Cerulean Lute of Harmony Style by Han'ya
Sorrows Now Conclude Cost: - Minima: MA 1, Essence 1 Type: Permanent (Step 10) Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisites: None
It is the appointed duty of the Chosen of Serenity to promote universal harmony. Leaving one's sadly misguided opponents to suffer is no part of that. Whenever the martial artist reduces a target to Incapacitated or below, the attack also automatically fills a number of the target's Dying health levels equal to her MA score.
Know What You're In For Cost: 1m per action Minima: MA 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive 2 Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Up to (MA) actions Prerequisites: Sorrows Now Conclude
Impending threats to the harmony of the world sound loud even in the ears of a distracted Joybringer. The caster applies her permanent Essence rating as her DV against unexpected attacks for the duration, in absence of other effects.
Island-Hopping Journey Cost: 2m per, 2wp Minima: MA 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Obvious Duration: Scene Prerequisites: Sorrows Now Conclude
The Exalt springs from problem to problem like an ocean-going bird, propelled on contrails of golden Essence. For the rest of the scene, she may jump as part of all attacks without penalties of any kind. For every 2m spent, she gains +1 die to all unarmed MA attack rolls and +1 automatic success on all rolls to re-establish surprise. For the purposes of this Charm only, the dice cap rises to (Dexterity+MA), but only for MA and only while out of armor.
Battle Like Love Cost: 5m Minima: MA 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive (Step 5) Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Scene Prerequisites: Sorrows Now Conclude
A Cerulean Lute of Harmony practitioner holds no malice in her heart. Those she battles are not her enemies, merely wayward children in need of a guiding hand. In the same way a parent feels satisfaction when her child is set upon the right path, so the martial artist renews her spirit. Roll (Essence) dice whenever she beats her target's DV. She regains motes equal to the number of successes. This Charm only works against targets who are a genuine challenge (e.g. particularly erroneous in their course). Mortal extras are almost always disqualified, and if the character's opponent is not taking the fight seriously, she cannot gain satisfaction.
Cerulean Lute of Harmony Form Cost: 6m Minima: MA 4, Essence 2 Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1) Keywords: Form-type Duration: Scene Prerequisites: Know What You're In For, Island-Hopping Journey, Battle Like Love
The Joybringer sets her body and soul in accordance with the harmonious dictates of Fate. Those capable of perceiving Essence will see her chakras slow for a moment and then erupt into a fireworks display of power. Her battle cries are as sweet as music and her every movement is poetry. The post-soak damage of all attacks made against her decreases by 1, to a minimum of 0, and she cannot be drained of motes, temporary willpower, or Virtue channels for the duration if the attacker's Essence is less than or equal to her own. As her every action is in accordance with universal harmony, she may channel Compassion for any attacks made for the duration.