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Hulking Garou Form

Min Essence: 2 

The Lunar may deal lethal damage with his claws and soaks lethal damage with his entire stamina. Every turn, he heals one lethal and all bashing. +2 Strength, +2 Stamina

Bodhissatva of Annihilation Form

Min Essence: 2 

The Lunar now has 6 arms. Reduce multiple action penalties by 4.

Golden Prophet Form

Min Essence: 2 

The Lunar's eyes glow a strangely monochromatic hue and his anima banner activates at the 4-6 range, if it has not already. The Lunar may see a moment ahead in the future, anticipating every attack aimed againist him. He may parry all attacks aimed againist him with his full Dexterity+Melee pool.

Terrifying Giant Shape

Min Essence: 3 

The Lunar grows 4 feet in height and becomes immensly strong. Strength +7, Stamina+2, you may soak lethal damage with your entire Stamina.

Frightful Stone Shape

Min Essence: 3 

The Lunar turns into a living statue. +2 Strength, +7 Stamina, may soak Lethal with bashing soak.