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Chosen of the Water Dragon
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown, probably mid-thirties.
Place of Origin: The Hundred Kingdoms

Personality Notes

Antares is a headstrong young man, eager to prove himself equal to any challenge. He gets into more than his share of trouble due to his lacklustre intelligence and impulsiveness. He tends to expect things to go his way and has been badly surprised when they don't. However, he also has no lack of courage, and his bravery sometimes verges on the suicidal. He has never been known to turn down a challenge.


According to him, Antares grew up in a small fishing village on the Yanaze River. He figures that his Dragon-Blooded ancestry stems from a Realm base that was based nearby a couple of centuries ago. After his Exaltation, he was adopted by a Dragon-Blooded champion of the Hundred Kingdoms, and followed in her footsteps. She died in a battle with undead – probably from the Walker In Darkness' lands – and he has since taken her place as a wandering mercenary champion. He came to the tournament for the challenge.

Primary Aptitudes

Combat: Exceptional. Antares is a skilled fighter for one of his age, and has a unique style that combines swordwork with brutal grappling techniques. He is best in one-on-one situations, but can handle himself in open war.
Diplomacy: Average. Antares is more charming and attractive than the average mortal, and is a skilled performer in the arena, but lacks the intelligence to capitalize on these talents or the perception necessary for tact.
Espionage: Average. Antares is not subtle. On the other hand, he has a surprising aptitude for finding things out and adapting to the criminal life.
Leadership: Good. Especially on the field of battle, Antares shows a knack for inspiring followers and getting them to move and fight as one. However, he should be paired with an advisor with a knack for tactics, as he is unused to the subtleties of strategy. With some experience, Antares will probably make an excellent second-in-command or talonlord.
Magic: Poor. Antares has no interest and little talent for the sorcerous arts, let alone the little magics that mortals use. Calling upon his assistance for magical matters is likely to only worsen things.

Loyalty Estimate: Average. Antares has no reason to actively work against you, but he also has little reason – yet – to actively work for you, save that he has been charmed by Si Lu's wiles. He will certainly relish the challenges that your service will provide, but has ties outside Calrushan Wood that will draw him, especially a small manor in the northeast of the Hundred Kingdoms that he considers his home.

Assignment: Presently attached to Ragnar's guard.

Character Sheet

Description: A cocky young man with brown hair and eyes. He is slender and athletic.
Roleplaying Notes: Dumb as a sack of hammers, but very brave and eager to prove himself in any contest of physicality.
Aspect: Water
Nature: Thrillseeker

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 4
Abilities: *Brawl 5, *Bureaucracy 1, *Dodge 5, Endurance 3, *Investigation 3, *Larceny 3, Linguistics 1 (Riverspeak, Forest-Tongue), *Melee 5, *Performance 4, Presence 3, Resistance 1
Note: * = Aspect or Favored skill.
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 1, Valor 4
Backgrounds: Influence 1, Manse 1, Resources 3, Artifact 2
Willpower: 6, Essence: 2, Essence Pool: 8 personal, 20 peripheral (5 peripheral committed)


  • Brawl
    • Drowning Embrace
    • Riptide Method
  • Dodge
    • Threshold Warding Stance
    • Flickering Candle Meditation
  • Endurance
  • Ox-Body Technique
  • Melee
    • Dragon-Graced Weapon
    • Refining the Inner Blade
    • Stoking Bonfire Style

Equipment: Jade daiklave, breastplate, Stone of Healing.

Base Initiative: 8
Jade Daiklave: Speed 15, Accuracy 12, Damage 6L, Defense 11, Rate 5
Straight Sword (from Refining the Inner Blade): Speed 12, Accuracy 12, Damage 6L (Target loses 3 initiative), Defense 10, Rate 3
Clinch: Speed 2, Acc 9, Damage 3B piercing, Defense 9, Rate 1
Fists: Speed +0, Acc 10, Damage 3B, Defense 11, Rate 5
Kick: Speed 5, Acc 10, Damage 6B, Defense 6, Rate 3
Dodge: 11, Soak: 5B/5L/4A (Breastplate +2B/4L), Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-1/-2/-2/-4/ Incapacitated

Experience Points:
Unspent XP:

Character Description and Background

Expanded Backgrounds

Influence: Has some pull in the Hundred Kingdoms due to his heroics.

Manse: A small manse in the northeastern edge of the Hundred Kingdoms.

Resources: Money from being a champion, plus income from various lands granted to him as reward for combat.

Artifact: Jade daiklave.
