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Blood: Demonblood
Nature: Architect
Concept: Smith

Thea, in contrast to most of the rest of the Boil, is an delicate oriental looking woman, seemingly far too fragile to make half of the things she makes. Her red hair she keeps short, and her eyes are dark, and expressive, showing the intelligence within. Her skin is the colour of fine porcelin, and is flawless, no scars or imperfections anywhere on her body. When she moves, it with a grace few in the city can match, every movement clear and precise. When she speaks, her voice is quiet, her diction precise.

Thea, when she is not working in the forge, dresses always in clothing of quality. Warm clothing against the chill of the North, predominantly dark colours, creating further contrast with her pale skin. Over her clothing she typical wears a exceptionally well crafted, for her own work is always such, buff jacket with concealed plats to help ward against the blows fate throws at her. At her side there is always a sword. The sword is beautiful, the hilt a materpiece in itself, the blade made of pure black metal.

Thea's mother is Alveua, the Keeper of the Forge of night. This has granted Thea power and abilities beyond many of the mortals around her, though she knows not whose daughter she is.


Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 2


Athletics 1, Awareness 3 (Flaws +1), Brawl 2, Bureaucracy 2, Craft 5 (Unbidden Excellence +1), Dodge 1, Endurance 2, Investigation 2, Lore 3, Melee 4, Occult 1, Presence 3, Socialize 2, Resistance 1.

Ice Tongue

Metalworking, Jewellery, Leatherworking, Clockwork, Iron-Tech


Essence: 2
Willpower: 7

Compassion: 2, Conviction: 2, Temperance: 3, Valor 4.

Essence pool:
33 Personal

Health Levels:


Soak (Stamina) 1L/3B
Soak (Perfect Buff Jacket) 7L/10B (Mobility -1 Fatigue 1)
Dodge 6

Punch Speed 6 | Accuracy 6 | Damage 4B | Defence 6 | Rate 5
Unwavering Ebon Speed 6 | Accuracy 11 | Damage 10L | Defence 8 | Rate 4

Advantages And Disadvantages


Awakened Essence - Sometime in the past, before she remembers, Thea learned to unlock her inner essence, granting her a small pool of motes to use. She uses this essence without thinking about it on occasion, generally to improve her craft, though occasionally for other things.

God-Body - Thea's infernal heritage has granted her a far tougher frame than her appearance would suggest, her body as resistant to harm as those of the Dragonbloooded, even healing like them, flawlessly.

Unbidden Excellence - Sometimes Thea makes things. She doesn't know why she does, what leads her to choose the forms that she crafts from metal or precious stones, but they tend to help. Her at least, if no-one else.

Lucky 2 - Despite her cursed heritage, Thea has lead a relatively blessed life, all the small things falling into place for her.

Prodigy - In addition to her natural affinity for Craft, Thea takes naturally to the skills of Melee and Presence.


Creation of Perfection (2m) - Roll Int+Valor. Add these Successes to any extended crafting roll.

Uncanny Prowess (2m) - Reflexive. Add Valor dice to any Dex roll requiring deft and quick movement.


Amensia - Thea remembers nothing of her childhood. Her earliest memory is that of waking in a bed with Iron Tears sitting over her, and then him telling her of how she found her. That was six years ago now. Two thirds of her life is blank to her.

Ignorant of Self - Thea has no idea of her infernal heritage, not even that she is not entirley human. If Iron Tears knows, he has not told her, and in any case, she has no idea who her mother is. She doesn't know that she occasionally channels essence, and would be very suprised if someone pointed this out to her.

Unusual Appearance - Thea does not belong in the Boil. Her appearance tells everyone this, and while they soon get over it, first meetings with people are hard, the natural suspicion of those who are different making things that little bit harder.

Enemy 2 - Someone is hunting Thea. She isn't sure who, for no-one who has come for her has talked. She isn't sure why. She isn't sure where they originate from, but hunt her they do. It makes her a little wary of new people, at least until she's reassured herself they are not out to get her.


  • Artifact 1
  • Henchman 1
  • Mentor 2
  • Resources 3


Unwavering Ebon (Perfect Great Sword - Artifact 1)

This sublimely crafted blade of a strange black metal was found on one of the defenders of Thea six years ago, and has not strayed far from her since. Thea has no idea who made the blade, or why it feels as safe as it does in her hands. Iron Tears is likewise baffled as to the metal used, though he can recognise that it was created by a craftsman almost as skilled as he, if not more so. The blade is of course one of the Forgings of Alveua, the soul of someone who cared deeply for Thea crafted into the blade, and like all such forgings, it seeks to protect her in what ways it can.

Speed +0 | Accuracy +3 | Damage +6L | Defence +0 | Rate 4


Severin - Severin is somewhere between Thea's apprentice and her assistant. He has been with her for over a year now, originally an aspiring Gearhead, but now is devoted to Thea, admiring of her skill. (more to follow)


Since his Gearheads found her in the snows outside the city, Iron Tears has been like a father to Thea, providing the roof over her head, the clothes on her back, helping her in her burgenoning efforts to craft things, watching pleased as she mastered the Smith's art and more. Now that she has grown up he sees less of her, Thea having developed something of an independant streak, not something he entirely approves of, though she still returns home to sleep under his roof.


Thea is a skilled smith. A very skilled smith, and she commands a high price for the fruits of her labours. She operates out of a small forge and shop below the Snow Owls Rest, catering to select group of people within the city. It's here that she does most of her work, though occasionally she works within the Snow Owls Rest.


"...And so that is how my disciples found you. The men about you were dead, and they bore no livery to indentify them to me. Your coach was burning, the horses having long since bolted, and you yourself were lying half in and out of the coach, wounds all over your body. There was no sign of the men who attacked you, just footprints leading off into the growing blizzard. So my disciples brought you back here, and now you're mine to protect."

That was six years ago now, and since then Thea has grown from a delicate looking girl into a delicate looking woman. She has faced the trials and tribulates of growing up in a city which you know no-one, and obviously don't belong with a strong heart and even temper. She has risen slowly in her skill of both making and weilding blades and weapons of all kinds, and now there are few things of metal that she cannot craft given time. Over the years she has of course tried to find out who she is, and why she is hunted, but with no memories to go on, and little information, all her probings have resulted in nothing.

Now of course, she has friends within the city, a place of her own, and a purpose of sorts.
