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  • Enlightening Sun Mirrors
    • Artifact ••••• weapons emplacement.

The Enlightening Sun Mirrors are a form of Essence cannon, designed at the same time for beauty and deadly effectiveness. A 150-foot high tower houses each mirror on a rotating platform, with the exterior consisting of a Jade-steel alloy, and the mirror itself made of 100% pure Orichalcum. Moonsilver and Starmetal are used in complex circuitry within, creating a skein similar in design to the visual appearance of the Loom of Fate when viewed from Heaven. Stone, ice, charcoal, compressed air, and wood (as well as strange substances theorized to contain Solar, Lunar, and Sidereal Essence) from untapped Demenses are incorporated into a series of 10 Hearthstone sockets, which connect to the main mirror through the interior circuitry. Each of these mirrors is capable of channeling vast amounts of destructive Essence as if reflecting the fury of the Unconquered Sun.

For one of these mirrors to work, it must receive power from a source equivalent to a Hearthstone. No living being's Essence pool can provide the kind of constant Essence flow necessary to make these devices function. Energy Taps, Essence Accumulators, and other alternate power sources are acceptable substitutes for Hearthstones. The power requirement is equal to 10 dots of Hearthstones, though the system is capable of functioning with less. For each dot of Hearthstones or their equivalent inserted, add 5 dice to either the Accuracy or the Damage of the mirrors. Without at least some power, the weapons will not fire. However, if dice are added to Accuracy first, they will fire with a base of 0 aggravated damage (thus, raw damage based only on extra successes). The damage is piercing. When fully powered at 25 dice, the extra subsystems of the targeting and beam output systems come online: the accuracy gains perfection as per Accuracy Without Distance, and the damage becomes unsoakable by non-perfect charms. The mirrors have a Rate equal to their Accuracy.

If several mirrors are constructed together as a network, only one of them needs to be powered in order for all of the mirrors to benefit. One mirror can reflect and redirect the beam of another, creating a relay in order to destroy any target in range of any of the mirrors. When firing through an array like this, each mirror normally has its own operator stationed inside it. Use the lowest Dexterity + Archery dice pool among all operators involved for the attack roll, unless the operators are part of a military unit together. In that case, apply an external penalty of (5 - Drill) to each shot. Each mirror has a range of 500 yards for each dot of Hearthstone power invested in it, reaching 5000 yards in a straight line when fully powered. It is sadly not possible to increase the damage of a blast beyond 25 unsoakable dice of aggravated damage by powering multiple mirrors, because the mirrors are designed to limit the power to that extend so they will not experience undue strain. However, powering multiple mirrors in an array does allow an increased Rate of fire, since multiple mirrors can produce the source beam at once.

  • Artillery Controls
    • Artifact ••••• central control system.

This artifact is a chair, apparently simply a solid armchair made of shining steel and cushioned with leather. Inside, it hides complex circuitry of the Magical Materials, and the leather on the arms conceals two spheres of Adamant under where a person's palms would rest. More intangibly, the dying oaths of dragons of the eight elements (the five terrestrial, and three celestial) are woven into the magic of this device.

Upon sitting in the chair and attuning to it (for a cost of 1m), the user becomes aware of the field of vision of any artillery weapons attached to the device. Up to five weapon emplacements per device may be attached to the controls, and a user sitting in the control chair may fire each one as if stationed appropriately to the weapon's normal requirements. However, this is only possible for weapons which do not require manual reloading, though it is possible for one person to perform any other duties normally requiring a crew using this system. Aiming mechanisms normally requiring a crew, for instance, will be manipulated by Essence. The dice pool to fire each weapon controlled from one of these stations is the same as it normally would be for each weapon in question. Usually, this means it is a Dexterity + Archery roll, but some advanced First Age weaponry might use a Lore roll, or some other esoteric operation.

  • Essence-Flux Panel System
    • Artifact ••••• interior defense system.

This system uses crystal-metal panels consisting of an alloy of all 6 Magical Materials, including Adamant. Behind the panels runs a conduit filled with the purest elemental Water and Air, heated by elemental Fire. These conduits are home to a Small God who has either been created for the task, or assigned to the task of identifying intruders and disrupting their Essence flows. It can be incorporated as the floor, walls, and/or ceiling of any structure when it is built.

This system can be hooked up to Hearthstone sockets for power, or rely on the Defense God for internal power. The specially prepared internal environment allows the Defense God to attack any single intruder with a base dice pool of 8 for accuracy, and 3A for damage, with a Rate of 1. For each dot of Hearthstone power added to Accuracy, this attack gains 5 accuracy dice and 5 Rate. A powered damage pool supercedes the unpowered one, with a damage of 5A (piercing) per dot. 5-dot Accuracy is perfect, and 5-dot Damage is unsoakable, just as with the Sun Mirrors above.

(More to come when it's not so late at night)

  • Essence-Harvest Stabilization Engines
    • Artifact •••••
  • Manse-Emulation Controls
    • Artifact •••••
  • Hearthstone Coalescing Circuitry
    • Artifact •••••
  • Chaos-Repelling Matricies
    • Artifact •••••
  • Chaos-Reweaving Engines
    • Artifact •••••
