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Combat Artifacts


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Noncombat Artifacts

Sorcerous Tools

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Miscellaneous Tools

All-Seeing Master's Eye

A slight exaggeration, the All-Seeing Master's Eye is a ring, made from blue jade and with a gem forged of Essence adorning it. Its powers are useful to spies, courtiers, and anyone else who would need a way to store information easily. It has two functions, at varying costs to the user.

For either of the functions to be used, ten motes must be attuned to the ring.

The main function, and the easiest to use, is to record speech. When attuned, a mental command from the wearer will cause the ring to begin recording everything the wearer hears. It will not record names of speakers, merely all sounds. This is stopped after either an hour or at a mental command. Playback is also by mental command.

The second function is to record images. To record an image into the ring, one must spend five motes of Essence. Then, upon a mental command, the image that the user sees at the moment of the command will be recorded into the ring, able to be projected at a simple mental command. If the user does not record an image within ten minutes, his motes are lost.

The ring may hold as many images or hours of sound as the bearer desires, but he must remember them to recall them. De-attuning the ring will cause anything stored in it to decay over time. Anything that is within a ring for over a year will vanish when it is de-attuned, and newer recordings will vanish after a year if the ring is not attuned in that time.

Artifact Cost: ***