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Caste: Dawn Nature: Rebel Anima: Unspent XP: 9 Concept: Selfish Jerk / Hero by Default

Attributes Str: 3, Cha: 3, Per: 3 Dex: 4, Man: 2, Int: 2 Sta: 4, App: 3, Wit: 4

Abilities Dawn Brawl: 3 Melee: 3 Thrown: 2

Zenith Endurance: 1 Presence: 2 Resistence: 2

Twilight Investigation: 1 Lore: 1

Night Athletics: 2 Awareness: 2 Dodge: 2 Larceny: 3 Stealth: 2

Eclipse Linguistics: 1 (Old Realm; native language: Wavetounge) Sail: 3 (Piracy, obviously) Socialize: 1

Advantages Virtues Compassion: 2 Temperance: 2 Conviction: 3 Valor: 3 (Megalomania) Essence: 2 Personal: 12 Peripheral: 37

Backgrounds Artifact: 3 (astrolabe) Resources: 2 (various stashes of loot in remote locations and in the hands of unsavory fixers in various cities) Contacts: 1 (assorted derelicts and ne'erdowells in assorted ports of call)


Brawl Sledgehammer Fist Punch Heaven Thunder Hammer (by popular request)

Melee Excellent Strike One Weapon, Two Blows Peony Blossom Attack

Athletics Graceful Crance Stance

Larceny Seasoned Criminal Method

Sail Salty Dog Method Perfect Reckoning Technique Wind-Defying Course Technique