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Juggernaut Emulation Practice

Cost: 3 motes per Ox-Body
Duration: Scene
Type: Reflexive
Min. Endurance: 3
Min Essence: 2
Prereqs: Ox-Body Technique x3

Utilizing this charm, the Abyssal's flesh entwines and dessicates, able to take much more punishment than would normally be expected. This charm grants temporary invocations of Ox-Body technique. Temporary health levels gained in this manner dissapate at the end of the scene, damaged or not, and are always lost first within their wound penalty tier. The temporary Ox-Bodies gained from this charm may be stacked, and this charm may not be invoked more times in a scene than the Abyssal has taken Ox-Body Technique. In no circumstance will pre-existing damage be removed through use of this charm.

Pillars of the Underworld

Cost: none
Duration: permanent
Type: special
Min. Endurance: 5
Min Essence: 3
Prereqs: Ox-body Technique x5, Pain-Eating Focus

Death is the pillar of the underworld, and Abyssals find themselves reinforced and invigorated when taken closer to it. The Abyssal gains Essence motes per HL of damage taken.

Supremacy of Body Over Mind

Cost: 2 lethal HL
Duration: instant
Type: reflexive
Min. Endurance: 5
Min Essence: 4
Prereqs: Pillars of the Underworld

The Abyssal may burn out his own flesh to achieve focus simply not available to others. Use of this charm grants 1 temporary willpower which must be used that turn. This charm cannot be used to restore lost willpower points, although it can be used to power combos, virtue channels, or be used in any of the other ways willpower may normally be spent. This charm may not be used to take an Abyssal below incapacitated.

Haunted Mail Blessing

Cost: 5 motes, 1 will
Duration: indefinite
Type: simple
Min. Endurance: 4
Min Essence: 2
Prereqs: Ghost Armor Prana

With this charm an Abyssal may imbue his essence deeply into the armor, bringing it closer to the Essence of the underworld. Thus attuned, the armor seems to weigh lightly on the shoulders of the Abyssal until such time as he removes his blessing from it. The Abyssal wearing a so blessed suit of armor will suffer no fatigue or mobility penalty until he releases the motes committed for this charm.

Trancendental Agony Approach

Cost: 5 motes
Duration: instant
Type: reflexive
Min. Endurance: 5
Min Essence: 4
Prereqs: Insensible Corpse Technique

As the life force within an Abyssal wanes, so does his connection with death and the void grow. Thus, taken to death's door, an Abyssal may exhibit a perfection that is truly horrible to see. An action augmented by this charm has a bonus equal to the number of health levels the abyssal currently suffers in damage. Note that this charm, being reflexive, has no combo restrictions and may work with other abilities.
