Gauntlet Of The Unending Sun

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Guantlet of the Unending Sun

Artifact •••••
Orichalcum Articulate Fingered Gauntlet
Power Combat Speed +5 Accuracy +4 Damage +5L Defense +4 Rate 7 Commitment: 12
Requires: Strength ••

In the first age there was a great and powerful Solar of the Twilight caste. As the centuries passed and the Solars fell to corruption so did he. He became so sure of his wisdom he began to think he was wiser and more knowledgeable then the Unconquered Sun and Lytek. His divine soul was too great to be allowed to be reincarnated in whomever the Unconqured Sun wanted.

He crafted this gauntlet. A powerful weapon and a tool to allow him to decide who would be gifted with his wisdom and divine spark. It was the symbol of his divinity to him, and he truly began to think of himself as a Great God after crafting it to cast down celestial fires on his foes. When the solar who is attuned to this artifact dies the divine spark is trapped within it. When someone who could be a solar touches it, the soul flows into them and exalts them. In this manner he planned to find worthy people and arrange for them to touch it when he died.

Not only could he choose who exalted he planned, but by having the knowledge of users stored in it, his new body would grow in power quickly. The weapon would teach them, and at the same time its power would make the wielder a deadly combatant.

When the Blooded rose up in rebellion he was cut down. The artefact was useless to them. They would have hidden it away but mystic traps in his manse caused the entire place to explode. The artifact was sent flying and became buried in a hill. Centuries passed before erosion revealed it.

The gauntlet completely covers the left hand and arm up to just before the elbow. It is fully articulate and does not impede finger movement in any way. Crafted of orichalcum it is ornate with symbols of power inscribed along it. On the palm is two rings and a dot. The largest ring is of Moonsilver. Within that ring is a smaller ring of starmetal. Within that is a hemisphere of red jade. There are 2 settings for Hearthstones. One on the back of the hand, and the other halfway up the arm.

Powers: The gauntlet holds memories of previous users. These memories help to train a character. A character is assumed to have a tutor for learning any skill, attribute, or charm.

Magically fuses with the user. Can not be unattuned. Can not be removed. Can not but cut off. Will only come off when user is dead. Can not be sent elsewhere.

When the solar who has this item dies their solar spark is trapped in the item. When someone worthy touches it then the soul exalts them and instantly attunes to them. No one exalted, or without the potential to be an exalt can use this artifact. Only the person who was exalted by it can use it.

Anyone who isn’t left handed becomes ambidextrous when they get the gauntlet as the maker was left handed. Left handed people gain no bonus.

Add 2 to all physical attributes.

Due to the knowledge that is in it, on any roll involving knowledge of the first age in some way, add 3 automatic successes.

Fire a blast of celestial fire. 10L base. Roll Dex+Thrown. Successes add to damage, may not be parried. Cost 5 motes.

The gauntlet can be used with both melee and brawl charms. It is a weapon, but the user counts as unarmed with it. A solar can still practice and use Martial Arts charms, but must do so without using the arm that has the gauntlet on it.