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Revision as of 21:22, 10 August 2004 by JasonWhittle (talk) (Transcription of the e-mail I sent my Storyteller)
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For a lower-than-canon total of Celestials, I thought this was an interesting breakdown, considering the tendancy of Creation to break these things out in primes:

  • Dawns: 7
  • Zeniths: 7
  • Twilights: 7
  • Nights: 5
  • Eclipses: 3

Total Solars: 29 (also prime!)

Total Lunars: 29 (to match the Solars)

  • Full Moons: 5
  • No Moons: 5
  • Changing Moons: 19 (prime again!)

5 Maidens * 3 of each = 15 total Sidereals

Total Celestials: 73 (prime awesomeness!)