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Prohibited Trade

In which the criminal element is met, an old friend is seen, and intimidation assists renegotiation...

The 14th Day of Ascending Fire, Realm Year 763

A wind blows down from the North, bringing with it the smells of ash and death from within Marama's Fell, and causing the canvas sheeting that appears to be the major construction component of Hood to flap and billow. A collection of large tents and cheaply-built wooden structures, there are few people visible out and about within the town, but several trails of smoke from the larger pavillions suggest some form of social gathering places.

Venia is loathe to admit that her lack of resources helps, but she fits in better now that she's not trying to hang onto her Dynastic roots as much. Though, as always, she is extremely loathe to give up her lipstick.

Sian just stands quietly He takes in the area with his usual impassive expression.

"I should have indulged in some perfume." She coughs behind her veil, turning sideways to the wind.

"Wouldn't have masked much."

"At least it would distract me from the taste in my mouth." She starts down towards the town, slowly picking her way through the snow.

Sian shrugs. "I'll buy us something to drink whenever we find whatever passes for an inn." He follows after.

Hidden from casual view by a group of small hills, the collection of thieves, bandits, murderers and outlaws is relatively quiet at present. According to the information Sian and Venia gathered Hood generally conducts its business under the cover of night, which makes the oft-suspected deals with the Dead much easier to accomplish.

Venia doesn't have to try hard to exude icy focus, clearing a path for them with her steady gaze alone.

Sian continues to look for said inn, though keeping in mind the fact that sleeping in their tent is probably a lot cleaner.

Venia pauses nearby to what appears to be an inn, but she isn't sure. Inns shuld have signs, lanterns, and a unifomed valet outside... right?

Sian notes "This would appear to be it."

Venia grumbles, "Mrmph. To have to ask for a clean glass specifically... again." She goes in nonetheless, stepping aside to let Sian handle the orders.

The "inn" is a rough two-storey wooden structure, the first floor open and dedicated to, based on the smells and sounds, drinking, smoking and swearing. The second floor, according to the stumbling drunk who fell out of the door, is large common sleeping area - straw mattresses on wooden floors.

Sian mentally confirms his choice of sleeping place, wandering over to the bar (such as it is) and orders something mild. In clean glasses, yes.

Venia takes it as soon as it's poured, and tosses it back, the single almost dancing motion never exposing her face. She may or may not be smiling beneath the black veil.

Sian drinks his rather slowly, lifting an eyebrow at her but not commenting.

The punters in this nameless and very dirty establishment paid a moment's attention to the newcomers before returning to their conversations. A rough-looking crowd, more than one of them missing an eye or a hand, most likely the result of some altercation or legal punishment.

Venia makes note of that, remembering the blades strapped to her back under her coat. One less hand is one less slash, if it comes to that. A comforting thought.

The number of people within the rickety building begins to decrease with the light from outside, thieves and other unsavory types filtering out. The noise level drops below deafening until, with the sun below the horizon, only the hardcore drinkers and unconscious drug-users remain.

Sian is still sipping at his first glass, vaguely wondering how many Venia has had.

Venia slaps him on the back. "Let's get to work, hrm?"

"With less hitting, though, I hope."

"Where's the fun in that?" She slides off her barstool and tries to remember the report Cassia gave.

Sian sighs, and follows after her. Best to let her lead.

Venia does so, quietly making her way to a particular gathering place, then hovering around the periphery. She would seem perfectly under control if Sian didn't know her better than that.

Sian doesn't comment, though.

Outside of Hood proper, in a small forest of dead trees, the people that Venia was told about gather for their meeting with the representative from the "Silver Bone Trading Company", the name from the records that, after some digging, belonged to the local representatives of the Dead.

Venia points out the specific people and names to Sian, gesturing with her cloth-wrapped swords.

Sian wraps his cloak about himself, nodding slightly at this.

"Think what worked last time will work here? Take one out, borrow the evidence?"

"We'll have to wait until after the meeting. The men we beat up last time were ordered to stay silent, but I suspect that none of these men answer to any of the others."

Gosul's factor waits with the eight rough types in a small clearing within the dead forest when, from the North, the sound of hooves can be heard. Movement is visible between the bone-white trunks and a moment later a baroque wagon drawn by six skeletal horses and driven by a pale figure in a black robe arrives.

Venia holds her breath, trying not to worry too much about the capabilities of this new arrival.

Sian likewise goes silent, crouching down and motioning for her to do the same.

From inside step four people, one dressed in dark armour and with a large black robe that flows of its own accord, flickering against the wind. The three others all wear white robes and carry torches that burn with green flame. The factor bows deeply to the leader, "Greetings, my Lord."

The conversation between the two appears rather one-sided, with the factor replying to unheard statements. Eventually, their business done, the men in white robes carry a large black-iron chest out of the back of the wagon and place it in front of the factor. In return three of the ruffians turn around and pull the covers from the packs on their backs, each one revealing a large slab of solid blue jade.

Venia bites her lip instead of commenting.

The deal done, the large armoured figure and the cultists returns to the wagon, the horses pulling it around and then back out of the clearing.

Sian watches to see what is done with the iron chest.

The heavy figures turn the chest around slowly, it suddenly appears to weigh a good deal more than was previously the case. Opening it, the factor's face is lit in green and gold light that shines from within, and he pulls out a complex spider-like mechanism from inside.

Sian nudges Venia gently. "What do you say? Go now, or follow him?"

"Follow. I want to know what that thing is."

Sian nods, and waits for the group to disperse.

The mechanism is returned to the chest which is then closed, and a small cart is pulled into the clearing. With much swearing and sweating the chest is lifted onto the back of the cart, the factor ending the whole deal by paying handing each of the men a decent quantity of silver coins.

The cart wheels out of the forest, pulled by a large and somewhat slow horse, heading, strangely enough, not directly for Hood.

Venia nods in that direction. "Think we're faster?"

"Most likely."

"Good. Let us speak to the fine well-heeled gentleman in someplace farther off, then.

"Ladies first."

At that Cassia appears like a ghost out of the mist, smiling and whispering, "Hi!" She just gets a glare from the other two for her troubles, and the wagon trails off through the dead forest, followed quietly by the three Dragon-Bloods. The sound of wheels crackling over dead wood drowns out any sound that the trio might make, and the factor seems to be unaware of or unconcerned about the possibility of being followed.

Sian quietly and concisely explains the situation to Cassia, trailing after the Wood.

"I was watching." Cassia says as he gets to describing the meeting, "The ghost who left in the other carriage was the one who got the better of me in the shadowland near Broken Back."

Sian nods at this. "Going to leave him alone for now?"

Cassia nods, "Yes." Her voice betrays a certain amount of reluctance.

"Maybe later." He moves up ahead, closer to Venia, who is attempting to look for the best ambush spot, and also trying not to breathe much. Damn plumes of mist... Cassia pads quietly after him.

The sounds of voices echoes between the dead trees and the flickering yellow light of torches spills around the wagon as it enters a clearing the forest. Above the wagon, looming just above the treetops is the distinctive light canvas gasbag of an Haslanti airship. One loud voice calls out, "You're late, Owl!"

Sian settles down in the shadow of a large tree to watch.

Six people work around the airship, pulling it down on ropes until it settles on the ground. Owl drives the wagon up to the gondola and exchanges some quiet, but harsh, words with his interlocutor. Once the airship is firmly tethered the crew move around the back of the wagon to begin the unwieldy process of moving the iron chest on the back of it.

Venia settles down against Sian's back. "Think we should sneak aboard?"

Sian doesn't much react. "Sneaking is not exactly my forte, and that ship is tiny. Cassia, maybe, but not all three of us. Want to just nab the chest now and question them?"

"Think we can get them to keep their mouths shut for the required time?"

"Probably. All we really need to worry about is him... the crew can just head back to where they came from, and things will be over by the time they arrive."

Venia nods. "Then we'll go for it."

Sian starts to quietly look around for some heavy rocks and branches suitable for beatings.

Venia nods at Cassia. "Think you can be impressive and deadly looking?"

Cassia grins. "I think so."

Venia nods, and steps out, whistling and posing against the field of grey snow, hand on hip. "Excuse me, gentlemen! All your lives now belong to us. If you want to survive, drop your weapons and kneel in the snow like nice mortals."

Cassia appears next to Venia on her right, still grinning a little, her skin lit by flames within.

Sian casually wanders up on the left, an impressively large log resting over his shoulder.

The crew take one look at the three Dragon-Blooded, animas glowing red, blue and green and their knees instinctively buckle, weapons clattering to the ground. "Oh gods," one of them whispers, tears leaking down her cheek.

Venia smiles. "That's better. Cassia, collect their toys. Sian, find the captain."

Sian bows somewhat jokingly, wandering up to question them as to which one is in charge.

Cassia nods, then walks amongst the men and women, picking up weapons and occasionally patting the more likely places to hide weapons, removing the occasional hidden knife before depositing them all some distance from the cowering people.

The one who yelled out to Owl is found to be the captain of this happy band of smugglers, a fat man with an impressive collection of scars on his face and hands.

Venia walks over to him and adds another, scraping a fingernail under his chin to make him look up at her. "What's the cargo?"

"Dunno. We're hired to carry that," he points to the extremely heavy iron chest, "to Icehome. We don't look inside."

"Who for?"

"Some lady called Diamond. She's a noble."

Sian taps the box experimentally with the log. "Shall I take a look?"

"Yes. Cassia? Find Owl."

Cassia looks up from her idle sorting of the weapons and walks over to Owl. "Venia wants to speak to you." she informs him, then picks him up by the back of his shirt and vaguely moves him in Venia's direction.

Venia flicks the droplet of blood from her fingernail in Owl's face. "Who do you work for, and what's the cargo?"

Sian makes sure to do a brief check for any sort of ward or spell on the box, seeing how they're dealing with the dead. He eyes the lock for a moment, then rather loudly smashes it in with the log. He looks faintly sheepish at the noise. "Sorry."

Cassia looks a little disappointed as Sian busts up the lock.

Owl looks up at Venia, terrified, flecks of spit and blood visible at the edges of his mouth.

"I am waiting, Owl. Check him for sorcery when you get done, Sian. I don't need him keeling over until after I get my answers."

Sian gestures Cassia over to inspect the contents of the chest, whilst he himself starts to check Owl for the effects of magic.

Cassia picks her way over to the chest, opening it then looking inside. Her face is bathed in gold and green light as she opens the chest. Inside is a cornucopia of dark artifice: a score of the spider-like mechanisms that Owl revealed earlier. Two dozen greenish crystals that glow with an inner light. Several strange items that appear to be made of orichalcum, and a whole lot of other strange and disturbing things.

Venia leans in very close to stare into Owl's eyes, only a flat expanse of sparkling green and no emotion to comfort him. "Do not keep me waiting very long, Owl. I detest that, and I know more ways to make you scream for mercy than Gosul could ever dream. Speak, or you never will again."

Cassia lets out a small gasp, gazing into the box with no little amount of wonder and curiousity.

Sian is naturally rather distracted by this, wandering over to go see what's so shiny.

Owl loses all composure and collapses to the ground, sobbing in terror, "I work for V'Neef Gosul! Please don't kill me!"

Cassia whispers to Sian, "What are those things?"

Sian carefully picks one out of the box, alert for any sort of reaction, occult or no. "Not sure... need to study them."

Venia questions imperiously, "Do you normally handle his trade with the Dead?"

"Yes," Owl whimpers.

"You will be providing testimony to Asura within the week. Don't do anything I might disapprove of until after that." Venia goes over to bend down and wipe the face of the crying girl. "Come see me in a couple of weeks, dear. I'll find you a different job, as you're not suited for this." She turns to the captain. "Now, we're going to come with you, captain, and talk to Diamond. I trust you have appropriate accomodations?"

Cassia nods and picks up one of the items made of Orichalcum, watching with wonder how it shimmers then putting it back.

The captain looks puzzled at Venia, "Have you been on an airship before, my Lady?"

"I have not yet had the pleasure."

"There are no accomodations. We sleep on deck."

Sian nods to this. "Hope you brought a blanket. Gets a bit cold."

Venia shrugs. "I will survive."

The airship is small and built for speed rather than comfort. The gondola hangs beneath gasbag on thick ropes, a single deck with a little space beneath for cargo and food. Cassia is fairly excited, though she is trying to keep it under wraps. Icehome is further than Okathaar, isn't it? It's certainly somewhere new.

Sian wonders if much has changed since he was last there. Apart from that, he just inspects the spiders.

"What are you going to do with us?" the captain of the airship asks Venia.

"I was thinking have you fly the airship. Find something else for whatever the crying girl's name is later. After that, leave you to go about your business. I may even hire you myself later when I'm done with Gosul."

"Ah... OK." He stands up, "With your permission, my Lady, we'll get ready to make for Icehome."

"Go right ahead."

"Alright, everyone!" the captain yells, "Get this heap ready to sail! Move it!" The sailors move purposefully, organising ropes and feeding the engine which floods the gasbag with hot air. The canvas creaks and groans as the folds are forced out and the seams strain.

"Do you want to take that with us?" the captain points to the chest.

"Oh, certainly. I have many questions for the intended recipient." Venia grins a little, "No need to hurt your rep by failing to deliver."

Preparations continue, and shortly the captain steps up, "We're leaving now. The wind's about perfect, should get us there in a day and a half."

Cassia moves over to the edge of the airship as they announce they're leaving, to watch the taking off.

Sian has already settled down against the chest to start examining the spiders.

Venia watches Cassia instead of the taking off, sitting next to Sian.

The last ropes are untied and the sailors scramble to get onto the gondola as the airship begins to rise. Climbing easily over the dead trees, the ship's sails unfurl and begin to catch the wind, driving the little vessel onward at an ever-increasing pace. The wind rushing over the deck gets icy cold as the airship gains height and speed, until the only way to make yourself heard is by shouting.

Sian is annoyingly immune to the chill, poking and prodding at the spider in his hand whilst the others look miserable.

Cassia watches the land moving down below until the mists obscure it, then moves back to Venia, sitting next to her and huddling close for warmth.

Venia rests her head on Cassia's shoulder. "This is going very well! I haven't even had to kill anyone yet."

Cassia nods and presses a little closer. She smiles a little.

"Is that what was in the chest?" one of the sailors yells to Sian, "What's it do?"

Sian shrugs, and yells back. "Dunno yet! Trying to figure it out!"

Night arrives, half of the sailors sleep on the after-deck, wrapped up in their heavy furs and clothes against the increasing chill. Frost doesn't quite form on them, but only because the rush of air over the deck prevents it from happening.

Venia curls up under a simple blanket with Cassia, occasionally teasing her to get the right amount of warmth.

Sian is still tinkering with the spiders, not much feeling like sleep.

Cassia presses up close to Venia, making vague protesting noises at the teasing.

Sian continues to study the spider-artifacts for several long hours, no doubt to Venia and Cassia's great boredom. But eventually, he decides to take a break, sliding over to check on them.

Venia flips the blanket over him, taking his hand and tugging him under. "Be still, don't let the chill in. How are things going?"

"Not bad. She looks comfortable." He grins at the sleeping Cassia.

"Should be." She settles in firmly against Sian's side, warm and soft. "I had a talk with Aia... she's very nice. You'll be good together."

"Oh. Thank you." He doesn't much mind, stretching out a little.

"I offered her a job when this is all over."

"Hrm? Doing what?"

"Personal assistant. I'm not much for the details of bureacracy, so I'm going to need some help in the early going."

"That should suit her nicely. She is officially my scribe, but hasn't really done much, as you can imagine."

Venia nods. "Good, then you don't mind."

"Nope. So long as she's happy."

"She kisses nicely.

Sian lifts his eyebrow at this. "Does she."

"Shouldn't you know?" She lightly pokes him with an elbow.

"I am more wondering how you know."


Sian just looks at her.

Venia closes her eyes to block That Look out a bit. "She did ask me not to, to use the specific term, fuck you, and I agreed. I could have convinced her, but I didn't... not sure why."

"Ah." Sian sounds like he doesn't really know what to say.

"I think it's that I liked her. Empathized a bit. Getting soft up here. Hate that."

Sian just slides his arm around her. "Not so bad, really."

"Bah. Last night, I didn't even dream about strangling Asura..."

"Heh. Poor Venia."

"That's what Aia said before the hugging. Not sure which of you is worse."

Sian grins at her. "Probably her. Since she'll be around you a lot, if she accepts that job."

"Mhrm. Hope to use that."


"She's got interesting experiences, and should be a nice counterweight to my normal actions."

"Ah. Maybe she can get you to be a bit nicer." He pokes her.

"Why would she want to?"

"So she doesn't have to put up with that caustic tongue of yours?"

"Mrm. She didn't mind it before..."

"I think I am not liking this secret of yours."

"Tsk. She joked right back at me, that's all. I gave her a kiss goodbye. No fun tonight, are you."

"Bah." He hauls his pack over, and pulls out a bottle. "If I'm so unfun, I'll just have to drink alone."

Venia nibbles on his earlobe, assuming a placatory tone. "Sorry?"

"Apology accepted." He passes it over, not commenting on the nibble.

Venia takes a pull on it, sighing. "I slept with Asura."

"Ah. Again?"

"Yes. May keep it up."

"Might be a good idea. Having someone to snuggle up to is a good thing. Just so long as neither of you tries to knife the other."

"Mrm. Tried that once before. Now it'll be accidental poison or forgetting the safeword."

"You are a cruel lady." He nabs the bottle away from her, and taps her on the nose with it, before taking a drink himself.

"Cruelty would require using excessive means. I do not."

"If you say so."

"Now what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing at all." He grins, and passes the bottle back.

Venia sips at it. "Good."

"Just about ready for sleep? I might go back to look at those spiders some more."

"Mrm... have to go so soon?"

"You have a nice warm Cassia to curl up to; you don't need me."

"Nice warm Cassia isn't talking to me. Also, two is better than one." She puts on her best horny Cynis face for a moment, chuckling as it slips away.

Sian just shakes his head in wonderment. "Fine... I'll stick around for a bit longer. But you better have something interesting to talk about."

"I do. Think I can buy out your contract to Whitewall?"

"Not a contract."


"Mhrm. They paid for most of my life. I serve them out of loyalty, or I did."

"Mrm... bah. Can't corrupt you, and you can't be bought."


"And soon, you're going to be married. I suppose I'll have to live with you vanishing on me."

"I'll be around. I still have that deal with you two and Asura, remember... mutual gain."

"Mhrm. But like all things, one day it will wither on the vine... ah, well. Nice to have you around when I can. I imagine I'd get tired of feeling vulnerable."


"Mhrm." She passes the bottle back to him after a sip. "You scare me sometimes."

Sian lifts an eyebrow again, somewhat more serious. "I do? I don't mean to..."

"Not intentionally. I just know that A: You can probably see right through me if you tried, and B: That's part of why I don't just throw Charms at you until you succumb."

"Ah." He looks at her for a moment. "Is being able to see through you a bad thing?"

"When your primary defense is deception? Yes."

"It's not like I'm going to use it against you. Nor am I going to tell anyone about what I know."

"I almost believe you, that's the trouble."

"You should."

"Even if I did, I don't think it would help my instincts." Venia grins wryly, "It is something like encountering what you know to be a tame bear on a daily basis."

"Growl." Sian tries to joke. "I'm not going to betray you in any way, Venia."

Venia smiles. "I have nothing but time to think about these things, Sian. You would for the right reasons, and you know it. We aren't that important to each other."

"I beg to differ."

"Oh? You wouldn't if it would save Aia?"

"I wouldn't accept that it was the only option."


"I'm Water, remember... from what I've heard, my aspect is supposed to be able to find the alternate solution."

"And also wriggle out of answering the ugly questions." She smiles regardless of her words.

"So it would seem." He gives her a light kiss on the forehead. "You worry too much."

"Probably." She closes her eyes again, quiet for a bit. "Do... do you think we would have been good? Together."

"Mmm... possibly. I don't really know." He looks at her, considering.

"Mrm. Suppose we'll never know. Good night, Sian. Good luck with the spiders."

"Good night, Venia. Pleasant dreams." He kisses her temple this time, then slides out from under the blanket to go work on them some more.