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Concept: Backroom Prophet
Motivation: Make the East safe so he can leave with a clean conscience.
Eclipse Caste


|| Strength 2 || Perception 4 || Charisma 3 || || Dexterity 2 || Intelligence 4 || Manipulation 3 || || Stamina 3 || Wits 3 || Appearance 3 ||

|| Essence 2 || Willpower 6 || || Personal Essence 12 || Peripheral Essence 31 ||

|| || || Martial Arts (F) 5 || || || || Integrity 3 (F) || Performance (F) 3 || Presence 1 || Resistance 2 || || || Craft (Air) 2 || Investigation 2 || Lore (F) 5 || || Occult 2 || || Athletics 1 || Awareness 2 || Dodge 1 || || Stealth (F) 2 || || Bureaucracy 3 || Linguistics 5 || || Sail 1 || Socialize 3 ||

|| Compassion 2 || Conviction 3 || || Temperance 3 || Valor 3 ||

Conviction Flaw "Heart of Flint"

  • Ally 1 - His Wyld-mutant thaumaturge hetero life-mate Hak.
  • Allies 3 - Countercultural revolutionary buddies.
  • Artifact 1 - Magic coolie hat. Can't be burned, counts as a buckler against mundane weapons, water, sand, and mud-proof, stylish.
  • Resources 3 - Borrowing money from his countercultural revolutionary buddies.
  • Contacts 2 - Countercultural revolutionary buddies.

|| Preening Recovery of Demeanor* || Impudent Tail Flare || Monkey Leap Technique || || Frugal Merchant Method || First Linguistics Excellency || Second Linguistics Excellency || || Whirling Brush Method || Letter Within A Letter Technique || Sagacious Reading Of Intent || || Twisted Words Technique || Mastery Of Small Manners ||

  • This charm, updated by moi for 2e, functions now for the rest of the action.


Total: 66

Banked: 13


Han'ya was born under another name to a prosperous merchant family based out of Icehome. He was the middle child of 7, and showed intelligence and a knack for languages at an early age. Soon, his mother was taking him along as a translator on her trips. He was accidentally stranded on the Blessed Isle when he was 16. After a year of sightseeing and acquiring new life experiences, he finally decided to stow away and get back home. When he returned, older, wiser, and with several wicked scars, he was shocked to discover that his entire family, including his 17 cousins, 8 aunts, 13 uncles, 5 nieces, 3 grandparents, and 1 great-grandparent, had all died hideous deaths from a plague. The only survivor was his crazy Uncle Darjo, who had returned from a treasure-hunting mission in the Far East a week before. Han'ya and his uncle took up joint ownership of the severely understaffed trading house, and began to try and work it back to prosperity. Darjo promptly married and had several children, but was knifed to death at a fancy-dress party five years later. At his funeral, Han'ya met the daughter of a friend of his uncle's. Her name was Bronze Lily, and it was love at first sight. They were engaged within the year, and married within two. After their marriage, the company stabilized with the influx of new workers from Bronze Lily's father. A year passed in blissful tedium. It was only after Han'ya's ships began to disappear the he wondered about his wife's family's penchant for ritual scarification. He contacted a Realm official he had met during his stay on the Blessed Isle, and he summoned a Wyld Hunt. It was discovered that his wife's family had been demon-worshipers for four generations, and that his disappearing ships were having their crews killed as sacrifices to summon demons. Needless to say, he was ever-so-slightly pissed off.

After that, he got out of the merchant business forever. He sold his company, and booked passage on a boat for Nexus, where he lived as a beggar for three weeks until he signed on with a treasure-hunting expedition heading for the South-East. He spent two years in the jungles, and finally, after the rest of his team had been killed by disease, pirahnas, insane jaguar gods, cannibals, and mudslides (in that order), he finally found an ancient First Age tomb on the peak of a mountain. The immense orichalcum doors bore the symbol of the Eclipse Caste. In a flash, a Solar shard joined with his soul, and he knew who he was and what he had been called to do. He left the temple untouched, made his way back to civilization (civilization that was not interested in eating his heart, at least), and began his ministry under the name Han'ya, which is derived from the word for 'strange' in Old Realm.

Eventually, his ministry led him into conflict with House Ledaal, who he repeatedly condemned on the charges of being pissants and Dragon-Bloods. He was fleeing a Wyld Hunt when he met Hak, a Wyld-mutant revolutionary thaumaturge. The two struck up an immediate friendship based on a shared love of spicy foods and revolutions. Their ministries soon earned them even more notoriety, and so they fled west, towards Great Forks.

It was there that they met Bosuk, a Dawn Caste, and formerly of House Cathak. There were a few tense moments, as Bosuk's unrepentant lack of faith in or reverence towards the Unconquered Sun really pissed Han'ya and Hak off. But after demolishing a large temple (sort of by accident) and falling under the gaze of the Wyld Hunt (again) they fled East together. An Immaculate Wood Aspect named Jojotos Prinn caught up with them. The resulting unpleasantries separated them, and they fled East in different directions. They met up again, at a town recently ravaged by zombies. After a short standoff with the deathknight responsible, a woman named the Mourner In Maudlin Finery, they split up again and kept on traveling, chased by the undead forces. After a confrontation in a backwater village they killed one deathknight of the three confronting them. The Mourner and another, the Ravager of Empires, escaped with their deaths. A newly Exalted Lunar girl, Fragrance of Sandalwood, was crucial to their victory. When they left her village, she left with them, and they headed back west, intending to make a pilgrimage to the South, to try and build the faith (or an empire) in warmer locales. They encountered the deathknights again, however, and fought a running campaign against them across the whole of the South-East, eventually striking a decisive blow against the undead forces with the aid of a tribe of snakemen under the leadership of a Lunar, a group of Dynasts from House Ledaal, and a First Age airship that was destroyed when they detonated its Essence reactors to destroy the shadowland through which the bulk of the undead forces were preparing to travel. The fate of two of the three deathknights at the battle were unconfirmed, but the Mourner In Maudlin Finery definitely escaped.

Han'ya is tall, and skinny. He is perhaps 190 cm, and has a scraggly beard and mane of mud-brown hair that he keeps out of his face in a ponytail. He never goes anywhere without his woven reed hat, his most prized possession. His eyes are green-brown, more green than brown, and his teeth are yellowed from a particular brand of tea he drank as a child and teenager that stained them permanently. He has a sleek, almost feminine face, and a deep, sonorous voice. He is quiet and reserved, not overly given to bouts of passion or verbal violence. That said, he is one of the most creative guttermouths alive today. In the areas of filth and obscenity, his imagination knows no bounds. He lives an austere lifestyle, by choice as much as by necessity. He enjoys spicy food, sweetened tea, and this one dish he sampled in the East that, unfortunately, is comprised largely of human flesh. He hasn't eaten it since, and is still beating himself about the head for that incident. He has a masochistic streak, but almost never indulges himself. He is largely celibate, and does not drink or drug. He has a thing for aggressive (read: homocidal) girls. He is a perfectionist, and obsessively puts himself down. He is also superstitious. He is a clean freak, and loves hot, humid weather. He hates the cold, the color magenta, and crustaceans.