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Dearest Cassia,
I could not write earlier, you understand why.
Tideholme has almost fully recovered from the Calibration now, so much so that people are convincing themselves that it never happened. I don't have that luxury. There are many regrets in my past, but events cannot be undone and we must all live with our choices.
The business of satrapy goes on, although the removal of the pig Gosul means that things are a little more complicated than before, and the Guild is making approaches towards forming a larger presence in the city. There is the usual round of audiences and negotiations and parties, but I find I have less patience for them than I did.
There are rumours of strange people being seen in remote places. They seem to be Exalted, but of a new kind, neither Dragon-Blooded nor Anathema. I laughed them off, at first, but now I am not so sure. Creation is becoming stranger, Cassia, and more dangerous with every day. Although we did not part on the best of terms, know that you are in my thoughts. The Iceflower Palace is empty without even the thought of you here.
All my love,