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Revision as of 16:14, 26 May 2005 by IsawaBrian (talk)
Innate Abilities:
- Shapechanging: The Lunar may spend 3 motes of Essence to adopt any shape he has in his library. Newly created Lunars start with only one shape in their library, that of their totem animal. The Charms Drinking the Heart's Blood and Walking in the Skins of the Fallen may be used to add shapes to the Lunars library.
- Shapechanging is a simple action. (its not a Charm use though, so you can use Reflexive Charms in the turn in which you shapechange.)
- Deadly Glorious Transformation
- Its like DBT only DGT. Same idea.
- DGT Forms are built using Gifts. A Lunar may only have as many Gifts as she has dots of permenant Essence. See HumbleLunars/Gifts for a list.
- DGT forms don't come with Attribute dots, but some gifts provide them.
- A Lunar in DGT form can not use a Martial Arts form charm. Activating DGT ends any forms she's got up. Other Martial Arts charms can be used as normal.
- Going into DGT form costs 8 Essence but otherwise works like any other shapechange (see above.)
- Lunars have five castes, which will be detailed as soon as I wake up a little more.
- Lunars have tattoos that grant them immunity to the Wyld. They often draw their own, although some may have them done by other Lunars, small gods, et cetera.
Quick question before I comment on the Humble Lunar Stamina charms you have up; couldn't find an answer to this anywhere. Has the fundamental philosophy of the Lunar charms changed? IE, are they still 'max of attribute' and do DGT gift-bonus stats still count as "natural" for those purposes? -- IsawaBrian