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Character Sheet

Name:                        Concept:     
Player:                      Anima:
Caste:                       XP:
(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [XX...]   Charisma      [XXX..]   Perception    [XXXXX]
Dexterity     [XXX..]   Manipulation  [XXXX.]   Intelligence  [XXX..]
Stamina       [XX...]   Appearance    [XXXX.]   Wits          [XXX..]
(Dusk)                  (Midnight)              (Daybreak)
Archery       [.....]   Integrity-    [XX...]   Craft         [.....]
Martial Arts  [.....]   Perform-      [XX...]   Investigation [.....]
Melee-        [XXXXX]   Presence-     [XXXXX]   Lore-         [XX...]
Thrown        [.....]   Resistance    [X....]   Medicine      [.....]
War           [.....]   Survival      [.....]   Occult        [.....]
(Day)                   (Eclipse)               (Specialties)
Athletics     [XXX..]   Bureaucracy   [.....]   Awareness: Listening  [XXX]
Awareness     [XXXXX]   Linguistics   [X....]   Melee: RoSE           [XX.] 
Dodge         [XXXX.]   Ride          [.....]   Presence: Persuasion  [XXX]
Larceny       [XXXXX]   Sail          [.....]
Stealth       [XXX..]   Socialize     [.....]

   (=Backgrounds=)                        (=Virtues=)
Artifacts      [XXXX.]        Compassion [X....]    Temperance  [XX...]
Manse          [XXX..]        Conviction [XXXX.]    Valor       [XX...]
Underwld Manse [XXX..]          
Liege          [XXXXX]        
Resources      [XXX..]           
Essence        [XXXX......]   RoSE(Staff):   spd 6,  acc 2,  dam 9B,  rate 2,  PV 7
Willpower      [XXXXX.....]   RoSE(Reaper):  spd 4,  acc 6,  dam 6L,  rate 3,  PV 6
Resonance      [..........]   DV: 6 , Soak: 15L/12B , Join: 8 , MDV: 
Health Levels:                Personal Ess  17/17
-0:  [ ]                      Periph Ess    24/24
-1:  [ ] [ ] [ ]              Committed  Pers 0 / Periph 17
-2:  [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]
Raition's Nimble Perch                        (3m, 1 scene)
2nd Athletics Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
Shadow Races the Light                        (1+m, 1 scene)

2nd Awareness Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
Keen Hearing/Touch Technique                 (3m, 1 scene)

Flitting Shadow Form                          (1m, instant)
Flickering Wisp Technique                     (3m, instant, Conviction flaw)
2nd Larceny Excellency                        (2m/succ, instant)
Theft of Face                                 (7m+consume ess, until sleep)
Theft of Mien                                 (10m+1wp+consume ess, 1h)
Flawless Doppelganger Disguise                (15m+1wp+1xp+consume ess, until released)
Solar Impersonation Style                     (15m+1wp, 1 day)
2nd Melee Excellency                          (2m/succ, instant)
Slashing Ghost Talon                          (1m, instant)
Crimson Banquet Method                        (5m+1wp, 1 scene)
Reaper of Men                                 (10m+1wp, 1 scene)
Soul-Searing Blow                             (2+m, instant)
Soul-Cleaving Strike                          (10m+1wp+1L, instant)
2nd Presence Excellency                       (2m/succ, instant)
Compelling Whisper Technique                  (10m+1wp, Cha days)
Ox-Body Technique                             (none, permanent)
Name                                          (cost)
  I need some of these
Intimacies: Mask of Winters, Requiem of Shrouded Echoes

Requiem of Shrouded Echoes: Reaper Diaklave, Artifact 4, Attune 8m
Stave:  Speed 6, Acc +2, Dam 9+2B, Def +3, Rate 2, Min: Str 2
Reaper: Speed 4, Acc +6, Dam 6+2L, Def +2, Rate 3, Min: Str 2
Shifting Silks: Improved Silken Armor, Artifact 4, Attune 6m
Soak 7L/5B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0
Soulsteel Amulet: Artifact 1, Attune 1m
Soulsteel Chain Shirt: Artifact 1, Attune 2m
Hearthstone Amulet: Web of Breath(Creation)
Requiem of Shrouded Echoes: Gem of Desire(Shadowland)

XP Record

32 - Ess 4
16 - App 4
8  - 1st Larceny Excellency
8  - Theft of Face
7  - Larceny 4
9  - Larceny 5
8  - Theft of Mien
8  - Flawless Doppelganger Disguise
8  - Solar Impersonation Style
7  - Dodge 4
8  - Flickering Wisp Technique
7  - Melee 4
9  - Melee 5
8  - Crimson Banquet Method
8  - Reaper of Men
8  - Soul-Searing Blow
8  - Soul-Cleaving Strike
10 - Ox-Body Technique
16 - Manip 4
3  - Awareness: Listen 3
3  - Presence: Persuasion 3
1  - Flawless Doppelganger Disguise (nomnom Solar>


A first (ha) draft of sorts before putting in multi-line descs
