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Cloud Castles, Gods and Other Monsters - part 2

In which work isn't done, lessons are learned, and snow is found to be a great deal of fun...

The 8th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763

"Oh no..." Sian immediately starts to envision the sort of havoc the catgirl is wreaking, as he turns back and begins to look for her.

The Frozen Tempest Court, somewhat strangely, has yet to burst into flame, or erupt into generalised rioting, activities that Sian often associates with Aia on the loose. This probably means that she has yet to get herself into any serious trouble. He decides that 'yet' is not an acceptable timeframe for trouble-causing, and thus determines that this situation is worthy of his investigative expertise. Essence-powered, even!

The trail of the catgirl is remarkably easy to find, in the form of several smitten minor gods and an ice elemental who seems to have melted into a large happy puddle on the floor. Sian blinks at the latter, then shakes his head and carries on.

She is found, in a smaller hall of the Court somewhere below the guest areas, surrounded by cheering frost dwarves and avalanche snakes, as she dances and twirls on the table-tops, leaping between them with breathtaking ease and grace.

Sian smiles slightly, leaning back beside the doorway to watch.

Aia leaps and spins, hopping from wall fixtures and tables with barely a pause, grinning madly as the crowd whoops and cheers her on. She grabs a tankard of... something, from one of the frost dwarves (it's about half the size of her head), and drinks mightily from it, before handing it back and dancing some more.

Sian hopes that he doesn't have to deal with a hungover Aia in the morning.

"SIAAAAAN!" is suddenly bawled from the room, "SIAAAAAAAN! Come here!" and she beckons towards the watching Terrestrial, the entire crowd turning to look at him.

Sian winces, stepping forwards towards the catgirl. There is a distinct smell of alcohol on the catgirl's breath, as she leans forwards and grins, "Heeey... I made some new friends," and she waves at the crowd.

"I've noticed. Enjoying yourself?" He grins.

"Lots!" and she kisses Sian suddenly, much to the delight of the audience, who cheer even louder.

Sian decides to give in, kissing back with some force. Despite the taste of alcohol, blech.

There is a very sudden, very loud, and very disapproving cough from the back of the room. The cough emanates from a silvery-white dog with four eyes and a single large golden horn that curls back from the top of its head. "WHAT is going on here? The Court is in recess, which means that the guests are expecting food and drink and general service, and I come down to find that you're all in here!"

Sian gently pulls Aia down off the table, stopping her from being so conspicuous. He hushes her complaints with a finger.

The dog continues, "I expect to see each and every one of you out of here and doing your jobs now or I shall be forced into extreme measures!" The crowd evaporates, both frost dwarves and avalanche snakes disappearing at a rate of knots, leaving only a slight chill in the air to provide Sian, Aia and the seneschal some company. "Now, you two..." it continues.

Sian puts up a hand, holding the now-sluggish Aia in the other arm. "I'm sorry for any trouble she may have caused. I didn't know she was down here."

"Well, who is she? And, more to the point, who are you?"

"Her name is Aia. I'm Sian Nerivus, Terrestrial emissary of the Whitewall Syndics." He lets his aspect markings show at this point, the skin at his temples and other portions of his body coloring to a dark blue.

The dog seems resolutely unimpressed, "I see... well, these are the servant's levels of the Frozen Tempest Court and your doxy has caused no small disruption to its smooth functioning."

"I'm sorry for her behaviour." He frowns a little. "What else do you want me to say?"

"Hmmpf," the dog snorts, "This is one of the busiest Courts of the year and your little... concubine messes everything up? I had guests asking if they could have something to drink. They shouldn't have to ask. I shall be reporting this to De'Firn."

"All I can do is apologize again, so go ahead. I'll be gone tomorrow, anyway."

Aia suddenly blows a huge raspberry at the dog, before leaning down and vomiting over Sian's shoes.

The dog, by contrast, simply raises it nose in the air and walks off, presumably to make its report.

Sian sighs. "Bad Aia. Bad." His tone is mild, though, as he shakes his shoes off a bit and carries her up to the bedroom, wherein he gives her something to help her sleep and settles her into the bed.

"That was fun..." Aia smiles, before falling asleep in the bed, leaving Sian with an unconscious catgirl in the bed.

Sian attempts to make her comfortable, arranging pillows about her and such. Might as well feel good now... she's gonna feel like hell in the morning. He grabs a blanket and settles down on the couch to sleep, after washing his boots.

The 9th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763

The next morning's dawn is punctuated by a sudden scream from Aia, the sunlight coming in directly through a window and onto her face. "Owwww... it hurts..." and she waves ineffectually at the sun.

Sian is woken by the noise, and obligingly closes the curtain. He wanders over and sits on the edge of the bed. "Good morning, Aia."

"Ooooh... what's good about it? My head hurts," she holds her head in her hands, apparently trying to twist the top off.

"The more you move around, the more it'll hurt." He hunts around for the drink he prepared the night before, then hands it to her. "Drink. Slowly. And don't spit it out."

She sips, "Ugh," making a face, "It tastes worse than my mouth."

"Yeah, well, you have only yourself to blame for that. It'll take the edge off your headache."

Aia continues to drink slowly, shuddering as she swallows the disgusting mixture.

Sian is nice enough to put a reassuring arm around her as she drinks. "Why'd you do that, Aia?"

"Do what? I remember leaving here because I was bored. I spoke to some people and kinda wandered. I think I went downstairs, but it's kinda fuzzy..."

"You got astoundingly drunk, and ended up entertaining the servants here with your dancing across the tables."

"I did? Ooohh..." she holds her head again.

Sian gives her a kiss on the forehead. "Yes, you did."

"Was I any good?"

"You were a very good dancer, yes. Though I hope vomiting on my shoes is not going to be a regular part of the routine."

"Oh no! I didn't, did I?"

"You did. But I've already cleaned them, so it's no big deal."

Aia's colour moved away from the pale green it was when she woke up, soe the herbal concoction Sian gave appears to have begun to work its magic on her. "Oh, I'm sorry..." she leans in to kiss Sian, but stops and ooghs again, "Oooh, my head..."

"Just rest." He settles her back into the pillows.

"OK," she leans back into the bed, closing her eyes again.

Sian kisses her lightly on the forehead, then goes to find some breakfast for the pair.

The Court is quiet at the moment, the second day having yet to be called into session, and almost a third of the guests having departed, their business done. Food is easily found, in both quantity and quality. Sian locates something simple, and carries it back.

Aia stirs in her bed, tossing and turning.

Sian wakes her gently, his voice still fairly neutral. "Aia. Breakfast."

"Ooow..." she says as she sits up. "What is it?"

"Eggs. Easy to eat." He offers her the plate, and a fork.

Aia digs carefully into the dinner, each movement slow as if she is unsure if her arms are going to work properly. Sian helps her upon occasion, supporting her motions. But mostly, he sits and eats his own breakfast, radiating a faint feeling of disapproval.

"I'm sorry Sian. I was just bored being here..."

"I'm not angry... I'm just disappointed. I've talked to you about this before, Aia; what you do reflects on me."

She sniffles a bit.

"At the extreme edge of possibility... if you can't behave yourself, then I can't have you travelling with me. A large number of my missions are very delicate."

"Oh, oh please don't Sian. I'm sorry, I just..." she looks down at her half-eaten breakfast, tears spilling down her cheeks.

Sian can't remain emotionless at that, leaning over and putting his arms around her. "Shh... hey, don't cry."

She leans over and cries into Sian's shoulder, wrapping her arms around him and sobbing.

Sian carefully places her food to the side, bundling her up in his arms and shhing her quietly. "It's okay, Aia... it's okay..."

Aia continues to cry for several minutes before calming down, sniffling and wiping her nose on the sheets. "I'm sorry, Sian. I'll be OK soon, I think. My head doesn't hurt as much now."

"Good." He gives her a soft kiss. "I'm sorry I said that. But if things really get that bad, that's what I'll have to do. Okay? I may not like it, but many people depend on me."

"I know. I'll try harder next time." She sniffles again and then looks up, "Did you get anywhere with trying to get help for Sena?"

"Yeah. I've asked a Forest King for help. We'll get a reply soon, but the court will move before then... we'll have to camp out in some of the caves further down."

"OK," Aia smiles slightly, "Make sure to get some food before the Court leaves."

"Yeah. I was going to spend today getting supplies, then we'll head down the mountain in the evening. You should be okay, then."

Aia nods, "OK. I'm feeling better already," and she nods, then grimaces, "But not perfect."

"It fades." He brushes her cheek. "You be good, okay? Get some more rest."

"OK. And thanks," she kisses Sian again, this time without the wincing.

Sian responds gently. "See you later." And off he goes! To organize supplies and inform Ketari of their departure, and to thank him for the room.

Old Ketari is, as always, in the vicinity of the gatehouse, welcoming new arrivals for today's session of the Frozen Tempest Court and wishing those who leave a safe journey depending on their rank and importance. He sees Sian arrive and gestures with a wing for him to wait for a moment so that he can properly greet the quartet of sundogs that just arrived. "Sorry about that, my friend. It's gotten busy here."

"I've noticed." He steps back, out of the way of a busy snake.

"Now, what can I do for you? I trust that you and the girl found the room to your liking?"

"We did indeed, though she's a little too hungover to appreciate it. I'm afraid we have to take our leave, though... the court is moving soon, is it not?"

"Yes, at the end of tomorrow's session. Three days staying still, four days moving. And we're getting busier of late."

Sian nods. "We'll be staying on the mountain, so we might as well head down tonight. Do you think I could get some supplies to keep us going?"

Old Ketari nods, "I'm fairly sure that that wouldn't be a problem. I'll see if I can help with some other things for you, too. It's cold on the mountain below, and I wouldn't want you to freeze."

"That'd be most appreciated."

"Anything I can do," Old Ketari nods again, and then heads over to the door to greet some more gods who have just arrived for the day's session.

Sian wanders back to spend time with Aia, until they leave.

Old Ketari is as good as his word, managing to get hold of some decent provisions and a carefully crafted set of bedrolls & tents that he informs Sian, will keep him warm no matter what, having had them made by some of the artificers of the Court.

Sian is very appreciative. "You really don't need to get me all this, you know."

"It's not any effort, my friend," Old Ketari flutters, "They're fairly simple, although they won't last more than a week outside of the Court - they need the Essence, you see?"

"Ah, fair enough. Still, a week of warm sleeps is still much more than I asked for." He smiles. "I'm grateful, Ketari."

"You make the life of this old bird interesting, Sian. That's enough for me."

"Guess so." He stretches slightly. "Well, I'd better go get Aia ready. We'd better be off soon."

Aia has recovered from her encounter with the alcohol demons, and is dressed somewhat more practically than before, having obtained a large furred coat from one of the room's many storage areas. "Are we going then?"

"Mhmm. You sure you're okay to walk? I can carry you if you need."

"I'm fine. I just wanted to make sure I was warm while we waited."

Sian nods. "It's not far, anyway, and we've got a few days to rest afterwards while I wait for a reply."

Aia smiles, "Then we'll just have to find our own way to keep warm."

"Whatever shall we do, I wonder?" He smiles back, in a somewhat better mood now, before leaning down and giving her a light kiss.

A sly nudge and a grin from Aia, "I'm sure we can think of something..."

"Mhmm." He looks around. "Your gear is all packed up, too?"

"Yup. All packed and ready to go."

"Good." He packs up his small amount of gear, and is soon similarly ready to leave. "Off we go, then."

Old Ketari is waiting for Aia and Sian, wishing them well as they are lowered back down on the disc of blue jade, and onto the snow-covered mountainside below the Court. "Good luck, my friend," the old bird calls down through the doorway, "I hope to see you again soon."

"Same here. Have a good season, Ketari." He waves up at him, before turning and beginning the trek down the mountain.

The constant snowfall from the cloud at the base of the Frozen Tempest Court has coated the mountain in a thick coat of the frozen substance, it creaks and cracks at every footstep as the two forge their way through it and down to one of the caves in the mountainside.

Sian is very glad now of the bedrolls Ketari supplied him with, as he locates a fairly spacious cave. "This do?"

Aia looks out of the cave, at the stark whiteness of the landscape before her, and then turns around smiling, "If you're here, it'll be just fine."

Sian actually manages to look flattered. "Thanks. And I'm sorry about telling you off earlier." He starts to set out the bedrolls and such.

"It's OK," Aia smiles and then hurls a snowball right at Sian's head!

Sian is hit! "Ack! Accursed catgirl!" He scoops up one of his own and hurls it back. And throwing is his forte.

Aia falls to the floor, "You got me!" holding her chest as if mortally wounded.

Sian adopts a mock-triumphant pose, hands on hips and chest puffed out. "Haha! I am victorious!" He grins.

Getting up from the ground, Aia slinks over to Sian and kisses him on the cheek, "Yes, you did." She then proceeds to stuff a handful of snow down his trousers.

Sian winces, hurriedly pulling out as much of it as he can. "Oh, you're in trouble now." He grins wickedly.

She bounces away, leaping over Sian's head and back further into the cave, "You'll have to catch me first!"

Sian takes off after her, running over the snow-covered mountainside, hiding behind trees and over hefty drifts.

Aia uses the cunning diversionary tactic of flashing Sian, providing just enough of a distraction for a lump of snow to be dumped down his back.

Sian keeps chasing! Though slightly colder.

Aia surrenders to Sian's dogged pursuit, retaining some of her dignity by affirming his victory with a long, slow kiss.

Sian accepts this. He does, however, let her experience the unique thrill of having snow dumped down your shirt. Though he applies it to the front, and is more than happy to help warm her up afterwards. :-)

She shivers, squealing as the ice is applied to certain sensitive areas, biting playfully at his lower lip.

Sian nips her nose lightly in return, before moving onto a proper kiss.

Aia shivers, pulling Sian in and enjoying the closeness, breathing faster. She smiles and whispers, "So, how warm are those bedrolls?"

"Warmer than you'd expect. I think we'd better investigate, don't you?" He grins, lifting her up and carrying her over to them.

She grins back, shimmying out of her clothes and sliding into one of the rolls, gasping, "Oooo... it is warm!"

Sian laughs as he shrugs off his shirt. "A gift from Ketari. They'll only last a few days, and it's not as good as a bath, but..." He slides beneath it with her. "It's definitely nice, especially when you have a beautiful catgirl to share it with."

Aia wraps herself around Sian, "Where is this beautiful catgirl?"

"In my pack. I keep a supply on hand for those lonely nights." He grins, embracing her.

"Really? I should get one for myself, since they're obviously so much fun for you." Aia grins and kisses Sian deeply.

"Now that I'd pay to see..." Any further comment is stifled by the kiss, though he doesn't much mind. Aia pinches Sian for that comment, even as she kisses him.

Sian just smiles into the kiss, placing a warm hand on Aia's side and rubbing gently. Rolling over on top of Sian, still covered in the bedroll, Aia mounts him and keeps kissing, moving slowly, luxuriating in the closeness.

content to watch and revel in the sensations, Sian pauses only once to pull the blanket up over her shoulders. Otherwise, he is content to kiss, caress, and generally make her feel good.

The lovemaking is slow and careful, Aia building to a loud shuddering climax, her howls of pleasure echoing out from the cave and across the mountains. Sian is fairly quiet, as per usual, but the expression of bliss on his face says it all. He idly strokes her spine afterwards, listening to the sound of her breath and the occasional faint 'mrr' she emits.

Aia snuggles up against Sian as she falls asleep, still wrapped around him, the pair in a cave several thousand feet high on a snow-covered mountain. Sian watches the snow fall, old stories of the heavenly paradise, Yu-Shan, drifting through his mind. Forget that, he thinks, rolling over and snuggling Aia closer to his chest. This is paradise.

Aia twitches against Sian, apparently dreaming, making slightly panicked sounds in her sleep.

Sian was just dozing off, when he notes this, frowning lightly. She twitches again, and then relaxes suddenly, squeezing Sian tighter before relaxing.

Sian brushes back a few strands of hair from her face, looking slightly worried. He strokes her cheek gently to reassure her.

The 10th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763

Sunrise is a blinding affair, red sunlight reflected from the snow filling the cave with a deep carmine glow.

Sian wakes slowly, looking at the light with tired eyes.

Aia yawns, rubbing her eyes and looking around, "Hey, the sun's out."

"It does that." He takes a moment to gaze down at her, skin faintly red in the light.

"No, I mean that the cloud's gone. The Court has left."

"Yeah. Ketari said they would be." He gives her a light kiss, then pulls himself into a sitting position. "Want some breakfast?"

She sits up also, her naked body glowing ruby-red in the light, "After last night I'm starving."

"Breakfast it is." He gets to cooking, only pausing to pull on a pair of underwear.

Aia pulls on her clothes while Sian gets busy with cooking. The provisions Old Ketari provided are princely, with plenty of meat and fruit and vegetables and bread, all carefully packed and preserved through the application of Essence.

Sian makes a royal breakfast for the pair. "I need to pay Ketari back for this, next time I see him."

Practically drooling by the time the food is served, Aia eats ravenously, having something of everything and talking incoherently the whole time. Sian just nods and smiles, amused.

The breakfast is over too soon, the provisions that Old Ketari obtained enough to last for another three days. Not long after breakfast is done, Aia is out in the snow on the mountainside, playing with the snow, making shapes with it and grinning all the time.

Sian plays with her, occasionally, helping her to build various snow-things. Been a while since he just relaxed like this. Aia, being Aia, makes a very rude shape out of snow, and plays with it like a little child.

Sian tries to look exasperated, but can't quite manage it.

She grins and licks it suggestively, before disappearing back into the darkness of the cave.

Sian sighs, trekking up into the cave after her. "Naughty girl..."

Aia calls out, "Well, if you're not interested..."

"Hey, I didn't say that."

Aia wiggles her ears as Sian walks into the cave, "Good hearing, remember?"

"Ah, yes." He obligingly scratches said wiggly ears.

The scratching produces an all-body shiver and Aia looks up at Sian, "No fair..." before kissing him again.

Sian thinks it's perfectly fair, though isn't going to argue the point. He lifts her up and lets her wrap arms and legs around him, giving her a long, passionate kiss. Aia returns the kiss, and then makes good on her promise, kissing her way down Sian.

Sian just tilts his head back and enjoys. Very much enjoys. Aia gets seriously involved in the task at hand, doing her best (which is very very good) to make it a supreme experience.

Sian leans heavily against the wall when it's over, and Aia looks up him "My turn!"

"Oh yes. Very much so." After a moment of recovery, he takes both her and a blanket to the cave entrance, laying the girl atop the furs. The cold air contrasts nicely with the warmth that Sian sets to bringing.

Aia shivers, the cold having an immediately visible effect on her, and then she begins to moan and squeal as Sian sets to returning the favour. Sian is quite methodical, even ruthless, watching as she squirms this way and that in response. Poor catgirl. Or lucky catgirl, either way.

Aia's body bucks and shudders from Sian's ministrations, mewling and squealing from his efforts. Sian resists the urge to laugh, a fact that Aia would probably appreciate if she was capable of coherent thought. Alas, his cruelty does have bounds, and thus the torment eventually ends. Pleasantly, I might add.

Sweating profusely, Aia lies dead still on the furs, gasping for air, "Ooooh..."

Sian locates the other blanket and drapes it atop her, sliding beneath it and helping her to warm up. "You okay?"

"More than OK. Just tired."

"Sorry." He kisses her cheek. "Have a sleep, then... I'll keep watch."

A day and night pass in similar fashion - Sian and Aia having little else to do while waiting for the message from the Forest King's envoy. The food and goods supplied by Old Ketari prove more than up to the task required of them, allowing for quiet restful sleep (when they sleep) on the stony floor of a cave.

The 12th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763

The third dawn is less bright than the last two, the localised weather disruption caused by the passage of the Frozen Tempest Court fading and the clouds return to these mountains. Aia sleeps quietly in her roll, while Sian watches the sun rise. Somewhat surprisingly, then, a face formed of frost materialises in the air in front of him. It looks around furtively, "I bring a message for one Sian Nerivus."

Sian looks up. "That's me."

"Ah. Well..." the face seems to take on a more self-important expression, counter to the shifty one it wore a moment earlier, "Your request has been granted. Follow the map provided for some easier transport," the face then spits out a small roll of silver paper and disappears.