[First: It should be noted that the PCs recruited the aid of a water Nymph, Maiden of the Merciful Foam, to aid with this mission, and then kind of forgot about her once it was realized that they grossly outclass small armies]
The Sidereals set about hiding themselves with their charms and skills, while Platinum Sky Lover takes up a position on a bookcase, out in the open, to draw the attention of the Abyssals.
The Abyssals arrive and witty banter ensues, followed swiftly by vicious battle. Sour Ice Phoenix, Daybreak Deathknight [ST's note: She was Day caste, Weeping Glass is Daybreak], goes down in the first moments of battle, sundered by Silent Sunset and Jiang's sharp blades. She flies over the edge of the pit and crashes into the platform farm below, her blood soaking the sarcophagus.
Weeping Glass begins to invoke a necromantic spell [ST's note: sorcerous, not necromantic] and Platinum Sky Lover immediately leaps to assault her, pummeling the unmoving ivory princess with a rain of most excellent Kung Fu. Our new friend, Hidden Crystal, sets about the ghosts, slaughtering them.
Down below, the sacrophagus disgorges an enraged First Age ghost. A quartet of first circle demons materialize and together, the five of them begin to rise up to the battle above. [Edit: Trio, not quartet]
Silent Sunset turns his attentions to the ghosts now, shredding them with his masterful kung-fu. Five ghosts perish, destroyed by one sword technique.
Jiang, seeing the rising abominations, carefully takes aim with his firewand and, with a lucky shot, ignites a keg of Fire Dust he'd hidden before the battle. The platform shatters and the sarcophagus tumbles into the void. The demons and ghost are almost unhurt, and continue to rise upwards.
The ghost lashes out at Platinum Sky Lover, but her claws slice through air alone. The Sidereal dances aside, barely noticing the ghost's attack. [No, the ghost hit for 40L. She just soaked it down to ping. Badass.]
Hidden Crystal is not so lucky. The First Age defenses paralyze him, striking him with a brilliant beam of essence that freezes him in place!
Silent Sunset, seeing the sacrophagus drop into the abyss, leaps after it and leaves his Circle to fend for themselves! Platinum Sky Lover wraps herself around the Abyssal and, in an effort to break the woman's concentration, kisses her. Weeping Glass simply tilts forward and begins to roll them towards the edge. [No real rolling, just pitches off into the abyss. The kiss did break concentration, though!]
Jiang grabs his brother, Hidden Crystal, and uses the Sidereal as a blunt weapon. The sidereal easily cleaves a demon in twain, while the Hungry Ghost is frozen by the first age defenses.
Platinum Sky Lover and Weeping Glass tumble over the edge! Platinum Sky Lover pulls her sash loose and cracks it like a whip, trying to snag it on the ledge. Jiang drops Hidden Crystal and, pushing the ghost over the edge as he goes, siezes the sash. Ignoring the attacks of the demons, he tries to pull them both to safety.
Down below, Sunset and the sarcophagus are near the bottom of the mile deep pit. Sunset grabs the sarcophagus, misses, and grabs it again. Prying it open, he channels his essence through the corpse and, far above, the falling Ghost dissolves into nothing. With a display of fantastic athletic skills, he leaps for the wall of the pit and begins to sprint up the side, born upwards by magic and the wings of his familiar. [Mostly the familiar, as he lacks fantastic athletic skills]
Up above, help arrives in the form of a Solar [Glorious Sunset-- you remembered the tomb as a way to track her down, if you'll recall] seeking to reclaim the treasures of her past life. She swiftly disposes of the remaining demons. [And breaks Weeping Glass's Virtuous Guardian of Flame that had been whittling PSL down a HL a turn or so]
Platinum Sky Lover, now safe and quite naked, spends some time trying to sucker the Solar into her pyramid scheme interest the Solar in the Cult of the Illuminated.
Silent Sunset returns and, once PSL can be pried away from the Solar, the Sidereals return to Heaven, parading their now captive Abyssal through the streets.