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Unforgotten Warmth Technique

Cost: 10 motes 
Duration: Indefinite 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Ability: 3 
Min Essence: 1 

The Lunar accelerates his metabolism, allowing him to heal at an amazing rate. Every hour this Charm is active, the Exalt heals one bashing health level entirely or converts one lethal wound level to bashing. As the name implies, the Lunar gives off a tremendous amount of heat while using this Charm. It can be felt as far away as the Lunar's Essence in yards. Anyone who stays within the radius of heat continously enjoys the benefits of this Charm.

Wound Forgetting Prana

Cost: 2 motes per health level 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Ability: 2 
Min Essence: 1 
Prereqs: Unforgotton Warmth Technique

The Lunar forgets the harm posed by her wounds, if not the pain associated with them. For every motes spent, you may convert one level of lethal damage to bashing.

Majesty of the New Self

Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 4 
Min Essence: 1 
Prereqs: Unforgotton Warmth Technique

The Lunar touches a consenting mortal target with silver light and remakes their physical shape. The Lunar may make virtually any changes they like, changing the target's hair or skin color, height, gender, age, et cetera. The changes are permenant. The mortal loses one experience point plus 5 points per dot of Appearance gained (if any.) The mortal must pay for any other benefits gained at the normal rates. This can be a good excuse for mortals to buy merits such as Longevity.

Life Gift Technique

Cost: 5 motes 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Supplemental 
Min. Ability: 4 
Min Essence: 2 
Prereqs: Wound Forgetting Prana 

The Lunar touches a target and rolls Charisma+Medicine. The Lunar may asorb that many health levels worth of damage from the target. Lethal transfers as lethal, bashing as bashing, aggravated may not be transferred.

Despair Shattering Healing Miracle

Cost: 6 motes, 1 bashing health level 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 4 
Min Essence: 3 
Prereqs: Unforgotton Warmth Technique 

The Lunar gives the target some of their blood to drink. The target heals as though he were an Exalt for the purpose of any wounds or other ailments from which he is currently suffering. Future wounds and disease heal normally. This Charm allows mortals to regrow severed limbs, recover from improperly healed wounds, et cetera.

Compassionate Aura of the Moon

Cost: 15 motes, 1 willpower 
Duration: Indefinite 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 5 
Min Essence: 3 
Prereqs: Despair Shattering Healing Miracle, Life Gift Technique 

The Lunar is surrounded by a soft glow that extends to (Essence x 10) yards. The Exalt functions as a rating 1 Demense, and all those who stay close to him recover 4 Essence per hour. Those who spend at least a few minutes a day basking in the glow of the Exalt recover 1 temporary willpower. All those who live within the glow heal as though they were Exalted. Fertility of all beings is massively encouraged.

This Charm does cause the Exalt to glow, and their Castemark is visible at the 1-3 level continously.

Fearsome Mien

Cost: 2 motes per successus 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 2 
Min Essence: 1 

Lunars are fairly frigthening to begin with, but with Fearsome Mien, they are terrifying to behold. The Lunar may convert Charisma dice to automatic successuses on any roll to intimidate or inspire fear.

Heart Touching Glance

Cost: 2 motes per successus, 1 Willpower 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 3 
Min Essence: 1 
Prereqs: Fearsome Mien

The Lunar becomes almost unbearingly persuasive. Convert Charisma to automatic successuses on any roll involving interaction with small groups (5 or less) people.

Virtue Reshaping Touch

Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 4 
Min Essence: 2 
Prereqs: Soul Cleansing Touch, Majesty of the New Self

Changes a target's virtues (not done!)

Soul Cleansing Touch

Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 3 
Min Essence: 1 
Prereqs: Heart Touching Glance, Unforgotton Warmth

Heals madness (not done!)

Blood Boiling Warcry

Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower 
Duration: One Scene 
Type: Simple 
Min. Ability: 3 
Min Essence: 1 
Prereqs: Fearsome Mien

The Lunar yells. All allied mortals to hear the yell gain +1 Valor and +1 to all combat pools for the duration of the scene.