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A Lunar's Stealth Charms are not perfect effects. Generally speaking, they may be seen through by making a Perception+Awareness roll againist the Lunar's Stealth+Manipulation. Both parties gain their Essence in automatic successus on this roll.

Wearing the Skins of the Fallen

Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 experience point 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 2 
Min Essence: 2 

The Lunar drinks the Heart's Blood of a mortal and adds their shape into their library of forms.

Revelation of the Perfected Form

Cost: 1 mote1 
Duration: Indefinite 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 2 
Min Essence: 1 

The Lunar may alter his appearance in various ways large and small. These might include changing eye color, changing height by as much as a foot, changing general build, raising or lowering your voices slightly, et cetera. Each use of this Charm enacts one such change. At any given time, the Lunar may have only as many modifications of this Charm as he has permemant Essence. These modifications do not change a Lunar's stats.

Snake Gives no Warning

Cost: 1 mote per +2 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Ability: 2 
Min Essence: 1 

For every mote spent poewring this Charm, gain +2 Iniative for one round. The Lunar may not spend more motes than they have Manipulation.

Meek Rabit Style

Cost: 1 mote per die 
Duration: One Scene 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Ability: 2 
Min Essence: 1 

For the rest of the scene, add 1 die per mote spent to all Stealth rolls. This Charm may not add more than the Lunar's Manipulation in dice.

Laughing Coyote Attack

Cost: 1 mote per +1 difficulty 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Supplemental 
Min. Ability: 3 
Min Essence: 1 
Prereqs: Snake Gives no Warning, Meek Rabit Style 

For every mote spent poewring this Charm, the difficulty to block the Lunar's hand to hand attack increases by 1. If several defenses are used to stop the attack, the extra difficulty must be stopped only once. The Lunar may not spend more motes than they have Manipulation.

Unseen Glass Body

Cost: 8 motes 
Duration: Indefinite 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 3 
Min Essence: 1 
Prereqs: Meek Rabit Style

The Lunar reshapes their body, becoming literally translucent. A Lunar using this Charm is virtually impossible to see. Againist Humans and other creatures who rely mainly on vision to percieve, the Lunar adds her Essence in dice to all Stealth rolls. The Lunar who wishes to become visible without ending this Charm may "fade in" somewhat, appearing as colored glass.

Lost Scent Recall

Cost: 1 mote 
Duration: Indefinite 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Ability: 4 
Min Essence: 2 

The Lunar masks his scent and essence signature, replacing them with ones with which he is familiar. The Lunar cannot eliminate his scent altogether, and the scenet must be from an animal or human.

Blinding Normalacy Prana

Cost: 6 mote 
Duration: Indefinite 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Ability: 3 
Min Essence: 2 

The Lunar draws his body back into the Essence patterns of wherever he resides. The Charm assembles an average apearance for the area in question and pushes it onto the Lunar. Like most Manipulation Charms, this is a literal physical change and not a magical effect. The Charm must be renewed when the Lunar travels to a different area.

Blind Eye Sees No Sin

Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower 
Duration: 24 hours 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 4 
Min Essence: 2 
Prereqs: Lost Scent Recall, Blinding Normalacy Prana

The Lunar casts a spell over the mind of one creature. The creature may not percieve the Exalt in any way. This Charm ends if the Lunar touches or attacks the target.

Invisible Whisper Walk

Cost: 4 motes 
Duration: One Scene 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Ability: 3 
Min Essence: 1 
Prereqs: Blind Eye Sees No Sin

Anyone with an Essence of 1 may not detect the Lunar, regardless of what the Lunar does. Heroic mortals may be able to ignore this Charm with a good stunt, at the GM's descretion.

Unseen Shadow Army

Cost: 15 motes, 1 willpower 
Duration: Special 
Type: Special 
Min. Ability: 5 
Min Essence: 3 
Prereqs: Invisible Whisper Walk

Unseen Shadow Army extends the effects of any of its prerequisites to cover other characters. The Lunar must activate the other Charm(s) normally, and must benefit from them himself to extend their benefits. If any of the characters thus hidden are revealed, the effects of Unseen Shadow Army ends. The characters must stay together for the Charm to take effect. The Lunar can hide no more than his Manipulation worth of additional targets.