2 Ess Reservoir 6m per

Longbow Speed 6 Accuracy +1, Rate 3, Range 200.

 -Broadhead Arrows Str+2L

Orichalcum Chain Shirt: (+7L/+5B Soak, +3L/3B Hardness, Attune 2)

Hearthstone Bracers: Windhands Gemstone

XP Record

8 - Courtier's Eye Technique 8 - Judge's Ear Technique 12 - Archery 5 8 - AESS 8 - Death of Obsidian Butterflies 3 - Invest 3 5 - Craft 4 8 - Second Invest Ex 8 - Solar Sanctuary :o

(Bonus Points) Bonus Points: Archery Dodge - 2

Artifact - 1

Lore - 2 Occult - 2

Linguistics - 1

Ess - 7

Influence - 1

Known Anathema - +2


Style: 1

