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Water HearthStones

These are the Stones of Water, powerful gems and pearls which control tears, seas, lakes and rivers as well as fluidity and the mind.

Level 1

Neverthirst Gem - Stone of Water

 Manse •
 Trigger: Squeezing

A marble-sized sphere of pure blue stone, this Hearthstone produces a cup of water when squeezed. The water is totally pure and can be hot, cold or lukewarm as desired.

Level 2

Level 3

Well-Forming Gem - Stone of Water

 Manse •••
 Trigger: Essence expenditure

A fist-sized orb of clear blue, this Stone can create a natural spring of pure water when placed on the ground and fed 10 motes of Essence. This spring will last forever unless interfered with by natural or unnatural forces.

Wall-Walking Crystal - Stone of [Element]

 Manse •••
 Trigger: Concentration

Forming in the color of their element, these spheres allow the owner to walk through solid, inanimate matter up to 2 yards thick. The effect varies based on the element of the stone. A Fire stone might let the wearer turn into smoke and drift through, or melt the wall and reform it behind her. An Earth stone would simply let the user merge into the barrier and appear from the other side, as might a Water stone. None of these stones in any way deals permanent harm to the barrier passed through.

Level 4

Level 5

Brain-Eating Eye

 Manse •••••
 Trigger: Being given away.

The Brain-Eating Eye is a cabochon-cut stone of blue-veined black. When the item the stone is set in is given away, willingly or unwillingly, the stone's power activates. The Eye whispers to its new holder, who need not be attuned to the Manse from which it came, and slowly breaks down their mental defenses. Every night the Eye is in the posession of someone other then its true owner it forces the holder to roll their Willpower against a difficulty of 1 + the number of nights they have held the stone. Each time the stone wins, the holder's willpower is reduced by 1 for purposes of the contest. When the holder's willpower reaches 0 they are "brain-eaten" by the stone. The stone then ceases its whispering and things seem to return to normal for the holder.
After eating the brain of its holder, the Brain-Eating Eye makes its true owner aware that it has completed its task. For as long as the Brain-Eating Eye is in the possession of a brain-eaten person any experience earned by the brain-eaten person can be spent by the true owner of the stone on whatever traits the eaten one can normally learn.
Brain-eaten victims of the stone can be communicated with by the true owner of the gem. Whenever the owner wishes, he may enter a light trance and send his thoughts into the mind of the holder of his HearthStone. If he chooses to issue commands in this manner then the victim is at +4 difficulty to resist them and must make a Difficulty 3 Int + Awareness roll to even remember the orders.
