Infernal HearthStones
These are the Stones of Hell, rare gems formed in places of power tainted by the energies of the Yozis and their demonic servants. They are most common within the demonic realm of Malfeas but also crop up occasionally in Creation. Their powers are related to the demons, Yozis and infernal energies.
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Level 1
Sulfuric Essence Gem
Manse • Trigger: Constant
Sometimes a curse but always useful, the Gem allows its owner to detect the presence of demons and other denizens of Malfeas by scent. The smell of burned sulfur and rotten brass follows in the wake of such creatures and is instantly apparent to the bearer of the Gem if he is within 100 yards of a demonic creature. By making a Perception + Awareness roll the bearer can attempt to sniff out past traces of demonic presence, each success allowing him to detect the presence of demons in his immediate area one day back in time. There are more powerful variants of this Hearthstone that allow the bearer to determine what sort of demons he is smelling. Such variants are level 2.
Token of Hellish Sands
Manse • Trigger: Walking to Cecelyne
The normal journey across Cecelyne is harrowing, horrible and hideous. Those who attempt the journey while carrying the Token do not find it so. They may complete the trip in a 13 hours if they walk without stopping, a full day and night if they rest regularly. Further, they gain an automatic two successes on all rolls directly related to surviving Cecelyne's natural defenses.13
Level 2
Crystal of Bronze Flesh
Manse •• Trigger: Drawing a line
When a line is drawn with the item the Crystal is set into it is unto demons as a line of salt is unto ghosts. They cannot cross the line until it is broken. A broken line does no good holding a demon back, even if the break is minor. The lines drawn by the Crystal's power are brassy and smell faintly of rotten flesh. Some savants suggest they are formed from the substance of Malfeas's body. The Crystal itself is an opaque rhombus the ugly dark yellow-green of Malfean brass. Demons of the Third Circle ignore lines drawn by the Crystal of Bronze Flesh as do Second Circle demons with an Essence greater then 3.
Ligier's Planting Stick
Manse •• Trigger: Contact with metal
Touching the Planting Stick, a short twig made of silver-veined brass, to a piece of metal about the size of a coin imbues a bit of the essence of Malfeas into the metal. As if growing under the light of the Green Sun, the coin becomes a 'living' seed. If planted it will sprout and grow into a plant of living metal. Brass, bronze and silver become trees, copper generally spawns shrubs and iron will grow into a sharp type of grass. Storytellers are engouraged to come up with unique floral forms for different types of metal. The living metal plants grow at the same rate as normal plants and can be manipulated with normal plant-manipulating magic. The four metallic Magical Materials cannot be enlivened with this Hearthstone.
Level 3
Asura's Heart
Manse ••• Trigger: Constant
Named for the crazed race of humans who dwell in Malfeas as enslaved cultists and mad victims, the Asura's Heart allows its bearer to pass for a demonic citizen. Demons who encounter the bearer of the Heart in a non-violent situation are pre-disposed to react favorably, or at least peacefully, with him. Mechanically the Heart reduces the difficulty of all social rolls with demons by 1, as well as summoning difficulties. A demon will generally not battle the holder of Asura's Heart without provocation or orders from its master.
Alveua's Hammer
Manse ••• Trigger: Smashing stuff
When this hammer-shaped hunk of copper is struck against a sample of mundane material with a Malfeas-tainted alternative the material is transformed into an equal weight of its Malfean counterpart. Examples of materials affected by this stone are brass, copper, lead and porcelin. Various types of acidic sludge can be transformed by this stone into vitriol. The Hammer cannot transform more then 10 pounds of an item within a month.
Seed of Demon Essence
Manse ••• Trigger: Sexual intercourse
Not a particularly pleasant Hearthstone, the Seed gives its owner the ability to sire or bear demonic half-breeds without need of an actual demon. When engaging in sexual intercourse the bearer of the Seed chooses a demon with an Essence equal to or lower then his own. Any child of the union will be a guaranteed Demon-Blood with traits of the selected demon. The child's Inheritance will be based upon the Essences of the two physical parents, not the selected demonic template. The Seed takes the form of a transparent diamond-cut crystal the size of a chicken egg.
Level 4
Demon-Body Stone
Manse •••• Trigger: Constant
This green-splotched copper sphere makes its owner a living prison for unfortunate demons. If its owner is able to reduce a demon to the Incapacitated Health Level he may choose to swallow the demon as a Simple action. Swallowed demons are dematerialized and bound within the owner's body. Once the demon has healed itself fully, it may attempt to escape every night at midnight by rolling its Strength + Essence against the Stamina + Essence of their captor. While the demon is imprisoned its master has access to its Charms, though he must power them with his own Essence. The master is also able to swap one of his Attributes for one of the demon's once per scene.
Demons of the Third Circle cannot be bound by this Hearthstone. While holding a demon within himself, the master of the Demon-Body Stone registers as a demon to detective magic and those using Essence-sight effects can see the demon prisoned within the master. Should the owner of the stone ever dematerialize for any reason or lose his attunement to the Manse he sets free the demon prisoned inside him instantly. Only one demon can be prisoned in a person's body at a time.
Jewel of Infernal Damnation
Manse •••• Trigger: Incapacitating an enemy
When the owner of this rough ball of smoking brimstone has a foe completely at his mercy via surrender, incapacitation, maiming or capture, he may choose to strike the foe with his bare hand and send him screaming into Malfeas. The owner of the Jewel becomes instantly aware if anyone he banishes to Malfeas is ever released or escapes the demon realm. The strike which sends a foe to Malfeas does no damage. This power can not be used on allies of the stone's owner.
Gem of Infernal Investiture
Manse •••• Trigger: Smashing the stone
The destruction of the Gem releases a violent surge of Infernal Essence which will seek out the closest heroic mortal to the site of its origin and sink into him, forever altering his body, mind and soul. The heroic mortal struck by the Infernal essence will be transformed into a Demon-Blood with Inheritance 3 and traits of whatever demon the Storyteller decides is appropriate, though it will almost always be one of the First Circle and never one of the Third. The Gem reforms normally at its home Manse after being destroyed. When intact the Gem of Infernal Investiture appears as a glittering green-gold sphere of topaz.
Level 5
Calibration Stone
Manse ••••• Trigger: Special
One of the most powerful Hearthstones known to exist, the Calibration Stone takes the form of a razor-sharp triangle of brass and black stone mixed together in an unholy symmetry. When the Stone is used to slay a living human being who has committed no crime and taken no life, it causes a break in the natural cycles of Creation as it unleashes a horrible storm of Infernal power. The Stone itself shatters at the moment of the sacrifice. When the victim is dead and the Calibration Stone shatters the world grows dark and uncertain. Until the next dawn all of Creation experiences a day of Calibration with all the normal effects of that five-day period of yearlessness.
Seal of Malfeas
Manse ••••• Trigger: Sealing a contract
The Seal is an octagonal shaft of brass about four inches long and two across bearing on the bottom a complex and visually abhorrent symbol that, if gazed at too long, drives the viewer to intense, alternating fits of anger and despair. When used to apply a wax seal on a contract or other written agreement, the Seal of Malfeas makes the contract magically binding. All its terms will be magically enforced by the will of the Yozis. Those who break the conditions of a Sealed contract become marked with a hideous rune upon some part of their bodies, usually a part directly involved in the breaking of the contract. Demons within a hundred miles of the marked one can sense the mark and are magically drawn to slay the marked one. Only direct orders by their summoner (if they have one) can stop the demons from attempting to kill the marked one. The owner of the Seal is not immune to the penalties for breaking a contract. The mark of a broken contract never fades.
Binding Soul Mark
Manse ••••• Trigger: Special
Like one of the Greatest Demons, a master of the Binding Soul Mark exists both as a person and a geographical feature. At the moment he takes possession of the Mark he binds his soul into the Manse from which it originates, becoming a part of the Manse. The Manse, in effect, becomes a second body that he may shape to his will and act through. He will never die until the Manse is destroyed or altered sufficiently that it no longer sustains the Mark. He may also be killed if his connection to the Mark is somehow severed and his soul forced back into his body. Until one of these things happen, the person's soul exists in two places at once. His normal body is unaffected by this stone's powers and continues to act normally. Storytellers be warned that this stone requires a great deal of effort on the part of its owner and the Storyteller to determine exactly what powers the character has in his Manse-body and how it affects him.