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The Ceceline Caste

It is generally thought that the world consists mostly of empty space. As the wise, or at least the knowledgeable or intelligent know, nothing could be less true. The world is packed to bursting with new sights, new experiences, things, things, a ceaseless eternity of sensation and experience. It is a rare place indeed where there is nothing, or very close. The Yozi Cecelyne, in her infinite glory, stretches on forever, a ceaseless eternity of brutal sun and sand. In her, even so, true stillness does not come freely. Even in Cecelyne, there is action and reaction, as there is everywhere but Oblivion (which is not stillness, because the absence of existence is not at all the same thing as the cessation of action). Still, in Cecelyne there are great tracts where something very close to true stillness can be achieved. It is from these places that the Cecelines walked. No soul could be so long in its own company and emerge unchanged. The Cecelines, shaped by their mistress, are a walking case in point. They bear the marks of their journey, and bear also the places to which they journeyed. All who are near them are struck by the deep, painful stillness that blankets the world as they move through it. Whether they are wise men or madmen, few can say. In truth, they are both. No knowledge or power comes without its price, and madness is the price of Infernal Exaltation. Regardless of their sanity, when the Cecelines speak, they are heard. When they give an order, they are obeyed. It would be untrue to say that only fools trifle with the Cecelines. Nobody trifles with a Ceceline. The Cecelines were shaped by their masters to be the leaders and guides of the flock

Anima Banners, Effects, and Caste Mark

The caste mark of the Cecelines is a circle with the top half empty, symbolizing the fall of the Unconquered Sun and the resumed dawn of the Green Sun over his rightful dominions. The Ceceline anima banner is usually a shade of brass, copper, or bright green, and shines forth in a stabbing and painful wave.


The Cecelines have a natural affinity for the Virtue of Temperance.


Cecelyne, the colors of copper and grey, starmetal, the second day of Calibration, and moving in a straight line.


The Prophets, The Shining Paths, The Children of Cecelyne, The Kings Who Will Ascend, The Lights Unyielding, The Heirophants


Former cleric, fiery revolutionary leader, insidious advisor, spymaster, priest-king, cult leader