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(is the Jakar bit too long by half? I really enjoyed writing it but I suspect it needs massive editing.)

Jakar the Lion

Mnemnon Jakar's family thought of him as a sensitive, promising boy. He spent most of his boarding school days in the school's forested estate, reading books and making friends with the wild life. The most amazing creature he met in the forest was named V'neef Sheil. The pair became fast friends, even having their childish plans for marriage endorsed by their families - on the condition they should both Exalt. And exalt they did, although Jakar's parents didn't live long enough to see it happen.

Jakar's parents were talented sorcerors with plenty of enemies. One particularly daring brotherhood formed a plot. They summoned several Demons, then attacked the family on their country estate. Hopefully the investigators would find several dead Sorcerors and several escaped demons and assume the obvious. Jakar watched his parents die, and heard a whisper in his ear. Before he knew what was going on, Jakar had ripped the heart out of the assasin's Sorceror and assumed control the Demons. They gleefully turned on their former masters while Jakar fled.

Mnemnon was suprised when a bird flew into her window and turned into a sobbing grandchild, but not unduly so. As soon as she realized what had happened, she gleefully contacted the families of the assasins, and suggested that they start begging her not to prosecute the murders. Among other conditions, the "surviving assasin" was to be adopted by House Mnemnon to compensate for the lost labor. Mnemnon then carefully leaked a changed version of the story: her cousins really were Diablorists, and had summoned the demons to defend themselves. Society at large kept busy debating the truth of the rumor, and the othehr families involved leaped on the oppurtunity to take credit for having dealt with known diablorists. The surviving assasin was made out to be something of a hero, and his marriage to the newly availble V'neef Sheil was easily arranged.

Now, the couple live as happy and productive members of the Dragon Blooded host. Sheil is overjoyed - not only did she get to marry for love, but now he's twice as handsome and four times as powerful. She views him as simply a Dragon Blooded with an unusual secret. Jakar can't help but realize what he is, and is very grateful to Mnemnon for going to such lengths to help him. Mnemnon spends a great deal of time training her new weapon and has secured them a nice Manse in a secluded area. The beasts of the forest still come to Jakar and stand outside his manse, and only they know his secret.

Tumultous Crow

Tumultous Crow is tired. During the First Age, Auspicous Crow was part of the Circle tasked with maintaining peace throughout Creation. He and his Eclipse spouse, Prosperous Swan, were a good cop/bad cop negoiation team. She would go out and make the speeches about peace and brotherhood while he sat in confrence rooms and reitarted all the very good reasons he wasn't happy. When it didn't work, Scarlet War (Dawn Caste) would march in with her Invincible Army and First Age war machines built by her No Moon spouse, Silver Peace. Intelligence for all this was provided by a Chosen of Secrets. The job was rough and getting rougher, but they were keeping things under control. Then the Dragon Blooded killed the good cop and the enforcer and the No Moon disappeared.

Its been tough going for Crow ever since, but he still keeps on much as he was. He flies throughout Creation, negoiating deals, making threats, and general trying to keep Creation in something resembling a peaceful state. He compensates for his fallen comrades by recruiting young Circles, Fair Folk courts, ambitous local princes, or whatever tools are at hand. The classic wandering Lunar, Tumultous Crow is an influential Silver Pact elder. Never popular among his peers, Tumultous Crow is increasingly an object of scorn as more and more Lunars arm for war.