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Experience Costs
New Traits
New Ability             : 3
Specialty*              : 3
Deadly Beastman Trans.  : 15 (12 if Changing Moon)
New Charm               : 12 (10 if in Caste Attribute)
New Terrestrial Spell** : 7  (5 if No Moon)
New Celestial Spell**   : 10 (7 if No Moon)
Combo                   : sum of minimum ability and
                          minimum attribute of all
                          charms in the combo
Raising Traits
Attribute       : Current Rating x4
Caste Attribute : Current Rating x3
Ability         : Current Rating x2
Favored Ability : (Current Rating x2) - 1
Essence***      : Current Rating x9
Virtue***       : Current Rating x3
Willpower***    : Current Rating x2
* Max of 3 per ability
** Must find the spell in a book or be taught it before you can spend this XP
*** Check character gen. chapter in Lunar book to raise motes and other derived
    statistics when these are raised.  Virtues do NOT raise willpower after
    character gen.
Other House Rules


  1. We will be using Power Combat in its entirety.
  2. Extras do not get two successes on 10s. This is in the book, I’m just noting it because it’s kinda hidden and important. This includes any Extras you guys control.
    What exactly constitutes an “extra”? Anyone I deem fits into the story in that role. No hard and fast rules.
  3. For gaining backgrounds, we will use a version of the rules in the Player’s Guide. Pay the level of the background you’re going to in xp and do the rp for it.
  4. For downtime XP we’ll use the rules in the Player’s Guide, regarding XP per year of downtime, and the way it must be split up in the 4:3:2:1 ratio.
  5. When you jump, if you fall back to the level you jumped from (and no further) you take no damage. This way leaping 50 feet into the air and coming back down doesn’t kill you.
  6. All the Lunar extra action charms have the restriction that you cannot purchase more actions than (the initiative you act on / 3), which is dumb. Ignore this restriction in all charms and just apply the other restrictions.

Charm/Gift Changes

  1. Hide of the Cunning Hunter
    Now is Duration : Instant, and stays active until you dismiss it, or your anima banner reaches the 8+ range. This prevents the stupid having to recharge it every day thing.
  2. Masking the Brilliant Form
    Now has a cost of 1WP + 3 or 6 motes. Duration is Indefinite (3 mote version) or one scene (6 mote version). If you activate with 3 motes, your Tell level ( see original charm) is reduced by 1 level, and you may keep the motes committed indefinitely. For 6 motes, it reduces the Tell level by 2, but may only last one scene.
  3. Sinuous Striking Grace
    Now +2 initiative ticks per mote spent, instead of +1. Cap is still your Dexterity in ticks. If you have odd dexterity, you will lose the last tick if you spend all the motes you can as usual on caps.
  4. Gift : Horrifying Might
    If you take this as a gift some time other than your first DBT, you still get 2 points to spend. No other gift gets penalized for being after the first DBT, why should this one? Dex costs 2 points as with DBT.