Interested2/Twice-Blessed Raven

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Twice-Blessed Raven


Motivation: Destroy the shards of all Abyssals.\

Twice-Blessed Raven was born many years ago in a small farming village outside of what is now Lookshy. As a child, he took well to his studies but made few friends. He was fascinated by serial killers and the monsters of the countryside, and held a disturbing breadth of knowledge about the history of the region in murders, crop failures, and coups. Needless to say, this did not make him a very well-liked child or a popular teenager. When his ruthlessness was taken to heart, the community prospered, but he was eventually driven out by his many enemies.

Time passed. The abrasive teenager became a cut-throat adult, and succeeded in business, owning a gym in nearby Lookshy that brought in money from both legal business and protection rackets. And one day, while planning a particularly ruthless crackdown on a local gang of thugs encroaching on his territory, he Exalted in a glow of violet power that silently shattered windows for blocks around him. Luckily, he was alone at the time, and he was not immediately run out of town - but before long his Arcane Fate took effect. Old acquaintances forgot him, his underlings couldn't remember who'd given them orders, and he quickly found himself out of power and seemingly remembered only at the most inconvenient times. The Raven had received his Second Breath and his first Blessing.

And so our hero was approached by his new peers - the Sidereals - once he'd hit rock bottom. Blessed Raven was spirited to the nearest Celestial gate, and then to Yu-Shan, where he was rapidly educated in the lore of the time and established in a Celestial Manse that had been held as a favour to his previous incarnation by Wriggler of Adamant Bones, god of the Worms That Bore Through Rock.

Five years ago, the Jade Prison was broken. The Scarlet Empress, the Sidereal-backed ruler of Creation, disappeared. The twisted servants of the Deathlords, the Abyssal exalted, began blighting creation with shadowlands. And five years ago, Blessed Raven was given his most important task - the destruction of these Abyssals. To aid him he was gifted with an artifact of power, the Glaive of the Last Maiden, crafted from millennia-old Starmetal by Saturn herself. And thus the Raven received his second Blessing.

Twice-Blessed Raven is a radical, or at least, he quietly supports one of the most radical ideas held by a modern Sidereal - working directly with the newly-reincarnated Solar Exalted. He doesn't dispute that they must never discover the truth behind the Jade Prison or the Usurpation, or the necessity of that coup, but he feels strongly that the Jade Prison itself was a mistake - and that the cost of the mistake is the Deathlords and their Abyssal servants, which are now unraveling the Creation that the Sidereals are tasked with preserving. His convictions do not endear him to either faction - the Bronze faction detests the very idea of the Solars free once more, and the Gold Faction is afraid to be seen associating with or aiding such a radical and relatively young Exalt. What he does have, however, is an innate knack for martial arts and the tacit endorsement of the Maiden of Endings, Saturn. Saturn herself gifted him with his now-legendary blade (amongst Sidereals, at least), and he serves her above all others. Her gift of the blade is significant enough to discourage further attempts on his life. The several assassins sent after him by the Bronze faction have met untimely ends, and for now the factions have decided that ending him is simply not worth the resource investment, celestial law-breaking, and possible Incarna censure it would require. Besides, all factions desire the end of the Deathlords, and the Twice-Blessed Raven might be a useful agent in that regard. Because of this potential usefulness and his own wily bureaucratic manipulations, Twice-Blessed Raven has managed to finagle a fair bit of influence on the Convention on Deathlords.

The Raven has cultivated a reputation as an efficient killer unfettered by lingering mortal morality. While not a sadist, he has little regard for others and a tendency to view mortals as tools to complete his current mission.

He is currently on detached duty, infiltrating and allying with a group of Solar exalts. He hopes to be able to persuade them to aid him in his goal to end the Abyssals, and doesn't mind side-tracking a bit in the process - after all, he's got time.


Character Sheet

Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Wits 3
Virtues (Virtue Flaw)
Compassion 1, Conviction 3 (Undecided), Temperance 2, Valour 3
Abilities (Caste or Favoured)
Resistance 3, Lore 3, Occult 2, Stealth 3, Dodge 3, Linguistics 1 (Old Realm), Performance 3, Socialize 1, Athletics 3, Melee 2, Integrity 1, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 2, Martial Arts 5
Salary •••, Backing (Convention on Deathlords) •••, Artifact ••, Manse •••

4 background points remaining

Melee(Impeding the Flow), Martial Arts(Secrets of Future Strife, Blade of the Battle Maiden, Maw of Dripping Venom, Rain of Unseen Threads, Nest of Living Strands, Joy in Adversity Stance, Flight of Mercury, Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Horrific Wreath, Metal Storm, Crimson Palm Counterstrike)
Join Battle: 12
Dodge DV: 9
Parry DV: 7
Soak: 4B/2L/0A (No Armour) (4B/2L/0A)
Punch - Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 2B (O), Rate 3, Defense +2 (N)
Kick - Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 5B, Rate 2, Defense -2 (N)
Clinch - Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 2B, Rate 1, Defense +0 (C,N,P)

Join Debate: TBD
Dodge MDV: TBD
Parry MDV: TBD
Essence: 4
Willpower: 6
Essence Pool: Personal – 14/14 / Peripheral – 31/39 / Committed – 8
Health Levels: -0 / -1 / -1 / -1 / -2 / -2 / -4 / Incap
Stone of the Righteous (+4 prayer rolls)

Background Expansions

Celestial Manse •••
Produces a Stone of the Righteous (+4 to prayer rolls).
Artifact ••
Jade Hearthstone Bracers

Merits and Flaws

Nightmares (-3)
Unbidden Oracle (-1)

Experience (BPs)

Current: 0
Spent: 0
Total: 0

