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Imperfect Circle

Cost: At least 10 Motes(committed), 1 Willpower per Trainee

Duration: One Week

Type: Simple

Minimum Performance: 5

Minimum Essence: 5

Prerequisite Charms: Tiger Warrior Training Technique

Harnessing both the inspirational power of Tiger Warrior Training Technique and her own essence, an Exalt can push a group of mortals beyond their mortal limitations in only the space of a week. Taking a group of up to (her Essence rating) mortals, the Exalt puts them through brutal training methods while at the same time drawing a weave of essence around and between them.

At the end of the week, all of the trainees will have at least 4 dots in two of her three Physical Abilities, as well as in a single combat ability. In addition, each trainee gains a temporary point of permanent Essence and the ability to perform any one Charm the Exalt can teach them. They do not, however, gain access to their essence pools. Instead, they draw essence from the communal pool of essence. This communal pool has a value equal to the number of motes the Exalt committed to this charm and recharges at a rate of 1 mote/hour.

A group of mortals so trained gains a special unity of mind owing to the essence they share. Firstly, they may communicate simple emotions and ideas without the need to speak or even the need to see one another. Secondly, they gain an additional die whenever they are working towards a common goal, owing to their understanding of one another's actions.

If the Exalt ever chooses to release the essence he has committed, the mortals retain all of their training but lose access to that essence as well as the extra dot of Permanent Essence granted by the charm.