HammerOne/Widow Of The Red Path

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Widow of the Red Path

Name: Widow of the Red Path
Known as: The Iron Matron, Mistress of the Invisible Legion
Nature: Architect
Caste: Midnight
Liege: Whispers of the Broken Temple
Anima: Reddish shadows become blood covered assassins and scarlet banners.
Concept: Terrorist mastermind, stager of great displays, Deathlord's right hand

Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Perception 2, Intelligence 5, Wits 4

Archery 0, Athletics 0, Awareness 1, Brawl 0, Bureacracy 0, Craft 0 , Dodge 0, Endurance 2, Investigation 0, Larcerny 0, Linguistics 3, Lore 3, Martial Arts 2, Medicine 0, Melee 0, Occult 3, Performance 3, Presence 3, Resistance 2, Ride 0, Sail 0, Socialize 3, Stealth 0, Survival 0, Thrown 0,

Liege 5, Abyssal Command 3, Spies 3, Artifact 5, Resources 4, Manse 3, Followers 5, Influence 2(Rebel armies of the Hundred Kingdoms)



Virtues: Compassion 2, Valor 3, Temperance 4, Conviction 5

Essence: 5
Personal essence pool: 23
Periferal essence pool: 57
Health Levels: -0, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated


Occult: Shadowland Circle Necromancy, Labyrinth Circle Necromancy
Performance: Haunting Inflection Trick, Elegy for the Fallen, Mobid Fascination Style, Heart-Sculpting Oration
Presence: Elegant Tyrant's Majesty
Presence: Spirit-Hardened Frame, Ivory Blossom Carapace, Crimson Petal Armor,

Shadowland Circle Necromancy:
Labyrinth Circle Necromancy:


Bonus point: 0(15+12)

Experience points: +111



When she still walked among the living, the woman who would become the Widow of the Red Path was the consort and advisor of one of the greatest warlords, ever seen in the Hundred Kingdoms, a rebel named Crimson Mountain. More thant two decades ago, this charismatic leader gathered rebel group from all over the region into one great army and set forth to destroy the enemies of his various allies, one kingdom at the time. Always at his side, his wife worked tirelessly to turn her husband into a living legend, and skillfully set the stage for a number of grand parades and rallies where thousand of mesmerized followers offered their undying allegiance. Soon she had turned her husband into a demi god to his many followers, something no man could kill.

In the end, it wasn't a man that killed the Crimson Mountain; it was a simple beast, his own horse. One day, while returning with a small retinue from one of his many allied, the rebel leader forced his horse to jump across a fallen three that blocked their path. He stumble and fell, and when his men reached his side, they knew he was dead, if not by the glazed look in his eyes, then by the twisted angle of his neck. Carrying his body back to the main camp in secret, the members of the retinue contacted Crimson Mountain's wife and the allied generals.

Although she grieved for her dead husband, the woman who would become the Widow of the Red path was filled with a great rage upon hearing the news of his death; how dared he upset her carefully planned and orchestrate drama? She quickly outlined her plan for the further success of her grand scheme and what the allied generals had to do. Here, her rage grew, first into surprise and then into a flaming fury as the allied general refused to hear her out and even told her not to interfere. In her blind arrogance, she had never considered that the allied generals had been fooled by her rouse and thought her late husband to truly be the semi divine leader; she had made him up to be. Quickly regaining her composure, she began spreading dissent and mistrust among the generals and quickly raised the question of who should be the new leader of the rebel armies. Skillfully making the generals mistrust each other, she casually suggested that she, in her capacity of the widow of the Crimson Mountain should be made leader. After much debate the generals finally and less than enthusiastically made her the new leader.

For a short while, it seemed to work; the generals carried out her orders and the rebel army made progress against the Realm backed forces of several of the Hundred Kingdoms. But as the power of the rebel army grew, so did the ambition of the allied generals. Soon a plan was set in motion to once and for all rid the rebel generals of the consort of the Crimson Mountain. While a skilled manipulator, the consort was not as skilled a general as her late husband and when the generals told her that a great blow could be struck against the Realm, she eagerly took their advice and rode out, expecting the generals to follow her. However, when she came to the great forest opening, where her generals had told her she would surprise the realm backed forces, they were not only waiting for her, they had been reinforced with soldiers from one of the Real legions led by several terrestrial exalted. And the allied generals were nowhere to be seen.

The battle was short and bloody; the consort's forces were butchered to a man, and the bodies were left to rot on the battlefield, a feast for the scavengers. Missed by the dragon blooded, the consort lay dying, slashed wide open by the blade of a large Water aspected dragon blooded, slowly feeling the blood flow from her body and her life with it. Though she was weak from her wounds and her vision had started to go dark, the consort still stirred, trying to sit up and put of the inevitable, shaking from growing shock and a dark rage capable to bend steel. She struggled for what seemed to be hours, but her body remained unresponsive. Just as the last energy left her and the darkness closed in, for second she thought she heard a faint chuckle and as the world went black, a voice, deep and soft as silk, rose from the darkness, calling her name.

Detailed Backgrounds

Story Ideas

  • Although she is specifically ordered by her master to let the matter go, the Widow is still furious at the generals who betrayed her and had her killed. Most of all however, she is furious at them for not respecting her and following her brilliant plans. So while she is managing her master's many schemes and building his clandestine armies, she is secretly searching the Hundred Kingdoms, indeed the entire East for any surviving members of the allied generals. Although it has been two decades, a surprising five of the original eight generals are still alive, having either set them selves up as the petty kings they fought many years ago or retired to one of the many small monasteries that dot the kingdoms. The players are relatives or students of one of the retired generals. As they meet with him, he tells them of the mysterious deaths of two of his old companions. No one else remembers the real army, except for children's tales of Crimson Mountain, a mystical reble hero, so no one sees the connection, except the player's elderly patron. The retired general wishes to warn his surviving companions and asks the players to escort him. From here on, the players will ahve numerous encoutners with agents and assassins, sent by the Widow of the Red Path. The Widow will go the great lengths to cover her tracks, both to avoid the players but also to avoid alerting her master to her own small projects. (Whispers of the Broken Temple is well aware of his Deathknight's vendetta, but remains passive, simply to see how it players out).

Other Notes