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Introductions and (Re)Unions

In which a mission is given, gossip is had, and a functionary is waylaid...

The 12th Day of Descending Air, Realm Year 764

The slow progress of the wagons has meant that the outer fortifications that give Whitewall its name have been visible for a day. Foot- and horse-traffic this close to this city is much heavier, mostly hunters and farmers, but a city ruled by a trio of icy gods is somewhat more blase to the possibility of elemental beasts of burden.

The wagons rumble up to the gates of the city, slowly coming to a halt as the guard contingent stands forth to block its progress. "State your business!"

Venia hums happily as she finishes getting dressed, cracking the ice out of her hair from her recent bath and collecting her zither case, swords and jade fans set carefully inside before she closes it. A black choker with a steel rose and black high heels complete the look... first impressions are important, after all.

Sian hops down from the front caravan and wanders over to the nearest guard, dressed the same as ever. "Returning home, of course."

"Ah," the guard bows, "Welcome home, Lord Sian." His eyes wander over the wagons, catching signs of movement that soon show themselves to be dozens of female faces. An unspoken question appears on his face before he gestures for the men to stand aside.

Sian just shrugs a little, and motions to the front set of gneisson to start moving. "Long story."

The elementals head into the city, following the only roads wide enough to accept the massive wagons, pedestrians just flowing around them. Eventually, the gneisson arrive in the broad cobbled plaza of the main market, thankfully mostly empty.

Venia applies a very small amount of makeup, touches here and there to improve her looks, swapping colors to complement now mis-matched eyes halfway through. She finally steps out of the small compartment, clad simply in long black lace stockings and similar black lace opera gloves. Her skirt is tight around her hips and of the same material, short and barely extending past her rear, and the top is much the same, barely retaining modesty both with size and fabric. She smiles at Cassia. "How do I look?"

Cassia's eyes widen slightly as she takes in Venia's new look, "You look... good enough to eat," she says, taking some time. "...Why are you dressed like that Venia?"

Venia shrugs. "It's surprisingly comfortable underneath a coat, and I do want to make a good first impression... Is the black too much? I left out the veil, I don't think they wear those around here..."

Sian only glances once at Venia as he passes, before moving up to get the gneisson to arrange the caravans a little better. The gneisson align the wagons, then detach from them, forming a small rocky crowd waiting on the plaza. The rumbling sounds of their speech reverberate through the wagons.

"No, they don't wear veils..." Cassia says, "A good first impression with who though, for what?"

"The locals? I've never been here, I hope they're nice. Maybe I should wear the veil, it'd be more exotic." She bites her lip, mulling it over before deciding against it, "Too much trouble. It's all coming off soon enough anyway."

Cassia nods, "You look exotic enough, I think." She leans and kisses.

Venia smiles, reassured by that. "Mmm, good. It's important, new city and all."

Sian locates Aia, and asks her to go tell Ishandia they've arrived, before working his way through the wagons to make sure the girls are fine.

The girls are, for the most part, fine - the few that are crying or worried are soon comforted, although Oriel remains a little standoffish. She agrees to remain within the wagons for now, regardless.

The jingling sounds of soldiers moving at a quick march ring over the plaza, and a small detachment emerges from one of the small side streets, heading for the wagons. At their head is a well-dressed man with strong signs of divine blood, wearing the Syndics' mon on the chest of his longcoat.

Sian waits at the bottom step of the back caravan, not that he needed the extra height.

"Lord Sian," the god-blood bows, "The Syndics send their greetings at your return to our fair city, and request that you attend them at the earliest possible opportunity." He gestures to the soldiers, "If any of your companions requires escort, my guard are at your disposal."

Venia has made her way back to see what's going on, peering around the side and sizing up the guards, though she is less interested in them as the godblood. Hmmm... potential.

Sian says quietly, "We'll be fine, though the guards could help protect these wagons."

Venia bends down to whisper in Sian's ear, asking if she should stay with the girls or not, only slightly worried about the lack of accompaniment as opposed to simply terrified.

Sian speaks back to her almost as quietly, "You can stay if you like, or come with me to the palace. Up to you."

The herald nods, and gestures again. The soldiers form up around the cottage-sized wheeled monstrosities. "At your earliest convenience, then, Lord Sian, we shall depart for the palace of the Syndics."

"Cassia will want to go, so I suppose I'll come along." Venia steps down out of the wagon, adjusting the weight of the zither case in her arms.

Her appearance is greeted with a series of blinks and a hint of appreciation before the herald's formal training takes over and his face becomes expressionless again. "How many visitors am I to announce to Sliding Joy, Lord Sian?" he asks.

"Just three. Myself, and the two ladies. We won't be long."

"Two ladies?"

Cassia appears from somewhere in the depths of the wagon, beside Venia, a smile on her face.

Venia smiles, ever so slightly, at the herald's reaction, stepping up and taking his arm, warm body pressed to his. "Do you mind? It is my first time here, and I am not quite prepared for a long walk with my equipment."

"Ah," the herald nods, "My instructions were that you were to be presented to the Syndics with all possible speed..." he pauses for a moment, his thoughts interrupted, "Of... of course not, my Lady."

"So formal! I haven't been called such in ages... though I suppose lacking a proper introduction does that." She passes the case over while he's distracted, happy to be free of the weight.

Sian just finds a clean jacket, and throws it on, waiting for Swan to lead the way.

The herald bows, takes the case, and then leads the trio of Exalts to the palace of the Syndics. It is tall and sharp, exactly as every other time Sian has been here, the building resides at the heart of Whitewall and the four are ushered inside, past the guards and up stairs. He disengages himself from Venia, with an apologetic bow, "I must speak with Sliding Joy," he says, "Please wait here with Lord Sian."

Venia pouts, "But we have hardly had a chance to talk... I haven't even gotten your name yet."

Sian touches her arm lightly, "Let the man do his job, Venia."

"I am called Frost Swan," the god-blood says, "But I must depart." He bows to Sian, then to Venia and Cassia, before leaving to speak with the major-domo.

Venia rests her hands on the top of the zither case. "He is now... I just needed his name."

"Mm." He settles against a wall to wait.

The doors open of their own accord, and Sliding Joy can be seen waiting, "Come in, Sian, and the rest of you. The Syndics are waiting."

Sian just lifts his eyebrows to this, and takes the lead.

Venia lifts the case again, now happily back on Cassia's arm now that her curiousity has been sated.

The large, eight-legged spirit's three sets of eyes blink in sequence at the appearance of the others, "Collecting more women, Sian?" she quips.

Cassia lets out a small surprised gasp at the appearance of the spirit, before looking slightly embarrassed.

"Other way around, I think." He doesn't pay attention to Cassia's slip, having seen similar reactions many times.

"Oh," the spirit says, and then nods, "They're waiting for you inside, Sian. I wouldn't keep them waiting much longer."

"I'm going, I'm going..."

The Syndics' chamber is, as usual, empty beyond the trio of thrones and the gods that rule the city. Tall, imposing figures of ice and silver, they speak in their usual fashion, "Sian Nerivus, our friend and."

"Ambassador, we welcome you."

"Home. We see that."

"You have some new companions."

"With you, also." The three deities slide smoothly over the floor to examine Cassia and Venia in turn.

Venia cannot help but pose slightly for them, watching the gods with chemically calm eyes.

Cassia is just as obviously examining them back, unable to restrain her curiousity. All are left with the impression she would be asking so many questions, if she didn't feel it would be rude.

"Indeed. This is Cassia... she was with me last time I visited. The other is Cynis Venia. Both are friends."

Venia interjects, "Not Cynis anymore. Just Venia."

The divinities slide back across the floor, turning to face Sian, "We assume that you have." "Questions regarding the urgency of."

"Our summons. Rest assured that."

"Our missive did not overstate."

"The importance of your being."


Sian nods, "I do, and I didn't think so. Has something happened?"

Venia whispers a slightly lewd rhetorical question into Cassia's ear, wondering how they manage to trade off like that in bed.

Cassia blushes slightly, but can't stop the curious flicker of her eyes over the three. "Bad," she whispers back

"Our guidance of our city."

"Depends on many things, one of."

"Which must be renewed."

"Regularly. You must attend the."

"Temple of Untrod Paths, and there."

"Obtain a Junction Sphere from."

"The priestesses who reside."

"Within. Without the Sphere, our."

"Foresight would be most seriously."

"Weakened, to the detriment of."

"Both Whitewall and the."

"North as a whole."

Venia smirks, "Oh, I'm sure they've gotten quite good at it by now..."

Sian gives them both an annoyed look, before turning back. "How far away is this temple?"

"It is several days away."

"On foot, the path to."

"The Temple is hidden by."

"Ancient magics, and it cannot."

"Be traversed by other means."

Venia quiets, suitably chastised. She rests her head on Cassia's shoulder, waiting for the odd talk to be over.

"Mrm. And retrieving the sphere? Is there anything special I need for these priestesses?"

"Our previous ambassadors have."

"Never spoken of their."

"Experiences within the Temple."

"And we have never been."

"There ourselves. The Sphere can be."

"Carried simply, in a pouch."

Sian nods slowly, "Very well. Must I leave immediately?"

"There is a measure of."

"Urgency in this matter."

"You must depart no later."

"Than sunset tomorrow to ensure."

"Any mishaps do not delay."

"Your progress excessively. Do you."

"Have any affairs within the."

"City that you wish to bring."

"Into order prior to your."


"No, my business will take much longer than that. Tomorrow evening, I will go, after I have recovered from this trip."

Venia whispers again to Cassia, wondering if they'll be able to wait for him to get back in a proper building instead of the wagons.

Cassia whispers back, "He has an apartment here. It's not that big, but it's nice."

"Very well. We do not."

"Ask this lightly of you."

"Sian Nerivus, but it is of."

"The greatest importance."

Venia nods, fingers idly toying with the catches on the case, flicking one open, closed, open, closed.

"I know, and I will fulfill my duty as best I can, as always."

The Syndics nod as one, then glide back to their thrones, signifying that the audience is over.

Sian similarly signals to the women to exit! Leading the way once more.

Venia follows after, deciding that now that their visit is over she can be less formal, slipping under Cassia's arm and wrapping her own around her waist, hand on her hips.

Cassia slips her own hand around Venia, following Sian out, after a last look towards the gods on their thrones

Sliding Joy is waiting as the doors close, "So you're heading for the Temple." Her voice is matter-of-fact, "Do you need accomodation for your... friends?"

Sian looks to the pair. "Well? Do you want to wait in the city?"

Cassia glances at Venia. She certainly wants to go, but... if Venia wants to stay...

Venia asks, "Won't we interfere if we go?"

"Not so long as you behave yourselves."

"Mmm... I suppose. It's better than sitting here and twiddling our thumbs."

Sian nods a little. "Then get a proper sleep. Cassia, where are you staying? With Aia and I?"

Cassia looks uncertain. On the one hand Venia, on the other hand Amber...

Venia nibbles Cassia's ear to catch her attention, "If you know someone, go see them. We'll be around on the trip."

"And the wagons' passengers?" the spirit asks, quirking her mouth, "What do you want done with the hundred or so girls you brought into the city?"

"...I'll see you in the morning," Cassia says, with a slight trace of guilt in her voice.

Venia nods, slipping out of Cassia's grasp and into Sian's without a second thought.

"Just get the guards to look after them until I get back, if you please." He doesn't speak to Venia (yet).

"Very well," Sliding Joy fishes a book and pen out from under her shell and writes a series of quick notes, "I'll prepare what you will need for the journey. It is not an easy path to the Temple."

"Thank you. I'll be back tomorrow evening, then."

The spirit nods and skitters back into her own room, leaving the three Dragon-Bloods alone.

Sian turns, "Well, then... here, tomorrow evening, Cassia."

Cassia nods. She kisses Venia on the lips. "Bye..." then she goes.

Sian waves a little, then looks at the remaining woman. "I take it from the hold that you are going with me?"

"Mhm. Where else would I go?"

"You have a point." He starts to lead her out. "Do you mind using the spare room at my house? Until we find you your own place."

"No... That is fine. I'd rather not be alone."

"Mm, you won't be. You can stay in the wagons, though, if you need company... the girls will be there for a little while."

"Well, I thought I'd invite Frost Swan for a talk before we left anyway."

"Mm? What about?"

"Politics, fashion, that sort of thing. You've got to get ready for a fetch job." Venia smiles, "I don't intend to wear this outfit the entire time we're here, after all"

"By sleeping, that's all. But if you want to talk to him, go ahead."

Venia nods, "Maybe I can get him to buy me a nice dinner..."

"If you need food, go to the Jupiter's Shadow. My mother owns it."

"'s not the point. I need to see if I can still do that sort of thing..."

"You can." He holds her a little closer for a moment.

Venia hrmphs, poking him in the side. "It never worked on you even before."

"Never does, unless I let it. You learn to resist provocation, as a diplomat, though I admit I have been doing that somewhat poorly recently."

"Never is a strong word. I bet Aia can do it."

"She's an exception."

Venia nods. "Has to be the ears. Maybe I should get that done..."

"More that I have no need to resist her."

Venia hrmphs again. "Sure. You just don't want anyone to know your secret weakness."

"That must be it." He offers a mild smile.

Venia nods, content with her decision for the moment.

A perfect memory, a willingness to ask directions, and a short walk through the cool evening air led Cassia to second-floor apartment that is Amber Sky's home. The sun's slow descent fills the stairwell with red light, but otherwise young Exalt is alone.

Cassia hesistates when she finally reaches the door. Suddenly nervous, Cassia wonders how Amber will react, on what to say, what to do... she knocks though. And hopes she's in.

Her brown hair tousled, Amber opens the door, "Hello, wha..." she stops, "Cassia!" The young girl slams into the Dragon-Blooded, embracing her and planting a massive kiss on her lover.

Cassia wraps her arms around her, returning the kiss, all her worries fading just for the moment as the young woman pressed into her. "Amber!" she says, when she finally pulls away, keeping the worries of the previous month from her eyes, just smiling happily.

"I missed you!" Amber gushes, her grey eyes tearing up, "I didn't think I would see you again!"

"I promised you I'd be back!" she says, as she brushes some of the tears away from her face, "I missed you too.."

"When did you get back? How was your friend? How long are you staying?" the words rush out of Amber's mouth.

Cassia pushes her gently inside the flat. "Only today... and... only today. I'll be back again soon though!" Venia... Cassia's face drops a little "...She is..."

"Aww..." she looks downcast, "Only tonight? And... is something wrong with your friend?"

Cassia kisses her, "I'll be back soon. Sian... has to do something for the Syndics. But she... I'm worried about her... she seems better now though..."

"What happened?" Amber sits down on the bed that doubles as a couch, and beckons Cassia to sit next to her.

Cassia sits next to her, leaning on the girl. "She... was in a bad place. I can't imagine what she had been though... she used to be so strong..." pressing closer to her, for comfort.

Amber's arm wraps around Cassia's waist, "But you got her out, right?"

Cassia nods slightly, and presses closer.

"Mmmm..." the young mortal sighs, "I missed you..." A whistling sound starts from the kitchen, building to an ear-piercing shriek, "Oh! I forgot, I was making some tea. Do you want any?"

"...Yes. Yes please." She nods.

Amber gets up from the bed and disappears into the kitchen. A minute later she returns carrying two steaming cups, passing one to Cassia, "There you go." She smiles and sits back down, sipping gently.

Cassia smiles up at her, taking the cup and sipping on it "Mmm...thank you."

"Do you want to talk about it? Your friend?" Amber's eyes are full of concern as she sits, cross-legged on the bed, facing Cassia.

"But...I didn't come here to upset you..."

"That's OK," she nods, sipping her tea again, "I'm just glad to see you again. I... I think about you a lot."

Cassia sips more of her tea, before setting it down and looking at Amber, letting her see all the confusion. "I...don't know what to say... it's so confusing... everything about it is!"

"About what? Us?" the girl blinks at the outburst.

"No! Yes...not anymore!" screwing up her face.

Amber's face mirrors Cassia's confusion, "I... I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?"

Cassia shakes her head, "No! Nothing!" tears in her eyes.

"Please, don't cry," Amber blinks back tears of her own.

Cassia blinks, and tries to stop herself, "...Sorry." She sniffs, "...I said I didn't want to upset you..." she looks down at her lap.

Sniffing herself, Amber closes her eyes and takes a long sip of the tea, "It's OK. I just... don't understand. Anything, really. Ever since I met you, everything has been different. I don't know how or why."

"What...what do you mean?" Cassia asks, softly.

"I don't know. I think about you... a lot," the girl blushes slightly, "Lots of little things, like everything seems brighter when you're around."

Cassia smiles a little at that, "...I thought about you too... so much..."

"You did?" she smiles back.

Cassia nods, "...I wrote you letters too. I probably beat them all here..."

"Aww..." Amber smiles, and then gestures down, "I'm still wearing the necklace you bought me. I haven't taken it off since then."

Cassia smiles at Amber, "I...sorry."


"...Leaving like I did... coming back like this..."

"You had to go, I understood." Amber looks up, a smile in her eyes, "I'm glad your back, though, even if it's just for a short while."

"When I get back from this little trip... we'll be here for a while I think... hope..."

"That's good, isn't it?" she smiles, then sighs, "Although I still have to work, and we've been so busy recently."


"Yes. We think it's left over from Calibration. People are acting very strangely," she sighs, "We've had a lot more murders recently."

Cassia looks unhappy at that... "That's bad..."

"Nobody's been able to work out why, either. Some of them are just so strange," she sighs, and then shrugs, "But I don't want to talk about that, not if you're just here for tonight." She smiles warmly at Cassia.

Cassia nods and returns the warm smile, moving close to her on the bed.

Amber slides down on the bed, lying next to her, "I missed you. I missed... this..."

Cassia slides an arm around her, "I'm here now..."

"Mmm..." Amber smiles, and then turns her head to kiss Cassia, not as roughly as before.

Cassia returns the kiss, using the little tricks Venia and Asura taught her.

"Oh, Cassia," Amber's face is flushed and she is short of breath, "Oh..."

Cassia gently strokes her hair and face, in just the way she remembers Amber likes, "...Maybe now I'm here, you could take the necklace off..."

"Just the necklace?" she smiles back, reaching up to her neck.

"Maybe a few other things too..."

The extra room in Sian's apartment is small, but it has the advantage of being warm and private, things that the wagons really couldn't manage - despite efforts to the contrary. Jug of hot water for tea and a pair of small cups sit beside the bed, but otherwise the room is spare, to put it kindly.

Venia doesn't entirely mind this, the spartan feel oddly appropriate. Still, she puts in the work to make it comfortable as she awaits her visitor.

Muffled voices from the other side of the door are followed by a very polite knock and the practiced formal voice of Frost Swan through the wood, "My Lady Venia? You requested my presence?"

"Oh, yes." She heads to the door, opening it and smiling at him. "I apologize for the humble surroundings, but it is the best I could do on short notice. Please, come in..." She ushers him inside, taking his coat and hanging it carefully. "I appreciate the visit."

"It is an honour," a look of pained formality crosses his face as his Exalted host takes his coat, but he recovers quickly, "Our fair city does not often receive such illustrious visitors as yourself and the Lady Cassia."

"Illustrious? Unless by that you mean beautiful, I must respectfully disagree. Neither of us is very important."

"You are of the Chosen, my Lady," the god-blood looks faintly puzzled, "I am afraid I fail to grasp how you can say you are not important." He pauses, "Forgive me if I am too familiar, Lady Venia."

Venia smiles. "I am not sure you are familiar enough. You are in a simple room, for a friendly chat. I'm not sure of the protocol anyway, so don't worry. Please, just call me Venia." She steps past him, fingers trailing along his face. "Would you like some tea?"

"I shall try to, La... Venia," the familiarity seems to pain him slightly, "And yes, I would, but you must let me get it for you."

"If you like. As for how I am unimportant... I am simply a merchant now, and not a very good one at that. There are ten-thousand dragons, and surely I am one of the lesser."

Swan gets up from his seat and makes the tea with the precision of someone with much practice, making two cups of steaming hot tea and presenting one to his hostess. "As you wish," he says, asking with a look before sitting down.

Venia sips it, nodding approval. "If you do not mind, I had hoped you would explain who is who in Whitewall, something of a primer on the important people... I would ask Sian, but he is busy, and I was curious to see how you acted outside of your official capacity"

"I am a mere herald and messenger for the Syndics, the rulers of our city. My knowledge on this subject would be sorely lacking, I feel, but I will endeavour to impart such information as I have, if you wish."

"I would much appreciate it, yes." She moves over to sit beside him for convienence and a little warmth, the pleasant numb feeling slowly falling away.

Swan is obviously discomfited by the closeness, but does not move away either, "Very well... As you know, our fair city is ruled by the Syndics. I do not know how long they have done so, and I know of no-one who does, they just are. They are fair rulers, and I do not think that Whitewall would still exist were they not upon the thrones."

Venia nods, lifting his arm and settling under it. She rests her head back against his shoulder, attentive.

"There are many spirits who live in the city; you have already seen Sliding Joy, but there are others beside her who help to keep our city safe. I have only met a few as part of my duties." Swan coughs slightly at the added closeness, his face flushing a little but, again, he does not move away.

"Are you unwell? I do not mean to trouble you if you are sick..." Venia reaches up to caress his face, checking for fever.

"No, I am..." he smiles awkwardly, "I am not used to such closeness, particularly from..." he mumbles, "... someone as beautiful as you."

Venia smiles. "Thank you... I imagine it must have taken a lot to say that. Should I move?"

"It is not my place to ask my Lady whether she will move or not," Swan says, "I am a humble servant."

Venia shrugs, leaning in a bit to let her breath spill over his neck. "Imagine our positions were reversed, then. Consider it a rhetorical question."

The godblood shivers a little at the breath, "I... I must admit to a certain difficulty in maintaining my train of thought when I am this close to you." Swan turns and offers what could almost be a smile, "I hope that my Lady does not think it forward of me, but I find myself somehow intoxicated in your presence."

"Curiouser and curiouser... though perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised there is a flame of passion behind the icy name." She smiles in return, leaning across for a very light, short kiss, then tracing his lips. "There... a better smile. Perhaps we can move to fashion now? I was unsure if I was wearing too much or too little for my appearance today."

Swan coughs again, his face flushing as he looks at the clothing (or lack thereof) that he had studiously avoiding examining too closely prior, "It is certainly... striking, my Lady."

"That is the sort of thing people who are too polite to insult you say. Must I kiss you again?"

"It covers less than is the accepted norm for ladies of your social stature in Whitewall, Lady Venia," Swan says hurriedly.

"That was something of the idea. I am not the accepted norm for ladies of my social stature myself, Swan." She sips her tea, setting the cup aside after a moment to take his hand, resting it on the uncovered expanse of her thigh. "Perhaps you could point out where I erred? Sketch out what should be covered, that I know if I brought anything appropriate."

"Umm... well..." Swan looks quite flustered, "I believe that your... midriff would normally be covered as would your..." he looks down at his hand, unwilling to risk offence by moving it, "... your legs."

"All of them?" She moves the hand slowly to safer, lace covered territory, a bit above the knee. "Surely a skirt to here is appropriate."

"In the summer, yes," he nods, "In the winter it would be considered... daring."

"Even for the Exalted? It is not as if cold is so worrisome..."

"There are few Chosen in Whitewall, my Lady. Your companion, Lord Nerivus, is considered a great asset to the city." Swan looks up suddenly, realising his gaze had rested on Venia's leg for far too long.

"I suppose..." She takes his hand up to her choker, slowly sliding it downwards. "And the top? How low-cut is considered appropriate? Stop me when I get there..."

Swan coughs and pulls his hand away, looking mortified when he realises what he has done, "I am sorry, my Lady, but I did not... was not expecting..." He blushes and looks down, "Please forgive me, Lady Venia."

Venia tips his head up for another kiss. "Do not worry, I realize that you are you are not used to someone who acts quite so inappropriately as I do in private... Still, it takes a special sort of man to pull his hand away when he would rather hold tight. You are entirely forgiven, on the condition you answer my question."

"I will."

Venia nods, swinging over to straddle him, sitting back in his lap and waiting for the answer, now that she's easier to reach.

He coughs, unsure of where to look, "I be... I believe that it is the current fashion to show some... cleavage, but not so much that one looks like a common wh... commoner."

"I would prefer it if you would look at me while you speak, Swan. If I was displeased by people appreciating my body, I would not wear the clothing I do."

"I apologise, my Lady, for any insult I may have inadvertantly given. During my training I was told that the Exalted make their own rules. I did not fully appreciate what that meant until today."

Venia laughs. "There is that. I am hardly insulted... I knew what to expect when I asked you here, and you do not. I should apologize to you instead." She leans down, resting against his chest for a slow, langorous kiss, tasting slightly sweet like honey. "Better?"

Swan opens his emerald eyes after a few seconds, almost forgetting to breathe. He nods slowly, apparently not trusting himself to words.

"Jewelry. How much is too much? What are the favored materials, styles?"

"Um... amethysts, diamonds and sapphires are the jewels most commonly used by the well-to-do. They can be harvested from certain islands far to the north, I am told. Silver, and for the very wealthy, blue jade, are the metals most used." Swan thinks carefully, "I am sorry, Lady Venia, but my work does not leave me much time for myself."

"Unfortunate. Perhaps as thanks I should do something about that... Are there any makers that are known here?"

Swan looks down, saddened, "I am sorry, my Lady, but I do not know."

Venia nods, reaching under the thin material of her top and slowly peeling it up off her body, dropping it behind her to the floor to expose those blue marbled rings with the silver caps. "What do you think of these? Are they the right style? They're not proper rings, I'm afraid... I'm having to make do with some of my old earrings." She sighs, ever so slightly sad about resorting to such.

"I... I... " he looks up, his face a picture of bewilderment, but with lust breaking through his training. He blinks again, and then leans in to kiss Venia.

Venia smiles into it, hand tightening in his hair and holding him close, waiting until she guesses his lungs ache before tugging him back. "Naughty..."

"Forgive me, my Lady, I..." he swallows hard.

"You are a surprisingly good kisser. Why didn't you warn me earlier?"

"I... " he blinks, and shrugs with a smile, broader and more genuine, "I didn't want to seem like a braggart."

Venia laughs. "Dear, I was a dynast. It'd be unseasonably rude if you hadn't made an offhand comment about your skill in bed within the first few minutes if this was happening at home." She smiles at him. "No more stammering? No more apologies?"

"No more," Swan nods.

Venia nods, slipping off his lap and hooking a finger into his collar, drawing him up. "Good. Now come to bed. We can talk again in the morning."

Swan smiles, sliding his hand around Venia's waist as she leads him.