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On the western coast of the Isle of Jade, far off the beaten path and nearly inaccessible by land, lies the tiny community of Two Rivers and its most significant feature, the Two Rivers School of Enlightenment and Martial Arts. This small school, with fewer than 30 students, is almost unknown off the Isle of Jade. Even in Yu it is rarely thought of or considered important. But those who do learn of it and choose to study under the tutelage of its sagely master discover the humble learning community to be a hidden gem that far exceeds their expectations.

The reason for this is Master Li, who has been the head of the school for some 20 years. The wise old Dragon Blood is approaching 225 years of age, and in his long life he has amassed a knowledge of philosophy, religion, and martial arts unlike any outside the greatest masters in creation. Villagers in Two Rivers, who appreciate the school and its master and the subtle protection they provide, whisper that he was once a lama of the Immaculate Order, although this is certainly just rumor and conjecture. Whatever his background—and he rarely speaks of it—the wise recluse seems able to teach just about any type of martial arts a student might want to learn. But it is not just martial artists who come to the school. Master Li is learned even for an ancient exalt, and his occult library is relatively small but of the greatest quality. Sorcerers and monks often make their way here when they can’t find the knowledge they are looking for in the libraries of the Realm, although they do not stay as long as the martial arts students.

What makes the Two Rivers School of Enlightenment and Martial Arts most unique, however, is Master Li’s philosophy of allowing anyone he deems worthy to study there, including and very often non-Exalts. Master Li seems less impressed by Exaltation than by natural ability and potential, and more of his students are great mortals than Exalted ones. For this reason God-Bloods and others like them are unusually common, as under the tutelage of Master Li and his instructors the Dragon-Blooded will find less favoritism than they commonly enjoy. If anything, Master Li can be accused of favoring those who do not rely on the charms and essence powered abilities they may possess, even though he inevitably teaches those who can use such abilities to do so with great skill and power. In fact, Master Li has shown unusual devotion to one such student, a brilliant martial artist with no powers beyond that of an uncommonly skilled mortal. Why Master Li devotes so much attention to such a lowly creature is a mystery to the Dragon-Bloods who train at the school, although even they admit the tremendous natural skill Li has brought out in this individual mortal.

Grounds - A Guide to the School Grounds.

The Instructors - Master Li and His Instructors.

The Students - The Students of the Two Rivers School.

The Three Ways of Master Li - Progression and Rank at the School.

Surrounds - The Village of Two Rivers, The Golden Delta, and the Marshlands of Undying Twilight.