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Infernals and their Yozi

The problem with the Yozis is that even after the Primordial War, they still don't get it. Their thought processes are simply not wired to understand that these creations of theirs have arrived in a place where they don't care about the Yozis or what they want. Yozi thought processes stem from the basic assumption that what they want is the only thing that matters. They understand that the Exalted have the power to hurt them, because they did that once upon a time. But they think they can control this batch of Exalted by alternately laying into them with a whip and giving them mountains of blow and hookers in Hell. This is, to put it bluntly, crude.

I mean, recall that Malfeas's original plan was to control the GSPs by just screaming at them and beating the shit out of them constantly, because, hey, it works with his demons, and the Ebon Dragon (who understands guile, treachery, and betrayal better than the rest of them) had to talk him around to understanding that this might maybe backfire.

They have drafted human beings to carry out a fundamentally inhuman and anti-human agenda. An Infernal's overlords are alien. Although they've been humbled enough (once) to conceptualize appealing to him in his moment of weakness, they don't really understand what weakness is because they've never lived it. At their worst, darkest hour, they were still cosmic beings. With a bit more luck, they could have had things turn out their way, like they usually did.

The Yozis think that if they judiciously apply the carrot and the stick, their Infernals will obey, because barring unnatural weirdness like the Primordial War, they think obeying is the natural state of beings that aren't Yozis. Infernals do not share this preconception, especially not once they really get a taste of the raw power of a stolen Solar Exaltation. Frankly, they have a lot more to gain by telling the Yozis to go screw than by continuing to carry out the Reclamation, whether they fetch kittens out of trees in the process or not.