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The History
In the primeval epochs when Creation was still new and primitive. The titans still considering how to take the application of life. It was during this time when the simpliest of the worlds flora began to flourish. From massive ferns and fungal stalks. Brillant glowing lichen with the dark twilight canopies of the primeval epoch.

It was during this time that the Primordials Gaia and Cytherea looked upon what they made and decided to add to it. Taking the best of the plants that existed they blended them into a sentient form capable of defending themselves and blending life as well. The resulting race where more like flowers. Their lower bodies where a mass of roots that allowed them to grip their surroundings in many different ways. Capable of hanging upside down and moving on sheer vertical surfaces. Their upper bodies where plant like with brightly colored flowers. Thin arms ending in a three finger hand. With smooth heads and large black pupiless eyes. Decorative markings on their bodies mark them as a favored race.

They where entertaining to the Primordials for a time. Teaching them the act of bio-genesis. Their cities almost impossible to detect amongst the primeval jungles of those early times. They worshipped what they called the "Great Eternity" in their alien cities taking the form of an immense living statue of a fungus and flower. That blooms a fruit poisonous to all other life forms. The acidic nature of their homelands made them particulary susceptible to Theion To. Their capitol based around such a demense that made them even more different than others.

Such a specialized enviroment and the boredom of the Primordials damned them into near extinction. As Creation evolved and changed those primeval jungles where replaced with more advanced life. And they began to die out as the air itself changed. Their cities crumbling so that nothing was left. They retreated further and further away from the centers of Creation as it changed. In the far north they found their salvation. A demense of Theion To which could sustain them. Twisting the valley with their Primordial given power into a sanctuary that would perserve them.

And there they remained for the remaining epochs of Primordial rule. When the war came both sides ignored them. For they could not leave their valley and survive for very long. As the war raged on one of the sub-souls of a slain Primordial was shattered. The crystal fragments rained down upon the valley. Mixing with the Theion To to create something new and terrible. It became their new diety. The Primordials abandoned them. The Solar Exalted only traded with them when they needed those plants other things that only grew in the primeval valley. If they had refused the Solars would have reduced their home to ruin and all they had to do to survive would have been for naught.

When the Usurptation hit they again remained neutral in that conflict. They did not assist any side and they ignored pleas of help. There was little they could have done if they wanted to help. And as the conflict subsided they went back to their normal activities and the world forgot about them. It was the arrival of the Wood Aspect Dragon-Blooded Kolur. She taught them about Gaia and about the natural order. No other being since their abandonment of the Primordials did anyone take time to get to know them and to assist them. Using her potent charms to survive the primeval jungle that they lived in.

The tribes of the north around the broken crystal plain has it became known for it was the only thing visible above the mist covered valley. Kolur changed their society and began to adjust their essence to thrive off of the wood aspect and not bound to the valley through Theion To.

The Castes:

Unique Charms: