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Welcome to my twisted image of Gem. I am still working out the details of the various traps and countermeasures assuring that the creature locked within would not escape. In my head here's how the flow will go:

First of all the players will have to either sneak into the Despot's private chambers or befriend him and be granted access to them. From that point they would have to find the passage leading to the amethyst door. It does draw in air so any lit flame will pull slightly towards it, or moving your hands along the wall will reveal a pull of air as well. The Despot's ancestors created an elaborate mirror that reaches eight feet up from the floor, lavished with fanciful carvings and set with gemstones it shines and reflects the light of the room making it much brighter and almost blinding to look at for prolnged times. It is behind this mirror that the passage lies. It was thier hope that the vanity of the person or the discomfort to the eyes would distract them from prying too much.

From that hallway, it would wind down without any peril to the amethyst doors somewhere near a 1/4 mile from the chambers. From here the players would need to solve the first puzzle to open the door and enter the traps. The hallway leading to the door will be filled with elaborate First Age carvings of the great battle between the Unconquered Suns warriors and the Fae Lord. A few glyphs will show some Terrestrial and the occassional Lunar in the battle as well, yet the Solars remain the prominent figure in the pictures. Near the end of the hallway, the last pictures on both sides of the tube will be of a weapon. A weapon that as you look back was used in the battle against the Fae Lord, supposedly defeating him and allowing his capture. The last 50 feet of the tunnel are plain and unmarked from human hands.
