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Impenetrable Ocean Depth Shield</b>

<b>Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower\\
Duration: Essence # Turns\\
Type: Simple\\
Caste: Bottomless Depth\\
Min Essence: 4\\
Prereqs: SilenceOfTheAbyss

The fae's understanding of essence's emergence from randomness grows even greater. If used outside of combat, this charm lasts for a scene; in combat, it lasts for a number of turns equal to the fae's essence. When this charm is active, ANY charm used to damage, hinder, persuade or probe the fae is ineffective. For example, if a Solar declares an attack against the fae using 7 extra dice of Excellent Strike, the Solar would still spend the motes but only roll his normal dice pool, as the 7 motes of essence flash and separately swirl away as if striking the edge of a protective bubble around the fae. Outside of combat, a Solar using Know the Soul's Price would see a spark of essence around the fae and watch however many motes that charm cost swirl away into nothing. This does nothing to defend against sorceries. Deep's Infinite Understanding must be active to use this charm.

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