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Virtous Guardian of Light

Solar Circle

Cost: 45 motes, 5 comitted

Target: One creature

With this spell, a sorcerer molds his Essence into a being of magical solar flame that protects him from attacks. The virtuous guardian lasts for 40days and 40 nights. It is not truly alive, being solely a manifestation of the sorcerer’s will and Essence, but it acts independently of the caster when in battle.

The guardian appears as a small flame, about the size of a torchlight when not in combat. If desired, this flame can even rest inside a lantern or on top of a torch so as to remain hidden as a mundane flame, so long as it remains within three yards of the sorcerer. To recognize a hidden guardian requires an Intelligence + Occult roll with a difficulty of 5. The instant someone physically threatens the caster, the guardian expands into a man-sized disc of golden fire, inter- posing itself between the sorcerer and those who would harm him. If the target is attacked then the guardian forms itself into a shield that provides 75 percent cover (-3 successes on all ranged attacks) and incinerates any mundane missiles that it blocks.

The guardian will also parry both melee and ranged attacks. The guardian ignores initiative and does not split its dice pool to parry, nor can it attack. It uses the target’s Occult + Essence when parrying incoming attacks. Any barehanded attacks that are successfully parried cause the attacker to take three aggrivated lethal health levels of damage from the burning protector,and any normal weaposn that are aprried are destroyed dealing 4 lethal damage tothe wielder( which may be soaked, but only with natural soak).The Guardian can parry a number of incoming attacks equal to the sorcerer’s perception plus permanent Essence every turn. While pro- tected by a virtuous guardian, a sorcerer may act normally and split his dice pools, but he is able to wait to respond to attacks, based on how successful the guardian is at defending him. For example, if the caster split his dice pool to include multiple defensive actions, then he need not waste defensive actions against attacks that were success- fully parried by the guardian.

Finally, the caster may spend a temporary willpower point to cause the guardian to perfectly block any one attack that he is aware of. The guardian is not intelligent, but, as an extension fo the caster's essense, it is able to react to the caster's own needs and desires and is only "fooled" if the caster is.