Grand Lightning

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Grand Lightning

Artifact ••••
Orichalcum Grand Daiklave
Speed 5 Accuracy +3 Damage +13L/4 Defense +1 Tags 2, O, P, R Attune 8
Requires: Strength ••••

Many were the weapons of war that were held by the hands of the Dawn Caste. A single one of them held countless different blades and weapons and could arm a small army with there personal stores of artifact weapons. Yet every warrior had a favourite, the one they carried with them most often to battle. The one that matched their temperment and style. This is one such blade carried a thousand times to battle in the hands of one of the Dawn Caste.

It was crafted by the Twilight of his circle and her husband. It was a gift to him, to repay him for the work he had done and the countless times he had led them to battle and victory.

Grand Lightning is a Grand Daiklaive made with orichalcum. It looks like the blade is split in two though for there is a one inch wide space going down from the tip of the weapon to the last foot of the blade. Where the split meets is a hearthstone socket and another lies at the base of the pommel. Occasional goldren arcs travel up the space like a Jacob's Ladder. When its special power is used lightning flares from the weapon and shoots from the earth in single destructive line outwards.

With a great swing of this blade and by spending 5 motes and a willpower golden lightning will fire up out of the ground in a line moving away from the character. The line of lightning continues for 40 yards. Anyone in that line of lightning is in danger of suffering damage. The effect can not be parried but can be dodged. Those in metal armor suffer a DV penalty to their dodge based on the level of armor they have on. Light Armor is -1DV, Medium is -2, Heavy is -3, Superheavy is minus 4. Jade armor does not cause its wearer to suffer any DV penalty. A normal melee attack roll is used to see if the attack hits or not. This is not a free attack, so if the exalt wants to do something else that turn he must flurry in making the attack which is a normal speed 5 action. Damage is 10L plus any successes and ignores any soak coming from metal armor. This attack can be enhanced with charms.

BogMod BogModWeapons
