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jetman [to TonyC]: Saturday's bad for me.
TonyC [to jetman]: Don't worry. The idea is for me to move some other things to Saturday.
jetman [to TonyC]: Ah, OK.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( So, are we ready for Truth or Consequences for Monkey? :) )
TonyC [to jetman]: Isn't that Truth or Dare?
jetman [to TonyC]: That seems vaguely frighening... Is there anything Monkey won't dare?
Monkey . o O ( Good point. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe something educational might get to him though1 )
Monkey [to The Storyteller]: So, where do you want to start? Monkey dumping the warstrider in the courtyard? Monkey being kicked out of bed by CK? Or Monkey waking up hours after sunrise? Or CK and the Taimyo strategy meeting?
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The first sounds good to me. )
Monkey . o O ( Funny, I thought the last sounded good to me. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Me? Sunrise, with a quick handwave over Monkey explaining just why there's a soulsteel warstrider inside Celeren. )
The Storyteller . o O ( At least, explaining to the Lookshy folks. Not to the Captain, not yet. )
Monkey . o O ( Sunrise. That'd be CK and Taimyo breakfast meeting. 'Coz Monkey's busy snoring. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I'm presuming the Captain slept in the Manse, given the late hour he finished the ritual, BTW, if that would be allowed. )
The Storyteller . o O ( I'm pretty sure it would be. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Should I start off then? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Feel free. I'm still working out an antagonist's crunchy details. )
TonyC [to jetman]: Let me know how many hours of sleep CK will let Monkey have.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( When did he get back? The captain's up with the dawn... 6AM, so at least between those two times worth, since he has no reason to wake him yet. )
Monkey rolled 4 dice on conviction and got 3 successes.
Captain Kaizoku rises with the dawn, as he has every day since Exalting. He splashes some water on his uneven face, buckles on his Daiklave, running his thumb over the newly warm Hearthstone there and pulls on his coat as he heads out the door to meet wtih the injured Taimyo over his plan to seize the Deathlord airship plauging the city.
Monkey . o O ( somewhere between 00:30 and 1:00. Call it 1 o'clock for easy round number. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( So five plus however long the meeting takes. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The Captain won't leave the meeting to go chew Monkey out, despite the fact he'll probably hear about the hijinx then. )
Monkey . o O ( zzzzz. )
Monkey . o O ( You know, have you figured how long it will take a Skywolf-class ship to travel to Celeren from Lookshy? )
The manse is already active. Seventh Legion soldiers move about in orderly fashion conducting the business of the retreat.
The Storyteller . o O ( Moot point, as I'll explain shortly. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And if the enemy ship is vanishing that fast, they must be moving it through the Shadowlands. )
Captain Kaizoku strides along briskly, heels of his well-polished boots clicking on the stone of the manse, full of brisk confidence as he moves.
The Taimyo is dining on the balcony overlooking the city, where the assassination attempt took place yesterday. The blood from the combat has been cleaned up, and the Dragon-Blooded has been carefully bandaged. As the Captain enters his presence, he nods in greeting and finishes chewing before he speaks. "Good morning, Captain Kaizoku."
Captain Kaizoku inclines his head as he moves to sit by the Taimyo. "And a good morning to you Taimyo Yushoto. I hope your new wounds are not troubling you."
The taimyo says, "No, not especially. My physician is skilled. Did you sleep well?"
Captain Kaizoku replies "Yes, the construction of this building lends itself to a very refreshing sleep." Squaring his shoulders, he gets down to business. "Now, shall we discuss my plan? Monkey may have told you the essentials, but he is not... detail-minded, shall we say."
Taimyo Yushoto says, "Yes. Although -- there may be a new wrinkle... Look there," he points at the enemy camp. "And there," he says, pointing at a plaza toward the southern part of the city. "Notice anything different?"
Captain Kaizoku lifts his eyebrows in surprise. "I would like to believe that the touch of the Sun made the Reducer repent his ways and defect, though there is a more likely explanation... Monkey seemed quite taken with the idea of Warstriders since we first arrived in Lookshy."
Taimyo Yushoto cuts another piece of steak and says, "Then his daring raid was not your plan? Somehow, I am not surprised..."
Monkey . o O ( You could have claimed it as your idea. Not too late yet. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( It's not the Captain's style... )
Monkey . o O ( Anyway CK can do whatever he thinks best with it. )
Captain Kaizoku says, "My force's operational orders were to aid the evacuation and disrupt enemy forces here in every way possible. It appears he showed quite a bit of imagination in carrying the orders out. I trust there were no unfortunate consequences from his action?""
Monkey . o O ( Nicely erudite. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( When you can't dazzle them with dexterity... )
Taimyo Yushoto says, "Not yet. The enemy has been very quiet so far. In any case, the warstrider techs were thrilled to see... that. They've been over it all morning. I'm told it's far more powerful than anything we can create."
Captain Kaizoku says, "This makes the second wound to the Reducer's pride in less than a day... he will make a move from anger, and it will be the wrong one for him. Do you have someone capable of using the unit? It may be able to assist in removing the Deathknight skyship from the equasion."
Taimyo Yushoto says, "I am unwilling to risk one of my 'strider wearers in a deathknight warstrider, especially since the techs report that this one seems to have some sort of security system. They haven't figured out what it does yet, but they do say it doesn't appear to interfere with operating the 'strider. Nonetheless... Also, it appears to have a Celestial Wings module, or at least the equivalent."
The Storyteller . o O ( brb, making coffee )
Monkey . o O ( Security system, eh. )
Monkey . o O ( I hope Jesse didn't get an idea or two from Gundam Wing. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Monkey on the Zero System is a scary notion. )
Monkey . o O ( With your Lore and Occult you might be able to guess what it does. Failing that, City Father might. )
Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, does spirit gets tired? )
The Storyteller . o O ( back )
Captain Kaizoku says, "Interesting... A functional one? I have some experience with advanced devices... I will see if I can deal with it, and Monkey could operate it adequately for what I have in mind. Now, the question is, will the Legion be willing to feint with the Skywolf to bring forth the enemy craft?"
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Lore, Occult and past lives bonus. )
Taimyo Yushoto says, "I have contacted the Sky Guard, and persuaded them that a quick flyby of the Skywolf is all that's needed. It should happen around noon. We'll have half an hour's notice.
Captain Kaizoku nods briefly. "Excellent. I will require a few things on the ground... an officer familiar with skyships to determine the exact method of attack, an cleared area in the city to land it in and a fang or two of high-quality troops there to board. A warstrider with chains strong enough to hold the ship down would also be useful.
Monkey . o O ( Uh, you'll need many warstriders. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( No, just to throw the chains over it... they'll be attatched to something strong. Not like balloon holders. )
Monkey . o O ( I see. Still, a pair or two pairs might be a good idea. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( By not asking for too much up front, the Taimyo will suggest doing more and not feel taken advantage of. :) )
Taimyo Yushoto says, "Chuzei Arakawa has some experience working with the Sky Guard. I will assign her to aid you. The best place to land the skyship, should you succeed, is probably between Port and Pasture -- the hills are level enough. I can also spare a fang of gunzosha, if necessary, and a warstrider."
Monkey . o O ( You plan on boarding the skyship? Alone? )
Captain Kaizoku steeples his fingers. "Superb. One other minor thing... a barrel of firedust configured to explode. I hope to seize the ship, but I plan to elimate it as a force here..."
Taimyo Yushoto says, "I see. I'll send a message to the engineers and see if we have enough firedust, and if so, to rig a mine."
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Hrm. If Monkey's flying the Warstrider, that does complicate things a bit... Maybe he can grab onto the deck with it and hop out to board as well. )
Monkey . o O ( Getting out of a warstrider takes about as long as getting in, IIRC. About 5 minutes. )
The Storyteller . o O ( IIRC, it's a bit faster -- but the 'strider doesn't deattune for 5 minutes. )
Captain Kaizoku says, "Should the Warstrider there not be ready or able to make the attempt, do you have any small craft that might serve? The City Father can only carry one, and both Monkey and I will be needed to battle the Deathknights within.""
Taimyo Yushoto says, "We do. After speaking with Monkey last night, I arranged for a Chariot of the Infinite Heavens to be prepared. It will carry two in addition to the pilot."
Captain Kaizoku says, "Should there be room, is there a soldier you would recommend to accompany me on this task? I can see why you might hesitate in doing so, so please do not feel obligated. And for the future... how soon would the Sky Guard be able to arrive and evactuate the citizens here once the sky is clear?"
Taimy Yushoto says, "I will ask for volunteers, but don't expect too much. The Sky Guard should be able to have at least one skyship standing by immediately -- the bait ship. Others can arrive within a day."
Captain Kaizoku says "You have been more than generous with someone that many consider a creature as bad as those out there." His hand waves to the Deathknight emplacement.
Taimyo Yushoto is silent for a space, then says, "I have seen many things in my service to the Legion, but nothing as bad as the trail of desolation they leave. You cannot possibly be any worse."
The Storyteller . o O ( Shall we move on to the next scene? )
Captain Kaizoku says "I hope more will see things as you do, and better in time. Now, we both have many tasks ahead... where can I find the officer you recommended?"
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Yes. )
The taimyo directs an aide to lead you to Chuzei Arakawa, and you leave him to finish his breakfast. The chuzei turns out to be an attractive young red-headed Dragon-blooded woman. She's examining a small flying machine in meeting hall converted into a staging area about seven blocks from the Celeren Manse.
Captain Kaizoku bows to the Chuzei, politely for a superior. "Good morning Chuzei. I trust you know who I am and why I am here?"
Walking with the aide, you are struck by the silence of the city -- this area has already been evacuated -- and by the low-hanging clouds that threaten the city with soon-coming rain. You're also a little distracted by a rumbling in your gate.
The Storyteller . o O ( She's the equivalent of a lieutenant -- you're being polite as a superior or to a superior? )
Captain Kaizoku glances over in that direction.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The former. )
Monkey . o O ( Don't forget to check the warstrider after this. (More sleep time for Monkey, and time for me to make hot choco!) )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, Monkey will come along for that inspection. He brought it home, so he has to look after it. )
Chuzei Arakawa returns the captain's bow and says, "Good morning, captain. I've been briefed. What are your orders?"
Monkey . o O ( Choco beckons. Brb. )
The Storyteller . o O ( as does my coffee. )
Captain Kaizoku looks over the small vehicle for a moment. "My plan is for my number one and I to board the enemy skyship and take control of it, or disable it. You are familiar with large skyships... I want to know everything you do about the best entry points, the weak spots, crew and crew concentrations, and what the mystery ship has been observed doing."
Chuzei Arakawa says, "I can best answer that over here," pointing to a nearby table laden with, well, paperwork. And tools, and parts, and so on. Walking over, she pulls out a large piece of paper covered in crude sketches. "This is what we know about the Abyssal skyship. As you can see, it's similar to Skywolf, but there appear to be significant differences as well. Note the four Essence turbines on the sides, and the deckhouse aft. However, from what little we've seen, it operates on much less crew than Skywolf or her sister ships. We have not seen any deathknights aboard her, but we assume there is at least one. I would guess there are at least two decks inside -- an engine deck and a crew deck. Any officers are likely to have cabins in the deckhouse, and here," she points at a raised structure on the deckhouse, "is the bridge. Entry points are certainly from the deckhouse, and probably from hatches near the bow and amidships."
She continues, "I can't really hazard any guesses as to crew or crew concentrations, but if operates like Skywolf, you can expect around fifteen to sixty crew and marines. They'll probably be concentrated around weapons and engine areas, or at other critical defenses. They may have warstriders aboard, but those will probably be lashed down and unmanned in flight."
Captain Kaizoku says, "Very good. What directions are the best for approaches in your craft or a flying being? Ones out of line of sight of the bridge and the weaponry on it? It appears the first and best choice is to drop onto the deckhouse and board the bridge directly."
She rolls up the paper and hands it to Captain Kaizoku. "As for what the ship has done -- mostly it's secured air superiority. We can't risk Skywolf or her sister ships for this objective, and the enemy ship is quite well-armed. It's done little aside from a few aerial battles and act as support for those hybrocs."
TonyC has reconnected.
Captain Kaizoku tucks the plan into his coat. "I do not anticipate the hybrocs to be a problem for the flight up... they avoid confronting the power of the Sun, as you may have witnessed. Do you believe you can maneuver your Chariot in for such a boarding?"
Chuzei Arakawa says, "There isn't a good approach. The weapons on the ventral fin ensure that the skyship has a good field of fire all around below. However, I can get you there safely." She grins cockily.
Captain Kaizoku smiles thinly and nods with approval. "Can you handle a vessel of this size? I may require a pilot for it shortly thereafter" he says with understated confidence.
Chuzei Arakawa says, "Of course!"
The Storyteller . o O ( Make a Perception + Socialize roll )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Per No Soc and got 1 success.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Does the new die roller say if you fumbled? )
Monkey . o O ( Yes. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Her attitude is disturbingly like Monkey's... Brash and very confident. )
Monkey . o O ( Hah! But I'm prettier! )
The Storyteller . o O ( I dunno, man... she's a redhead. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And female! )
Monkey . o O ( I'll concede the red-head part. )
The Storyteller . o O ( And move on? )
Captain Kaizoku says, "Very good. Now, I must find my Number One... Go and discuss your flight plans with the City Father... he will be joining us on this effort."
Monkey . o O ( Since you're here, perhaps check out the security system? )
The Storyteller . o O ( We'll start this scene around the captured warstrider. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Got it. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( How long did all the Captain's business take? That will determine how much sleep Monkey gets. )
The captain takes the shortest possible route to the warstrider plaza, only briefly distracted by a barracks mess where he's able to grab a bowl of rice and meat for breakfast. Upon entering the plaza, he is struck by the difference between the captured warstrider and the Seventh Legion's machines. It is both larger and finer, and carries an air of deadly menace and disdain for life that the lesser 'striders cannot match. This close, he can see details that were invisible from a distance. It is primarily composed of soulsteel -- and the faint keening of trapped souls grates on the nerves -- laced and overlaid with jade, steel, and silver. Protruding from the back are two sets of fins, one of which the captain recognizes as components in Essence-gathering equipment. The other set is placed very like a pair of wings, although far too small for that purpose.
The Storyteller . o O ( About an hour or so till he arrives in the plaza. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Six hours total then. )
Gathered around the soulsteel giant and in hastily-erected scaffolding next to it are a gaggle of Seventh Legion sorcerer-technicians, measuring, analyzing, testing, and generally ogling. They seem both enthused and nervous, unsure as to whether or not the object of their attentions will suddenly take offense and crush them all.
Captain Kaizoku had more than enough of soulsteel when he used a Daiklave made of the unwholesome metal, and does not hurry to touch it. He calls out to the techs as he approaches. "You men!"
Monkey . o O ( It's the Dark Escaflowne! )
Against a nearby house, Monkey -- obviously just awakened -- is wildly gesticulating, wooden bowl in hand, to a Dragon-blooded officer who looks rather tired.
Monkey notices the Captain and waves at him.
Captain Kaizoku points his finger over towards Monkey and calls out in his command voice "And YOU!"
The Storyteller . o O ( I figure Monkey woke up a few minutes ago and is regaling Narita with tales of his daring adventures. Narita, of course, didn't get any sleep last night. )
Monkey points at himself with a questioning look, and then turns to Narita and gives him the bowl. "Hold on to this for me. I'll be right back to finish it."
Monkey jogs towards Captain Kaizoku.
Captain Kaizoku is tapping his foot on the uneven pavement. "I am quite curious as to when I ordered you to steal this Warstrider Monkey..." he says in a low tone.
Monkey cranes his head sideways, trying to remember. "Hmmm, I don't remember you ordering it, Captain. Did you?"
Captain Kaizoku shakes his head once. "No" he says simply. "So, tell me... why did you endanger yourself needlessly to do so?" He continues to use a quiet voice, not wanting to air dirty laundry to the Legion.
Monkey says, "It wasn't dangerous at all, Captain. A little bit messy, what with zombies underfoot..."
Monkey looks at Captain Kaizoku's unamused expression. "Uh, it seemed like a good idea at the time?"
Captain Kaizoku says "And the Deathknight who piloted it wasn't dangerous when we battled him? Plus his companion, the sorcerer. I see..." he says thinly. "I will want you to write 10 page report on why you thought it was a good idea then and now Monkey. But that can wait. You recall the current plan?"
Monkey . o O ( Ouch. I regret having Monkey be literate now. :p )
The Storyteller . o O ( 10 page report? Oooh, freshman comp flashbacks. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The Captain would have just taught him first if that was the case. )
Monkey . o O ( You are a cruel master. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( It will show Monkey the joys of holding still, concentrating on one thing, critical thinking... )
The Storyteller . o O ( Better teach him critical and thinking first... )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( We'll need a bigger charm for that... )
Monkey says, "We're to check that place you think is the Floating Dead base?"
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, I can buy up favored skills at any time, right? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Aye. )
Captain Kaizoku lets out his first sigh of the day. "No, first we will lure out the enemy skyship, board it and take it over... the standard drill for ships. We will use that to track down the Floating Dead if all goes well. And we may use this for the boarding as well. What do you know of it?"
As the two Solars talk, one of the sorcerer-technicians walks over and waits just out of earshot.
Monkey says, "It's very big and heavy, Captain."
Captain Kaizoku says "You had best find out more, as you may be piloting it shortly." He catches the eye of the highest-ranking sorcerer-tech and waves him over.
The tech walks over and salutes. "Sir!"
Captain Kaizoku bows instead of saluting. "I have been informed there is a security system on this Warstrider giving your people trouble. Point it out to me."
The tech says, "Sir. Please follow me -- it's internal, and we'll have to climb up the scaffolding to take a look at it."
Captain Kaizoku tugs Monkey's ear before he starts the climb. "You too." Then he heads up after the tech.
Monkey says, "Ow!"
Captain Kaizoku feels a sense of deja-vu as he views the advanced machine during the climb, the play of material and energy reminding him of things he knew before of the mysteries of Creation and the Solar constructs that harnessed them.
Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, core book says Mask knows all Solar Circle spells the GM cares to give it. Celeren is doomed. )
As you perch on the scaffolding, looking into the opened chest of the warstrider, the tech points out threads of soulsteel and blue jade that form an intricate web around the wearer when the warstrider is closed. You also note that the warstrider appears to have an immensely sophisticated control harness -- in fact, the entire thing rivals First Age technology. Speaking of, various writings in Old Realm are sprinkled throughout the interior and on the exterior of the warstrider. At a glance, they vary from "Do not step" to intricate prayers in praise of the Malfeans. "Now that, sir, is the 'security system,' so far as we can tell."
The Storyteller . o O ( Well, duh. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Though I've chosen to interpret that as all Void-Circle necromancy spells. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Occult and Lore increased by one dot each from that flashback, adjusted on the Wiki. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Gimme a moment to look something up. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I'm guessing that the Void spells are even more destructive and unhealthy than Solar circle ones )
Monkey . o O ( Do not open. Contents not repairable. Contact a licensed sorcerer-engineer. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Ayup. Roll Int + Lore + whatever you get from Past Life to analyze the security system. It's difficulty 6 -- 4 because it's quite complex and +2 because it's not actually First Age but creepy Undead Co. (TM) technology. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe we can exchange it at the store for an Orichalcum model. )
Monkey . o O ( Abyssal schtick is death and destruction. They have no access to "creative" spells like Benediction of Archgenesis. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Spending a Willpower... and really need to bump up Int some week. )
The Storyteller . o O ( brb... nature calls. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 7 dice on something and got 1 success.
Monkey . o O ( You'll need a receipt though. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I like the other die roller more now... )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( But it was a gift! They didn't include it! )
Monkey . o O ( Let me call the Dea-, I mean, the manager first. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( It's still easier than doing it at Fry's. )
Monkey . o O ( I repeat my recommendation for a Lore charm or two. Or three. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, two successes. You study it for half an hour (during which Monkey gets rather bored) and gain a bit of a clue into the Essence flows but are unable to divine it's purpose. )
Captain Kaizoku makes some quick notes for the tech about it. "It is a fascinating device... and of recent manufacture, not from the First Age. I plan to study it further, and discover the craftsman... when time is not so pressing. Monkey!" he calls out, jumping down the scaffolding.
Monkey hops up.
Captain Kaizoku looks Monkey up and down. "Where did you leave the Essence Cannon? Are you prepared to use it?"
Monkey says, "In the ship's hold, Captain. And sure, just give a me a hop and a skip and I'll be right back with it. Err, you don't intend on blowing that device away with it, do you?"
Captain Kaizoku shakes his head. "Make it so. And no, you will be shooting at hybrocs with it when we make our ascent later. Fetch all of your weapons, and draw an extra dagger and cutlass for me. I will be at the central Manse, meet me there."
Monkey jumps down from the scaffolding and takes off in a run back to the docks.
Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, if there's enough hours, consider continuing studying the device. )
Captain Kaizoku heads to the Manse to meet with the City Father and Chuzei Arakawa.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Didn't he attune the night before? )
Monkey . o O ( What? Monkey and the Cannon? Yes. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, moving on. What's the plan, Cap'n? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( See what the Legion skyship brings out to play... )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. You get to the manse, and while Monkey's on his way back with the gear... )
Captain Kaizoku strides into the manse confidently, heading for the City Father's chambers, giving respectful, optimistic nods to all he sees along the way.
Monkey . o O ( Meanwhile, back at the villains Super Secret HQ..... )
All morning, the nemissary hybrocs have circled overhead, sometimes disappearing into the low clouds in their flight. Around mid-morning, the rain begins, a soft gray drizzle that dampens cookfires and spirits citywide. The captain watches the rain fall from the manse's Hearthstone chamber, which is open to the air on all four sides. Monkey dashes back from the docks, loaded down with weapons. And in the sky above, a distant humming roar can be heard coming from the east and growing louder by the moment.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Was any Legionnaire crazy enough to want to go on the trip? )
Monkey . o O ( Oh, no! Juggernaut showed up early! )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And he's humming! )
Monkey . o O ( It's a nice day for him. Perfect weather for a dead behemoth. )
Heralded by the sound of its flight, the Abyssal skyship breaks through the clouds, its ventral fin piercing the cloud cover like a strangely inverted soulsteel shark. The hybrocs swoop and whirl, making way for their mistress and converging on the skyship's flightpath as it passes. It circles high over the city, laying down a light fire from the powerbows mounted on the ventral fin.
The Storyteller . o O ( Your actions. )
Captain Kaizoku spreads out the map and points out the bridge's location to Monkey. "We are going in here, the bridge Monkey. We kill the Deathknight or knights there and land the ship. Otherwise, we will fight our way out and back to the turbine section, and blow it up. Stay close on the Father, my Anima Banner will keep the dead birds off. Clear? Good. Let's move. Chuzei Arakawa!"
Chuzei Arakawa snaps to attention. "Sir!"
Monkey says, "Aye, Captain!"
Captain Kaizoku says, "Fire up your chariot. You will be flying me there. City Father! Are you ready to aid us?"
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Say, does that get a WP back? )
Monkey . o O ( Okay, power-up sequence. Flow Like Blood. )
The young man nods, and he shifts into his war form -- a horse-headed man with the wings of an eagle, twice the height of the captain. He stretches his wings and looks to the sky.
Captain Kaizoku slides a knife up his sleeve, secures the cutlass at the small of his back, another knife in his boot and the Daiklave at his side as always, all tight in their sheathes.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Did they get a mine for us? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Yes. Also, you two should make Conviction rolls for waking up... )
The Storyteller . o O ( And yes, there's a mine available. It's a bit smaller than you'd like, but it's all the available firedust. )
Monkey . o O ( Already did way way back when you got coffee and accounted for. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. )
Captain Kaizoku says, "We would be greatful if you chose to board the ship with us City Father."
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And I was at full willpower from before. )
The City Father says, "I will do what I can."
Captain Kaizoku loads the mine onto the chariot and secures it, then loops a coil of rope over his chest. "Ready?" he asks the Chuzei, the repeats it to Monkey.
Monkey . o O ( Unless something happens right away, there should be enough time to put up defensive charms. All personal essence. )
Monkey says, "Since yesterday, Captain."
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. )
Monkey . o O ( FLB and the soak increase to 13B/13L. )
Captain Kaizoku says, "Should there be an Exalted there, if you get an opening in the battle, batter down their guard and I will strike a heavy blow after. I will do the same should I find the chance Monkey. "
The Abyssal skyship is as big as a Realm troop ship, but far more agile. Its circling path has become a spiral, centered on the warstrider plaza.
Captain Kaizoku calls out "GO!"
It's surrounded by a flock of hybrocs -- the number is impossible to count, as they mingle in flight, but you'd guess twenty to thirty.
Captain Kaizoku hangs on tight, watching the hybrocs... waiting to unleash the power of the Sun on them when they get too close.
The Storyteller . o O ( all set? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Barring a few more Solars in the circle to help out, yes. )
Monkey . o O ( oops, should be 12B/12L soak. )
Chuzei Arakawa tightens her grip on the chariot's controls and smoothly brings it up into a shallow climb -- and then suddenly you shoot up like a startled pheasant, in a swift corkscrewing path toward the skyship. Alongside and slightly behind you, you can see the City Father in flight, his wings moving with slow, steady beats that nonetheless propel him as fast as the chariot.
You rolled 6 dice on something and got 1 success.
You rolled 5 dice on something and got 4 successes.
One of the ventral powerbows targets you, and bolts of crackling Essence shoot past, leaving an electrical smell in the air. Chuzei Arakawa lives up to her brashness with quick and daring flight, and not a bolt touches you as the chariot curves up under the belly of the skyship and loops over it, hovering over the open deck. "Last stop! Everybody off who's getting off!" she shouts over the rushing wind and the crackle of Essence-powered weaponry. From the deckhouse, you see a pair of nemissaries rushing toward you.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Roll for init? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Not yet -- they're too far away. Shortly, though. )
The Storyteller . o O ( 'tis your action, though. )
Monkey . o O ( Banner away? )
Captain Kaizoku draws his Daiklave, pulling a tide of Essence along with it... he points it at the approaching Nemissaries and it washes over them as solar winds and waves crash around the Captain, revealing his mighty aspect for all to see. He strides forward resolutely, eyes narrow.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Bingo. Fear flare. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Wotcher. Just a sec. )
Monkey . o O ( Nemissary. p 301 )
Monkey . o O ( Getting that PDF version back during the promo does have its benefits. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Actually, I have all the extras typed up on 3x5 cards. )
The Storyteller . o O ( v. handy in tabletop sessions. )
You rolled 4 dice on Nemissary Valor and got 2 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Excuse me the roll. I can't decide whether Monkey will power-up completely or just half-way. )
Monkey rolled 5 dice on something and got 1 success.
Monkey rolled 2 dice on something and got 2 successes.
The silver-masked ghosts blanch and slow their advance -- but still, they advance. Four more emerge from the deckhouse, halberds in hand.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And will he take potshots at the Hybrocs on the way in? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Incidentally, they're armed slightly differently from the nemissaries in the army below -- those guys had polearms similar to western halberds, while these guys have naginatas. )
Monkey . o O ( Power up completely. Strength Increasing Exercise +3, Personal+ Peripheral. )
Their attention focused on you, the nemissaries do not see the City father until it is too late. He lands behind them, surprisingly silent despite his size, and attacks. He siezes the two rearmost nemissaries and hurls them overboard. The other four waver, and two turn back to face him while the other two hold their position and await your approach.
The Storyteller . o O ( Now roll init. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 20.
On 1d10+6, you rolled 10.
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey? )
Monkey rolled 16d10 and got 97.
The Storyteller . o O ( Whoa. )
Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 24.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( That's some charm. )
Monkey . o O ( Okay, d10+16 is parsed completely different from 1d10+16. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Are you guys rolling init with or without speed bonus? You're too far for melee. )
Monkey . o O ( With. Without, that's 1d10+8 = 16. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Whoops. Then I'm at 13 )
The Storyteller . o O ( Order's still the same: Monkey 16, CK 13, Nemissaries 10. Monkey, whatcha doin'? )
Monkey . o O ( Nothing. Full Parry, the main objective being protecting Captain, then the Chuzei, and then Yeke, in that order. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Are you guys staying on the chariot or getting off? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Getting off, walking towards the door. )
Monkey . o O ( I'm assuming everyone will just stroll straight into the bridge, ignoring the mooks. Except maybe City Father, who may have a differing opinion. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( How long is the deck from the landing spot to the door? )
The Storyteller . o O ( About 60 feet. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Ah, important point... actually, just a bit of desc coming up. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( OK. )
The deck of the skyship is riveted soulsteel and black wood. Aft, a deckhouse rises up seamlessly from the main structure of the ship. It's obviously two levels. On the lower level, which seems to be at least ten feet in height, two large doors open onto the deck. On the upper level, broad, dark windows look out in a band across the front and sides of the deckhouse. Forward, you see several weapon turrets, all silent at the moment, and what looks like a very large hatch, currently closed.
Monkey says, "Where to, Captain?"
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Is it wide enough to run across the deck avoiding most of the melee? And the Nemissaries came out of the deckhouse, or the fore hatch? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Yes, and the deckhouse. There is no one aside from the nemissaries, you, and the city father on deck at the moment, and you can't see inside the bridge to see who's there. )
Captain Kaizoku calls to the City Father "We'll leave this to you!" and to the Chuzei "Bring the keg when the way is clear!" as he takes off for the bridge at a run, leaping through the open doors of the lower level. "Monkey, with me!"
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Two actions, one for movement to get through there, the other... well, we'll see. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Likely an attack on whoever's on the other side. )
Monkey follows.
The Chuzei's reply is lost in a sudden gust of wind and rain, but a quick glance shows her readying her daiklave and looking expectant.
The Storyteller . o O ( It takes a full turn to circle the melee. In that time, the city father tosses another Nemissary overboard, is slashed by a second, and crushes a third underfoot. They're occupied. Bursting through the port doorway, you enter a wide room with four doors and a central stairway aft. The room is like a D, with the flat side forward. The stair is at the arc of the D, with two doors on either side. The stairway leads above and below, and is on the steep side. )
Monkey . o O ( You want to go straight the upper level? With a temporary strength of 5, Monkey should be able to either toss you up there and follow or just carry you as he jumps. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( There's no door there though, and cutting through would waste time and Essence. )
The Storyteller . o O ( You'll have to take the stairs to get to the upper level, unless you plan on jumping through the windows. )
Monkey . o O ( Or, since we're inside, we can take the stairs. )
Captain Kaizoku points up the stairs, holding his finger up for silence as he moves up the winding accessway, knowing the bridge is dead ahead.
Monkey tiptoes behind the Captain.
Monkey . o O ( I feel like Shaggy following Fred. Drats, should have specified Master Jaff coming along. He can be Scooby! )
The stair is a simple spiral, wide enough for two to walk abreast. As you climb up, you realize that the air inside the skyship is different from that outside. (Make a Perception + Occult check)
Monkey rolled 2 dice on something and got 1 botch.
Captain Kaizoku rolled 8 dice on Perception + Occult and got 3 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Ouch. Anyway, CK realizes that somehow, this ship is a mobile shadowland. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Which means... no Essence recovery. Any penalties to Solar actions. )
The Storyteller . o O ( IIRC, no. )
Captain Kaizoku refrains from commenting on this unsettling discovery as he leads Monkey onwards.
Monkey . o O ( Mmmmm, roasted chicken drumstick with garlic. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Arrr, do not make me hungry! )
Monkey . o O ( Anyway, we make our way up. )
The stairway is empty, and ends in a broad landing some ten feet across and five feet from stair to doorway. There is no door to the bridge, which is a room almost as large as the room below it, though trapezoidal in shape. Tinted glass -- or adamant? -- lines the fore and side walls, and arcane controls are scattered throughout. A table is on one side, with a few charts on it, and a speaking tube protrudes from the aft wall. A pair of nemissaries turn at your approach from their stations next to the main controls -- a yard-high pillar with a variety of levers and buttons, and a single hearthstone socket. There are also four war ghosts garbed in spectral chain, who step forward out of the shadows cast by Captain Kaizoku's anima.
The Storyteller . o O ( Anima flare should still be active, right? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Yep! )
Captain Kaizoku booms out "This ship is now the property of Captain Taiyo Kaizoku! Yeild and be destroyed!" as he brandishes his gleaming blade.
You rolled 4 dice on Nemissary Valor and got 3 successes.
You rolled 3 dice on War ghost Valor and got 1 success.
The undead warriors move forward carefully, weapons at the ready, bathed in the golden light of the sun. (Roll init, including weapon bonuses.
Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 23.
Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 24.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Now I'm really worried. )
On 1d10+11, you rolled 14.
On 1d10+7, you rolled 11.
On 1d10+7, you rolled 15.
The Storyteller . o O ( Order: Monkey, CK, undead )
The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, and roll Per + Awareness )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Per no Awareness and got 1 success.
Monkey rolled 3 dice on Per + Awa and got 2 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Monkey, whatcha doin'? )
Monkey . o O ( So, there's no way of getting to the bridge without going past the partition? )
Monkey . o O ( Or am I misunderstanding the desc? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( That's the outside window. We're on the bridge. )
Monkey . o O ( Okay. In that case.... )
The Storyteller . o O ( There's no real partition -- the entryway is about ten feet wide, about as wide as the landing. The nearest enemy, a war ghost, is about fifteen feet away, inside the bridge proper. )
The Storyteller . o O ( The war ghosts are using axes and shields. The nemissaries, naginatas. )
Monkey says, "Captain, proceed. I'll handle the guards."
Monkey . o O ( Okay, I want to make sure the war ghosts can not interfere with whatever CK is doing. Would a full-parry with perhaps a penalty do it? )
Monkey . o O ( Basically, if they take a swing, Monkey will block it, regardless of whether the swing is aimed at him or at CK. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Sure. Say, difficulty 2 to all parries. )
Monkey . o O ( Okay, done then. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Captain, what's your action? )
Captain Kaizoku holds his sword before him and runs past the shambling dead, as inorexable as the tide, heading for the main controls, first looking to see that there isn't a security system of the type on the Reducer's Warstrider.
Monkey . o O ( Oh, please let me know whether the attack is aimed at Monkey or CK. If it's at Monkey, I can probably use FLB first. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Saving any actions? And do a quick Per + Lore check. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( One for defense, yes. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 8 dice on Per + Lore and got 5 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Yay! )
The Storyteller . o O ( There does not appear to be a security system. )
Captain Kaizoku lays his hands on the controls and starts moving the ship down, to the designated landing spot.
The ghosts and nemissaries move forward, quickly attempting to block the captain's path.
Monkey steps forward to head them off.
Behind you, you hear three quick snaps, like the breaking of fingers. The snaps are quickly followed by the familiar howls of hungry ghosts.
Monkey says, "Uh oh."
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, so: First, two attacks aimed at Monkey. Second, two aimed at the Captain. These are all from war ghosts. Third, three attacks at Monkey from the newly arrived hungry ghosts. The nemissaries go on a full defense, blocking the captain from the controls. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Flow like Blood for Monkey? )
Monkey . o O ( Yes. Full dodge pool then. )
Monkey rolled 13 dice on Flow Like Blood and got 5 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on Flow Like Blood and got 7 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, let me roll the three attacks first... )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Do the Hungry Ghosts get fearful from the Captain's anima banner? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, aye. Thanks for reminding me. )
You rolled 3 dice on Hungry ghost Valor and got no successes but no botches either.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Back out they go! )
Bathed in the light of the Sun, the hungry ghosts blanch and flee out the bridge, down the stairs.
You rolled 6 dice on War ghost axe attack and got 3 successes.
You rolled 6 dice on War ghost axe attack and got 4 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( And now two attacks on the captain. )
You rolled 6 dice on War ghost axe attack and got 3 successes.
You rolled 6 dice on War ghost axe attack and got 4 successes.
Monkey rolled 12 dice on Parry and got 5 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey, roll to parry those two... )
Monkey rolled 11 dice on Parry and got 1 success.
Monkey . o O ( Geh. )
The Storyteller . o O ( One gets through with 3 successes remaining. Captain, defense if any? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Parry )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 14 dice on something and got 4 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Actually, since it's diff 2, the last one goes through with all 4. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Reflexive Charm or use an action? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Action. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, then, although you parry the blow, the ghost distracts you sufficiently that you can't reach the controls this turn. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Roll init for round two. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( OK. Sure wish I had Solar Counterattack... )
On 1d10+11, you rolled 12.
Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 23.
Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 18.
On 1d10+7, you rolled 9.
On 1d10+7, you rolled 16.
Captain Kaizoku turns and catches the war axe with annoyance, eyes narrowing as he is diverted from the controls.
The Storyteller . o O ( Order: Monkey, CK, undead )
Monkey says, "Where did those hungry ghosts come from?"
Monkey says, "And you! You aren't allowed to get past me!"
Monkey . o O ( Three actions, one attack, two defense. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Attack? )
Monkey . o O ( Against the last warghost, the one that got past. )
Monkey rolled 9 dice on Staff bash! and got 5 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Roll it. He's going to switch to full parry. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Correction, dodge. )
You rolled 1 dice on War ghost dodge and got no successes but no botches either.
The Storyteller . o O ( Hit. Subtract 7L soak and tell me what the raw damage is. 9 or better and he's gone. )
Monkey . o O ( With the extra successes, that's 20B. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Good enough. He's out, unconscious -- or whatever passes for it for ghosts. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Captain, what's your action? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( There's one in the way, right? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Or was that one the one that went down? )
The Storyteller . o O ( One war ghost, two nemissaries. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( OK. )
Captain Kaizoku has waves crashing and winds blowing around him as he strides forward to the controls, not letting the undead get in his way... his blade rises up to his shoulder slashes once, a long arc trailing sunlight, aimed at the two Nemissaries in his way.
Monkey . o O ( Okay, from what I can tell, from left to right: 3 ghosts, Monkey, 1 ghost, CK, 2 nemissaries, controls. )
Monkey . o O ( the 1 ghost in middle is knocked out. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( three actions, one held for defense, an attack on each Nem. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Umm... )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Problem with that action? )
The Storyteller . o O ( More like: four war ghosts surrounding you two in a square. One each at (using a clockface in which 12 o'clock is the bow of the skyship) 10, 2, 4, and 8. The one at 2 o'clock is out cold. The two nemissaries are past the war ghosts, standing in front of the controls. Monkey, which way are you facing? )
Monkey . o O ( As of my last action, 2 o'clock. Why? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Heh. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway, CK's action. Roll those attacks. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Can the Captain zip through the 2 oclock hole on his way to the Nems then? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Sure. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 11 dice on Sword strike and got 5 successes.
Captain Kaizoku rolled 10 dice on Sword strike 2 and got 2 successes.
You rolled 4 dice on Nemissary defense and got 1 success.
You rolled 4 dice on Nemissary defense and got 4 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( The first nemissary -- port -- fails to parry, while the other one deflects the captain's blow with his naginata. Subtract 6L and tell me the raw damage. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 8 dice on something and got 6 hits.
The Storyteller . o O ( Don't bother rolling -- these are extras. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Ah, OK. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( 8 then. )
Under the golden flash of the captain's blade, the nemissary's robes tear and its flesh cleaves asunder. The now-empty corpse crumples to the deck.
The Storyteller . o O ( hang on a second. Working some stuff out. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( It's a bad sign if there's just extras here. )
TonyC [to jetman]: Extras. Base weapon damage + successes /3 = damage. If damage >= 3, extra = gone.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Exactly. So where's the real boss and what is he or she doing, if not on the bridge? )
Monkey . o O ( Actually, he's out for lunch and will be very surprised when he comes back from the break. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Or maybe it's another sadistic sort like the last one, who likes to be hands-on and is in the gunnery room on the guns himself. )
The Storyteller . o O ( I go out for a blood break, and what do I find when I get back? You incompetents! You're all docked a weeks pay! )
Monkey . o O ( So, what does the warghosts do? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Wait for their master to act. )
The Storyteller . o O ( which is what I'm working out. )
The shadows behind Monkey split open and a small figure swathed in scarves robes dives forward, soulsteel claws shining on its hands. In a blur of dark Essence, it attacks, striking twice -- once at Monkey's back, once at the Captain's. Then it's past the captain and in one swift motion snatches the dark Hearthstone from it's socket on the control dais. It ends its action in a low crouch opposite the captain, the Hearthstone glittering like black jade in one hand.
The Storyteller . o O ( Two attacks. First on Monkey. Perfect defense? )
Monkey . o O ( If I'm aware of the attack, yes. )
The Storyteller . o O ( You aren't. )
The Storyteller . o O ( That's why I asked which way you were facing... )
Monkey . o O ( Then FLB is the only way. )
The Storyteller . o O ( So... Okay. Reduce the roll by half. )
Monkey . o O ( Hold on, let me check Reflex Side-Step Technique. How about you resolve CK's defense? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Which is a parry. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Naw, you want to stick with FLB. RSST only gives you Essence in defense, and that would also be cut in half. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Does the captain have a defense against surprise attacks? )
Monkey . o O ( You're right. So, 13/2. Round up or down? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Not that I can see, no. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Round up, and therefore CK has no defense against this attack. )
Monkey rolled 7 dice on Dodge don't fail me! and got 3 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Ah, crap, forgot to say "add wp" )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Is it affected by the Anima Banner? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Hell no. )
You rolled 8 dice on Impeccable Craftsman Shadowed Claw Attack and got 5 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey, what's your Lethal soak -2? )
Monkey . o O ( Not anymore. With charms, 12L. )
Monkey . o O ( Oh, wait, misparsed your question. 10L. )
You rolled 3 dice on Razor Claw damage and got 1 success.
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey takes a single Lethal HL of damage. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, and loses 3 motes. )
Monkey . o O ( Phew. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Now the captain. )
Monkey . o O ( Be strong, Captain! )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( There goes my record... )
You rolled 7 dice on Impeccable Craftsman Shadowed Claw Attack and got 3 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Soak -2? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( 8 )
Monkey . o O ( Given that I was attacked and hurt and therefore now aware, any chance of applying parry to help CK? )
The Storyteller . o O ( No -- too fast. Next turn, sure. )
You rolled 3 dice on Razor Claw damage and got 3 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Didn't think so either. :) )
The Storyteller . o O ( The captain takes 3 Lethal HLs and loses 3 motes. )
The Storyteller . o O ( And now the three war ghosts and the nemissary attack. 2 war ghosts on Monkey, one WG and the nemissary on the captain. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey first. )
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 3 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 4 successes.
You rolled 6 dice on War ghost axe attack and got 2 successes.
You rolled 6 dice on War ghost axe attack and got 2 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Two misses... )
The Storyteller . o O ( now the Captain. )
You rolled 6 dice on War ghost axe attack and got 1 success.
Monkey . o O ( Parry. )
You rolled 3 dice on nemissary naginata attack and got 2 successes.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Do I get to choose? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Wait for monkey to parry. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Wait, Monkey is parrying., )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I thought that was advice. :) )
Monkey rolled 8 dice on staff parry against warghost and got 1 success.
Monkey rolled 6 dice on MA parry against nemissary and got 3 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Alright, still good. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Successes! Describe it. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( A question... can the Captain tell the Hearthstone level of the one the DK just grabbed? And can the one he has fill in? )
Despite being wounded by the surprise attack, Monkey manages to retreat toward Captain Kaizoku. Still focused on defending his captain, his staff deflects a warghost's axe. From another side though, comes a nemissary. Unable to bring his staff to bear fast enough, Monkey shifts into a one-handed grip and uses his left hand to push the nemissary away from the Captain.
The Storyteller . o O ( No, but based on the briefing, it's probably a level three. Regular skyships usually have at least one Air hearthstone... but this isn't really a regular skyship. Take a chance? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Can I use the saved action to move to the controls and plug it in? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Sure. )
Monkey . o O ( Are you sure you want to do this right away? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Wait, make that two actions -- one to unplug it from your daiklave, one to plug it into the skyship. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Hmmm... better wait if its two. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( What's the terrible penalty for making an attack now? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Eh, lemme check. )
The Storyteller . o O ( -9. )
Captain Kaizoku makes a quick, poorly aimed swing at the Nemissary's neck, bleeding from where the claw attack slipped under his breastplate.
Captain Kaizoku rolled 5 dice on something and got 3 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Heh. Raw damage - 6? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( 3 )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( That's without the attack successes, right? Base damage? )
The Storyteller . o O ( No, add base damage. )
The Storyteller . o O ( I mean, successes. )
Monkey . o O ( No, he wants base+success. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Ah, 6 then. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. You wound the nemissary, but don't knock him out yet. )
The Storyteller . o O ( And.... roll initiative again. )
Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 17.
Captain Kaizoku 's sword catches the undead thing's neck and skitters down its armor, not quite tearing its head off.
Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 22.
On 1d10+7, you rolled 14.
On 1d10+7, you rolled 16.
The Storyteller . o O ( Order: CK, Monkey, Undead, Impeccable Craftsman )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Can the Captain get to the controls, or is the Craftsman in the way? )
The Storyteller . o O ( The captain can get to the controls. )
Captain Kaizoku resolutely heads for the controls of the ship, unscrewing the Hearthstone from his blade as he moves... Moving the gem to his off hand, he pushes it into the vacated slot and takes up the controls. "Monkey, gale force grab!" he calls out, a bad weather alert, and then puts the vehicle into a power dive!
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( How many actions is that? If it even works. )
Monkey . o O ( Whootcha. Graceful Crane Stance )
The Storyteller . o O ( three actions, assuming you save none for defense, and you also need to make a Wits + Lore + Past Lives roll to correctly operate the skyship. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( One for defense, just in case. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 8 dice on Piloting folly and got 4 successes.
Under the captain's hands, the skyship shudders as the essence flows through it change drastically, and then it tips forward into a sharp dive. Suddenly, the city of Celeren fills the forward windows, and you can see Chuzei Arakawa on her Chariot of the Infinite Heavens fall away from the deck. Everyone in the bridge scrambles for footing -- well, almost everyone.
The Storyteller . o O ( everybody except Monkey has to roll Dex + Athletics to stay on their feet -- difficulty 3. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Damn. I hope she can catch onto it and start it up. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Salty Dog wouldn't help, would it? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Ah, no. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Rats. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 5 dice on Footing and got 1 botch.
You rolled 4 dice on nemissary footing and got 2 successes.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( ARGH )
You rolled 4 dice on war ghost footing and got 1 success.
Monkey . o O ( If something is really important, use wp. )
You rolled 4 dice on Impeccable Craftsman footing and got 3 successes.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( True, I didn't think this was that important... )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Crud. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Did the City Father fly off? )
Of everyone on the bridge, only the deathknight and Monkey retain their footing. The deck is now at a forty-five degree angle, bow downward. Captain Kaizoku loses his grip on the controls as he hurtles over them toward the glass windows, flying over the deathknight.
The Storyteller . o O ( Roll a quick Wits + Athletics roll to catch hold of something before you smash through the glass. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( At least it's strong glass. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Spend a WP. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 5 dice on wits ath and got 2 successes.
There's a railing spanning the bridge in front of the control dais, and as he falls, Captain Kaizoku grabs it in a desperate bid for stability. (You'll need to spend action to get up, and you've lost your daiklave. It's up against the bulkhead behind the deathknight, who had to duck to avoid a nasty cut.
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey, your turn. )
Monkey sees that only him and the deathknight are left standing. Deciding that some payback is warranted, he leaps at the deathknight and his gorilla anima banner flares. He swipes the staff twice, one at the deathknight feet, and the another one at his head.
Monkey . o O ( Basically, two attacks with maxed out Excellent Strike. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, roll 'em. )
Monkey rolled 21 dice on Swipe1 and got 12 successes.
Monkey rolled 20 dice on Swipe2 and got 11 successes.
With a flare of ghostly Essence, the deathknight flickers between the strikes of Monkey's staff, avoiding the golden blows.
The Storyteller . o O ( Flickering Wisp Technique: Perfect Dodge )
Monkey . o O ( Ah well, I knew I'll have to deal with that eventually. )
The undead -- who have all scrambled and failed to find solid footing -- all try to get to their feet while remaining on guard, with varying degrees of success.
The deathknight narrows his eyes, and, in Old Tongue, says "Kill them," his eyes on a point behind Monkey. Then he leaps up into the almost free fall, one booted heel stretched out before him, and hits the front window like a hammer. The window shatters around him and he falls out of the bridge amid a sparkling shower of glass splinters. Amidst the glittering cascade, his cloak flaps, lengthens, and stretches into a dark pair of wings.
Meanwhile, behind Monkey, a familiar and grotesque scent fills the air -- mangy hair and blood, an oddly unworldly animalistic smell.
The Storyteller . o O ( And... roll initiative. )
Monkey . o O ( Hah. I laugh at him. )
Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 26.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Can I use my held action to Retrieve the Fallen Weapon first? )
The Storyteller . o O ( No, it's a Simple Charm. Has to be the only thing you do in a turn, IIRC. Monkey, correct me if I'm wrong... )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( It's a simple one, at least. )
Monkey . o O ( Nothing to correct. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( OK. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+7 and got 12.
Monkey says, "Captain! Do we really need to seize this ship?"
Captain Kaizoku says, "We seem to have lost the means to destroy it Monkey!"
Monkey says, "Maybe not!"
Captain Kaizoku says, "I should be able to get some help, should I maintain control!"
Monkey goes to the hearthstone and yanks it out.
The Storyteller . o O ( BTW, the ship will hit on count 0 in three turns. Crash site will be on the walls of Celeren, on the south side of town. That will probably severely damage the ship... )
Monkey . o O ( Two actions. One for defense. )
The Storyteller . o O ( This is turn one. Also, the City Father is nowhere to be seen. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I hope he's catching the Chuzei. )
Monkey . o O ( Next? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Who's next? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Hmmmm.... Captain, you're next. )
Monkey . o O ( If you want to stop Monkey, better say something. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Pretty much everyone else is too knocked off their feet to act quickly. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Nah. )
Captain Kaizoku calls out "Monkey! The drill with the Hybroc yesterday!" as he extends his hand and uses the power of the Sun to draw his Daiklave back to him, preparting to defend the controls until the last possible moment.
The Storyteller . o O ( Heh. Not much point, really... 'cept for the three blood apes that just materialized behind monkey. )
Monkey . o O ( Bah. Bring them on. )
Monkey . o O ( Besides, unlike me, they have to fight to keep their balance. )
You rolled 10 dice on Erymanthus footing roll and got 4 successes.
You rolled 10 dice on Erymanthus footing roll and got 3 successes.
You rolled 10 dice on Erymanthus footing roll and got 6 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( True, they do. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I'm really, really concerned now, if whoever this is can blow off a ship this easily. )
Monkey . o O ( They got lots more where this comes from. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, I forgot to mention the local heraldry: The deck of the bridge has an inlay of a pair of black feathered wings in a white circle. )
Monkey . o O ( CK should look up his yozi lore. )
The Storyteller . o O ( What for? )
Monkey . o O ( In case we're dealing with a yozi worshipper. )
Monkey . o O ( There's nothing stopping an Abyssal from going rogue and switching allegiances. )
jetman has disconnected.
jetman has connected.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Freeze disconnect, darn it. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Ah, okay. Cap, roll vs. Wits + Lore, dif 3 )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Monkey . o O ( They got lots more where this comes from. ) is what I last saw )
The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, I forgot to mention the local heraldry: The deck of the bridge has an inlay of a pair of black feathered wings in a white circle. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 8 dice on wits+lore and got 4 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( You think you remember the symbol on the decking coming up in some reading you did, long ago, mentioning a being called the Raiton Queen. Then again, it's a pretty simple symbol. You could be mistaken. No connection with demons. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Oy, where does the time go? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( A bit of an academic point... )
The Storyteller . o O ( Anway. Moving on. The blood apes attack Monkey, their shaggy, mishapen bodies moving with disturbing ease in the situation. One attack each. )
You rolled 7 dice on Erymanthus claw attack and got 3 successes.
You rolled 7 dice on Erymanthus claw attack and got 2 successes.
You rolled 7 dice on Erymanthus claw attack and got 3 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 5 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 10 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 14 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Yowza! How come you never roll this well against other Exalts? )
Monkey . o O ( Oh, that's easy. I always assumed that CK will deal with the boss characters and I deal with the extras. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway, 0 count comes and goes. Roll initiative. )
On 1d10+6, you rolled 11.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Turn two on the power dive, right? )
Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 24.
The Storyteller . o O ( Aye. One turn left. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 17.
Captain Kaizoku hisses under his breath "Monkey, put the stone back in. Time to reverse course hard!"
On 1d10, you rolled 2.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( See, the Blood Apes haven't seen this trick! )
On 1d10+7, you rolled 8.
Monkey shrugs and puts the hearthsone back before going back to his defensive posture.
Monkey . o O ( Same as before. Two actions. One for putting the stone back. One for defense. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Captain, you're next. )
Monkey . o O ( I'm assuming that the ghosts and nemissaries dematerialized once they realized they're about to crash? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The Blood apes are just agile, right? Not holding onto things? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Pretty much. Consider the undead a non-factor now. And yes, the blood apes are agile, although they are holding on to stuff. Not firmly, mind, more as simple handholds to help them move around the bridge. )
Captain Kaizoku grimly takes the controls once more. He pushes the throttle forward, so the ship dives straight down, then does a corkscrew roll to bring the ship upright and heading towards the landing spot, with a mind to bouncing the demons out the window during the first portion of the maneuver.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Seat Belts Save Lives. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay: Multiple actions, +1 stunt die, in this order: Dex + Athletics - 2 for climbing back up, Dex + Lore - 3 for the corkscrew, and Dex + Lore - 4 for coming out of the roll. Multiple action penalties and stunt bonus already added in. I suggest channeling a virtue or going for an autosuccess. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( How many WP can I use for autosuccess? Just one out of the three actions? )
Monkey . o O ( Yes. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And those are the penalties, not the successes needed after the -? )
think Yes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Yes. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Got it. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, do the pilot rolls get Past Lives bonus? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Yes. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 3 dice on Climbing and got 1 botch.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( DAMN it. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I was going to spend the WP on a later roll... )
The Storyteller . o O ( The captain had better buy up some Athletics, I'm thinking... )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Among other things... )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( But even more dice can't cut it against bad luck )
As he struggles to climb up, the captain's hand slips on the bloody rail, and he falls toward the now-open window.
The Storyteller . o O ( Roll Wits + Athletics to catch hold of something. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 5 dice on Catch and got 4 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Lucky. Sort of. )
Monkey . o O ( Well, at least when it comes to survival you aren't failing. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Botching on the same task twice in one fight though... a simple one. Not good. )
Captain Kaizoku spreads his legs out as he falls and catches the frame of the shattered window.
Desperately flailing as he falls, the captain manages to catch hold of window frame, his hand closing painfully over glass splinters. (Take a level of bashing damage.)
Monkey . o O ( Blood apes. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Meanwhile... Once again, the erymanthoi attack. This time, two attacks each. (GOtta love principle of motion) )
You rolled 7 dice on erymanthus claw attack and got 4 successes.
You rolled 7 dice on erymanthus claw attack and got 4 successes.
You rolled 7 dice on erymanthus claw attack and got 5 successes.
You rolled 7 dice on erymanthus claw attack and got 5 successes.
You rolled 7 dice on erymanthus claw attack and got 1 success.
You rolled 7 dice on erymanthus claw attack and got 4 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Do your defensive thing. )
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 7 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 10 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 6 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 1 success.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 14 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 6 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Will have to parry that 4th attack. )
The Storyteller . o O ( wait. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Raw damage is going to be 12L. Ping would be 2. What's your L soak? )
Monkey . o O ( 12L Why? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Well, you can use your held action to try to yank the skyship out of a dive if you wish. Up to you. )
Monkey . o O ( Point. Let's ask this OOC. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being (will die to accomplish it), how badly does CK wants the skyship? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( About a 7. But now there's not enough time to do the same bailout trick as the last time, so pulling up for the moment would be good. )
Monkey . o O ( Okay, roll the damage. )
You rolled 2 dice on ping damage and got 1 hit.
The Storyteller . o O ( 1 lethal HL. )
Monkey ducks and twists as he tries to reach the control panel. A lucky blow nipped him, but Monkey is undeterred. Grabbing hold of the control, he pulls the skyship up.
The Storyteller . o O ( Dex + Lore. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Are the DEMONS affected by the Captain's aura? )
Monkey . o O ( Autosuccess from WP. )
Monkey rolled 5 dice on dex + lore - wound and got 1 success.
The Storyteller . o O ( Hmm. Hadn't thought of it. Gimme a minute to think about it. )
Monkey . o O ( two total. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Says it applies to demons. )
Under Monkey's "gentle" ministrations, the skyship noses itself upwards, pulling out of the dive into a flat trajectory that will take it over the enemy camp in about four turns. The captain is now hanging from the outside of the deckhouse.
The Storyteller . o O ( Sounds good. Lemme just roll their Valor, then. (my bad) )
You rolled 4 dice on Blood ape valor and got 1 success.
The Storyteller . o O ( Just -2. )
The Storyteller . o O ( ANd... init, again. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 20.
Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 24.
On 1d10+7, you rolled 15.
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey, CK, apes. Monkey? )
The ship now pointing up, Monkey feels safe letting go of the control. Turning to face the apes, he rushes the nearest one.
Monkey . o O ( two actions. Attack Attack. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Yo. )
Monkey rolled 11 dice on Staff thrust and got 3 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( It's going to full dodge )
You rolled 6 dice on demon dodge! and got 6 successes.
Monkey rolled 10 dice on And swing and got 2 successes.
You rolled 5 dice on demon dodge 2! and got 1 success.
The Storyteller . o O ( One miss, one hit. Raw damage? )
Monkey . o O ( 16B. No soak? )
The Storyteller . o O ( 8B, so roll 8 dice. )
Monkey rolled 8 dice on something and got 2 hits.
The Storyteller . o O ( 'Tis bruised. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Captain? )
Captain Kaizoku grits his teeth against the pain and calls upon all his hidden resources to climb up through the shattered window and take the controls, turning the ship 180 degrees back towards the city.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And one action for defense. WP on the climbing. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Same routine: Dex + Athletics +1 stunt die, Dex + Lore + 1 stunt die. -2, -3 multiple action penalties. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Climbing and got 1 success.
Captain Kaizoku rolled 7 dice on Piloting and got 5 successes.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Hopefully that fast turn whips the apes into the wall. )
You rolled 10 dice on Blood ape footing and got 5 successes.
You rolled 10 dice on Blood ape footing and got 2 successes.
You rolled 9 dice on bruised blood ape footing and got 7 successes.
Monkey . o O ( In the interest of speeding this up, consider blasting the apes with your anima ability. Monkey's defense is strong, but his offense is still weak. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( That's what I'm going to do if they don't attack. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Nope. They're still on their feet. It's worth pointing out, however, that they are extras. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Me. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( They are? Huh... you should get a full fighter for the cost of a summoning, I thought. :) )
Monkey . o O ( Yeah, but he went the quantity option. Three for the price of one. )
The Storyteller . o O ( I figure most first-circle demons are extras compared to an exalt. They're almost never named. Second or third circle is a different story, of course. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Anway, attack again. Single attack each -- two on Monkey, one on the Captain. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Ah, I thought they were tougher. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Hence the dropping out the window. )
You rolled 5 dice on Erymanthus claw attack and got 3 successes.
You rolled 5 dice on Erymanthus claw attack and got 3 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 5 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on FLB and got 5 successes.
The Storyteller . o O ( and on the captain... )
You rolled 4 dice on erymanthus claw attack and got 1 success.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Parry! )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Three motes for GEB )
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 12 dice on something and got 3 successes.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( This die roller is defintely less favorable... )
The Storyteller . o O ( Successful parry. And... Init. )
On 1d10+7, you rolled 8.
Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 17.
Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 18.
The Storyteller . o O ( Actually... )
The Storyteller . o O ( I'm going to cut to the chase with a bit narrativism. You guys drop the blood apes at the cost of, say, 10 motes each, no more health levels. You control the bridge of the skyship. Sound good? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Otherwise, this fight could drag a bit too long. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( OK. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Using the Anima Flare on the Captain's part. )
Monkey . o O ( Is that 10 motes each ape each person for a total of 60? Or 10 motes/ape, divided however we see fit? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I thought it was per character. )
The Storyteller . o O ( No, that's just you each mark off 10 motes and the blood apes are disintegrating back into Malfeas. I'm figuring you would have won eventually and don't want to spend another twenty minutes on the fight. )
Monkey . o O ( Tell you what, CK, mark off 12 motes. 'coz Monkey only has 8 motes to his name. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( So there's time for the fight with the boss. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( OK> )
The Storyteller . o O ( Heh. Anyway. You now control the skyship, for the moment. What do you do now? )
Monkey says, "Excellent, Captain. Now, can we land? I don't fancy risking another crash if that person attacks us again."
Captain Kaizoku catches his breath and steers the skyship towards the designated spot where it can be secured. "Monkey, hang this out the window" he instructs, handing Monkey one of his pirate banners. "And stay alert for that Deathknight!"
Monkey says, "Aye aye!"
Monkey folks his staff back into a tube and stashes it in his belt. Taking the banner in one hand, he clambers out and ties the banner to ... uh, there's no place to tie the banner to! Panicking, Monkey takes some of his daggers and jams them into the window slits holding the glass (after clearing the glass pieces away, of course), and ties the banner to the daggers' handle.
Monkey . o O ( Darned First-age style skyship and their lag of rigging! )
The skyship shudders and shakes under the captain's hands as he guides it towards a landing. Fifteen feet from the spot, there's a terrific jolt and the ship just drops, sending up an enormous cloud of debris.
Captain Kaizoku holds tightly to the controls with one hand and draws his sword with the other, looking to the entrance.
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Are the troops nearby? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Two possiblities here... one, the Hearthstones got cut off, two, that DK is in the engine room. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Yes, they're standing by -- a fang of Dragon-blooded backed up by some gunzosha and ashigaru. Also a pair of warstriders, but those won't be a lot of use inside the skyship. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Is there a "ramp down" button to let them in the back? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Make an Int + Lore + Past Lives check, diff 4. )
Captain Kaizoku rolled 7 dice on something and got 5 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Note that Monkey is no more than a heroic mortal at the moment. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Until he starts stunting! )
There's a lever that looks like it might apply. Flipping it, the captain is rewarded by the sight of a door in the side of the skyship opening and a ramp extending.
Monkey . o O ( It's harder than you think. )
Captain Kaizoku takes the Hearthstone out of the control shaft and puts it back on his Daiklave. "Mr. Monkey, you're with me!" he says, calling out the window "Chain it down! There may be a Deathknight on in the engine room!" as he heads down stairs to the ramp, then leads the troops to the engine room.
Monkey trots with the Captain to the engine room.
The warstriders begin chaining the skyship down -- the chains looking rather puny compared to the bulk of the vessel. Heading downstairs, Monkey and the captain find themselves in a long corridor that seems to run the length of the ship. Ahead, probably around amidships, they see a strange light filling the corridor.
The Storyteller . o O ( Actually, I'm going to ask that we call it a night here. I'm getting pretty tired, and this next bit will probably take at least an hour or two to complete. )
Captain Kaizoku tighens his grip on his sword and whispers "I will go in first"
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( So there is a Deathknight there? )
Monkey . o O ( Will it involve danger? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Or is it a cliffhanger? )
The Storyteller . o O ( It will involve considerable danger, and it is a cliffhanger. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe it's the self-destruct! )
Monkey . o O ( David, consider backing off. This probably qualifies as a new scene. )
Monkey . o O ( Is it a new scene? )
The Storyteller . o O ( Heh. Skyship! Code Alpha-Rubylak-Winters! Confirm! )
The Storyteller . o O ( Yes. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Well, this didn't turn out as I expected, but it's interesting! )
The Storyteller . o O ( That's good. I'm a lot happier with this session than last one. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Though we may be in a greater pickle than the fight with Reducer before next time. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway. 5 xp each. Any questions or suggestions? )
Monkey . o O ( Errr, make sure we have a lot of back-up when we get to the dangerous part? )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I wonder how a Shadowland can be mobile... guess we'll find out. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( There's a scale of those life-sucking armor guys outside. )
The Storyteller . o O ( That's up to you, to be honest... though I do have a little deus up my sleeve. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Oh! Did the Chuzei get caught by the City Father? I hope so. )
Monkey . o O ( CK probably should warn the 7th Legion about that right away, actually. Have them start erecting a ward. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I think it's warded by the walls... we didnt' notice it until we got inside. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Oh... right. )
The Storyteller . o O ( Both the city father and the chuzei land okay -- she managed to get control of her chariot before she hit ground. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Very cool. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe she can join the crew, being so reckless and all. :) )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I'm really curious of the Captail will be able to keep and hold a Skyship of this caliber. )
The Storyteller . o O ( I don't think the captain will want to. Wait till you see what it runs on. )
TonyC [to jetman]: Blatant OOC info-dump. When I say heroic mortal, I do mean it. With 0 motes and 0 ongoing charm, and no armor, and 2L wound.
jetman [to TonyC]: OK. That's a bit of a problem.
The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway, the rest can wait for e-mail. I'm off to bed. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Something terrible, no doubt. )
Monkey . o O ( Night. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Night! )