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The Maiden in Shadows on the Edge of Twilight

I'm too goddamn derivative for my own good.


The Maiden appears to be a young woman



Once upon a time, there was a young princess who loved the darkness. Her kingdom was taken from her in a vicious coup that left her family and her court in pools of blood, and her mind firmly set on revenge against the creature that took her birthright and her wellbeing from her. To this end she traveled creation, seeking greater and greater power in an attempt to take back the throne and the life that was rightfully hers.

After a long and fruitful journey, she found her way to the creature's dark palace and challenged it to a duel for their lives. At first they were closely matched, but then the creature took his true form and she found herself bleeding and cursing at her torn, weak body that could not stand against this thing that was so powerful.

With her dying breath, she asked for power.

A voice spoke to her, and a figure wreathed in blue flames appeared, offering her limitless power in exchange for her service. At first, the princess denied the mysterious benefactor -- only a fool would sell herself into thralldom for a taste of power. But as the life ebbed from her and her vision grew dark with the shadows she so loved, she relented. Shadow flowed into her wounds and made her into something darkly beautiful, something she had never thought she could be.

Her hardened body rose from its death-throes and lashed against the creature, and the creature could not stand against her new-found magic. As it spasmed and screamed before her, she laughed and laughed and laughed.

Thus was born the Maiden in Shadows on the Edge of Twilight.
