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New Charms by GoldenH

General Notes


dice adders and converts: I removed the specific functions of these charms to better emphasize the cross-comboability of the Lunar charms. Now a Lunar no longer needs to purchase many charms to perform both unarmed and armed attacks.

armed, unarmed, and ranged:

unarmed attacks are attacks without any weapons, or just using brawling aids or natural weapons. armed attacks are any attacks using any weapon except brawling aids and natural weapons, nor ranged weapons. ranged attacks are attacks made using a weapon with a range greater than 10 feet.

charms have either "full" or "normal" next to their name. "full" charms cost 12/15 xp to purchase - these are powerful charms that are capable of being combined to devestating effect. "normal" charms cost 8/10 xp to purchase - these charms increase the Lunar's natural abilities but are simple in function. These charms have a lower cost to represent the superiority of the Lunar's more general use charms. Most of these charms could be improved in function to be worthy of "full" lunar charms - as I go through the list I will be looking for additional uses.

Lunar initative follows the same rule as dice addition. A lunar may only use a charm to add each attribute or ability to her initative once; however initative adding effects from artifacts, hearthstones, weapons, natural weapons that add to speed (including those from charms), and all other normal effects may still apply.

note: many charms now use Craft (Shapechanging), which allows a lunar to use shapechanging magics to create a variety of items without tools. Additional specialized crafts, such as Craft (First Age Weapons), will still be necessary, and Shapechanging will not help create anything with normal tools. Occult and other abilities and materials are needed as necessary to create an artifact.


Revised Tell Rules: Silver Pact Lunars now start with an automatic level of DBT (raising their starting charms to 10), as the hybrid form is a intrinsic part of their existance as Lunars and their existance as the ultimate predator should not be ignored.

Since this is the case, the rules for Tell are slightly different.

Each tell is unique to a lunar, and the ease of identifying the Tell does not matter how severe it may seem. A wolf's nose is as concealable as a tail or a claw or scent or eye or even a wolf's tounge - that it cannot logically be hidden is irrelevant of how it may appear to one not looking for it. Because of this, a Lunar's tell is never visible unless she wishes it to be by activating her Anima Ability (1m). If one has seen the tell before, she does not automatically see it again - no matter how familiar. However, the difficulty is lowered by one if the opportunity to make the tell check arises. Finally, the tell is linked directly to the hybird shape - it is a sign that the Lunar is always ready for war, and that the Lunar's shape will never be fixed again. It is the embodyment of her soul. Thus a Lunar somehow without an obvious tell is said to be a Lunar without a soul. Despite this social construct, a lunar who cannot assume her hybrid form exhibits no Tell unless it is expliclty shown to someone else. It cannot be detected nor can it be hidden any better than it already is. Finally, because the Tell is a marker of identity, it is more obvious in shapechanged forms than in true forms. Shapechanged forms can be anything from different-colored hair to a Tyrant Lizard. If shapechanging is not used, but natural disguises are (dye, masks, talismans) it still counts as the true form and thus uses that table. The roll to percieve the tell is [ Perception + Awareness ] and can only be made if the character realizes he is dealing with a supernatural entity, or otherwise suspects that she is disguised as someone he may have seen before.

Dfficulty in True Form when Shapechanged No DBT Impossible Impossible 1 DBT 7 5 2-3 DBT 5 3 4 DBT 3 1 5 DBT 1 Unmistakeable


Shapechanging I

Finding the Spirit's Shape (normal)

 Cost: 1 mote
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Charisma: 1
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

Lunars may change from any form to their totem form, and from their totem form to their true human form with this charm. Members of the Eclipse Caste may not learn this charm due to the natural Lunar shapechanging powers the Eclipse cannot emulate.

Humble Mouse Shape (normal)

 Cost: None
 Duration: Indefinate
 Type: Special
 Minimum Charisma: 2
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms Finding the Spirit's Shape

This charm allows the lunar to take a form as small as a field mouse or small bird. Without this charm, the smallest a lunar can take is that of a house cat. Possessing this charm allows her to use the animal's dexterity in place of her own when in it's form.

Towering Beast Form (normal)

 Cost: None
 Duration: Indefinate
 Type: Special
 Minimum Charisma: 2
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Finding the Spirit's Shape

This charm allows the lunar to take a form as large as a tyrant lizard or a yeddim. Without this charm, the largest form a lunar can take is that of a elk or boar.

Running Wild Trance (normal)

 Cost: 5m + WP
 Duration: One Season
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Charisma: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Finding the Spirit's Shape

The Lunar may enter a trance as she lives as an animal species of her choice. This symbiotic existance does not allow her to shapeshift into an animal - but it does familarize herself with their ways and habits, and can learn many things. She lives, thinks, and dreams as one of them. Ultimately, at the end of the season, a dying animal will allow it's heart's blood to be consumed by the Lunar, at which time she takes his place in the community - as an revered elder, to be listened to, or young pup, amusing but ultimately reckless and unpredictable.

Responsibility is not expected of their adopted cub, but abiding by their rules of hospitality is. From then on, all animals of that kind that have heard the character's tale will recognize her Tell and will not harm her, as an honored member of their pack. However, should the Lunar ever act against the pack in a hostile way, her tale will be equally spread, and the animals will attack on sight. Or at least not help, if such an act is deemed suicicde and dishonerable.

Deadly Beastman Transformation (full)

 Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Manipulation: 1
 Minimum Essence: 	1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

The first purchase of this charm provides 5 physical attribute points; every subsequent purchase provides three physical attribute points. While the character is in hybrid war-shape, these bonus Attributes are considered to be the character's natural Attributes for the purposes of all Charms. Characters cannot buy charms useable only in DBT form. The charm can be purchased a number of times up to the character's Essence.

If this charm is included in a combo with charms of Instant and Supplemental duration, that charm remains active until the character shifts out of DBT form. This combo may include a number of supplemental charms equal to the Lunar's Essence. Non instant charms may not be comboed with this charm, nor may charms of Simple, Reflexive, Extra Action, Special, or any other type have any but their normal effect when in a combo with this charm. Additionally, it is not compatable with dice adders or converters of any kind.

Characters wearing Moonsilver armor and weapons will find that they change shape to be useable in this form; all other armor and items stretch to fit (if necessary - a bag or a sword will not get bigger, but a strap around a pouch will expand so as not to break) but no longer provide any benefit or hinderance to the character. Members of the Eclipse Caste may not learn this charm due to the natural Lunar shapechanging powers the Eclipse cannot emulate.

<b>Deadly Presence Coloration

 Cost: None
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Minimum Manipulation: 2
 Minimum Essence: 	1
 Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Beastman Transformation

This charm interacts with the Lunar's tell. By spending one mote, it becomes brightly colored and easily visible, making it evident to everyone who sees him that the Lunar is the ultimate predator. All natural creatures recognize the Lunar for what he is, and will avoid him unless for some reason is forced to fight or driven past the edge of sanity - facing a chosen of Luna means certain death, even for supernatural creatures. Even sentient creatures like humans, Demons and the Exalted will be wary of the Lunar, though they may attack freely without any roll. Using this charm does not count as the Lunar's charm for the turn, as it enhances the Lunar's anima banner when purchased.

<b>Masking the Brilliant Form

 Cost: Special
 Duration: One Day
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Manipulation: 2
 Minimum Essence: 	2
 Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Beastman Transformation

This charm allows the lunar to mask her Exalted nature. For one mote, the character may absorb her tattoos below the skin so that none may detect them by sight, touch, or magic. At the cost of three motes, the character may also hide her tell from view. If the Lunar only has DBT active once then the Tell cannot be spotted unless the character reveals it. The tell cannot be discerned, even by magic - this is a perfect defense against detection.

If the Lunar has 2-3 levels of DBT, then she may spend a WP to mask her Tell for the scene. This WP may be spent reflexively if the Lunar realizes someone is attempting to percieve her Tell. The Lunar should roll [ Perception + Awareness ] at difficulty 3 if this is not obvious - the Tell knows if it is about to be seen. This does not provide warning if the Lunar does not know she is being watched and the observer does not attept to discern the tell - he may watch her without her knowing, unless some other charm is activated. But if the Lunar's roll succeeds, she knows she is being observered and that he is attempting to discern her tell.

If at any time the character's anima banner exceeds the 8-10 level, this charm will immediately cease to function, revealing her tattoos and tell to inspection as normal. Otherwise, the Tell will never reveal itself to observers, as this charm disguises her normal identifying markers.

<b>Calling Luna's Favor

 Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: One Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Manipulation: 2
 Minimum Essence: 	2
 Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Beastman Transformation

This charm may be activated on the same turn as one other Instant, Supplemental charm, extending it's duration to One Scene. All costs for both charms must be paid immediately. This does not require a combo, and cannot be used to increase the number of active charms past Essence - this limit is strictly enforced in DBT. Only one charm can be extended in such a fashion with this charm at a time, though the charm may be deactivated willingly.

This charm can be part of a combo, but the accompanying Instant, Supplemental charm must also be specified in this combo when it is purchased and cannot be changed.

<b>Blossoming Gift of Luna

 Cost: 5 motes + WP
 Duration: Indefinate
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Manipulation: 3
 Minimum Essence: 	3
 Prerequisite Charms: Calling Luna's Favor

Same as Calling Luna's Favor, only the charm lasts until the next time the Lunar enters DBT form.

<b>Ox-Body Technique

 Cost: None
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Minimum Stamina: 2
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Beastman Transformation

This charm allows the Lunar to gain either four -2 health levels or two -1 health levels. It can only be taken a number of times equal to the Lunar's Stamina.

Shapechanging II

<b>Shaping the Ideal Form (normal)

 Cost: 1 mote
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Appearance: 2
 Minimum Essence: 	1
 Prerequisite Charms: none

This charm may small changes to the character's appearance in any cosmetic fashion (colors, hair style, facial bone structure, etc) within the normal limits of her current form and gender, but cannot make drastic changes, such as changing height or weight by more than a few inches or tens of pounds. Additionally, the character may reduce their effective Appearance value to a minimum of 0. It cannot raise her appearance value above the purchased Attribute. This charm may be used to repair appearance damage with only a simple activation, but it cannot return the character to her natural shape.

Use [ Appearance + Craft (Shapechanging) ] when constructing elaborate alternative appearances. This cannot disguse the character as someone else, though it might be possible to make appear as a close cousin. On a botch, the character seems to succeed, but actually has gained a random wyld pox in this form as well. Roll randomly to find out the nature of this pox; it is not permanant and will wear off in 5-Essence days, but the mutation will in the meantime ruin the disguise.

<b>Many Faced Moon Transformation

 Cost: 3 mote
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Appearance: 3
 Minimum Essence: 	3
 Prerequisite Charms: Shaping the Ideal Form

Many Faced Moon Transformation allows the character to freely change weight, gender, height, and all other purely cosmetic limits (including usless deformaties such as extra arms, tails, etc that may move but provide no mechanical benefit) previously deemed too extreme for Shaping the Ideal Form, but still within the theoretical limits of her current species. Additionaly, the character may spend an additional Willpower to take the shape of a human being whose hearts blood she has consumed, and also make whatever modifactions of this form she desires.

The Lunar using this charm may make drastic changes to her body, even crafting entirely new forms. However, if her appearance attribute is lower than the apperance of the human form she is attempting to assume, then the apperance of the form is instead her Apperance Attribute (or Lower). Tricky lunars will attempt to disguise this with an [ Apperance + Craft (Shapechanging) ] roll, but if not, then the beauty is broken, and it is obvious to all who look that, despite whatever appearances may seem, the character is not as she claims to be.

Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique normal

 <b>Cost: 3 motes + WP + 1 health level
 Duration: One Day
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Manipulation: 3
 Minimum Essence: 	2
 Prerequisite Charms: Shaping the Ideal Form

This charm allows the Lunar to transform any willing participant as per the charm Shaping the Ideal Form. However, it takes some time - the Lunar must carefully control for the shapechanging in order to have the desired effect. For each success on a [ Manipulation + Craft (Shapechanging) ] roll, subtract 5 minutes from the base time of one hour to complete the transformation.

This charm may be used every day to prevent the disguise from slipping. If the participant is asleep or unconscious, this charm can be used even if the target is not willing. In this case, the charm cannot be used again on the target until after he has had one night's natural sleep. Any change made with this charm can be made permanant if both the transformer and transformee spend 1 xp when this charm is first activated.

Wonderous Lunar Transformation full

 Cost: 5 motes + 2WP + 1 health level
 Duration: Until Released
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Manipulation: 4
 Minimum Essence: 	3
 Prerequisite Charms: Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique

As per Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique, but any human or animal form the character can assume herself (This includes limits imposed by lacking such charms as Humble Mouse Technique or Many Faced Moon Transformation), including the creation of hybrid form - though in such a case, the willing creature merely becoms a common beastman and does not gain the full extent of the Lunar's warform. An unwilling, conscious target can also be transformed into a human or animal in the Lunar's library, but cannot become a beastman. This cannot give consciousnes to an animal or take it away from a human, even a deformed one.

Changes not possible with Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique takes 12 hours minus the number of successes on a [Manipulation + Craft (Shapechanging) ] roll, with a minmum of 1 hour's time. It is a very grueling process, leaving both participants exhausted with a fatigue penalty to all actions equal to the number of hours the transformation took. This penalty will be gone after a good nights sleep. If the prerequisite charm could accomplish the same feat, no exhaustion or roll is needed and the change immediately takes place and remains until the charm is released.

If the Lunar wishes to make the change into a beastman permanant, both parties may spend 3 xp when the charm is first activated. Any other change made with this charm can be made permanant if both the transformer and transformee spend 1 xp when this charm is first activated.

The Exalted, God Blooded, Spirits, Elementals, The Undead, Demons, the Fair Folk, and other supernatural creatures can never become a beastman through the use of this charm. An unwilling supernatural creature can resist the change by rolling Permanant Essence every hour of the ritual; this adds an hour onto the ritual. If it takes longer than 12 hours, then the ritual is ruined and must start over.

Shaping the Once Living Form normal

 Cost: 1 mote / raw cubic foot, + 1 mote / volume increase, + 1 health level
 Duration: Until Released/Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Manipulation: 3
 Minimum Essence: 	2
 Prerequisite Charms: Shaping the Ideal Form

The Lunar can shapechange any once-living material into the form of her choosing. The lunar cannot create complex machinery with this charm or any material already under an enchantment. Simple objects require a [ Manipulation + Craft (Shapechanging) ] roll, but more elaborate objects require a higher difficulty. The Lunar can make this change permanant by spending 1 xp when this charm is first activated.

Moonsilver Shaping Rite normal

 Cost: 2 x artifact rating
 Duration: Until Released
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Intelligence: 3
 Minimum Essence: 	3
 Prerequisite Charms:Shaping the Once Living Form

This charm allows the Lunar to shape Moonsilver into artifacts. The Lunar requires no tools to assemble the artifacts, though she may need them in order to prepare the other components or design the artifact

Shapechanging III

Panther Stride Stance full

 Cost: 4 motes
 Duration: One Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Strength: 	3
 Minimum Essence: 	2
 Prerequisite Charms: None

This charm doubles his normal movement rate and triples his normal jumping distance (and height). If the target surface is uncertain, the Lunar's player must still roll to see if the landing is successful as per p252 of Exalted. Carrying a passenger on such a leap lowers his Dexterity by one and Strength by two for the pupose of determining distance only. These multipliers add to the Full Moon anima banner as normal. Additionally, this charm provides a base dice action equal to the Lunar's Dexterity for any balance related roll during the Scene.

Flying Tiger Technique full

 Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: One Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Manipulation: 3
 Minimum Essence: 	2
 Prerequisite Charms: Panther Stride Stance

This charm allows the Lunar to glide in the air as if using a Haslanti Folding Glider [Castebook Night, p78], alternatively exchanging Athletics for Ride. While the Lunar will require additional charms to gain much altitude, the Lunar will suffer no such difficulty in high winds. Charms, hearthstones, and other devices that allow the character to control the winds will allow them to effectively fly, though how manuverable the Lunar is depends directly on the strength of winds that can be summoned.

The Lunar may also use this charm to glide long distances even in areas without any wind. Multiply the Lunar's horizontal jumping distance only by ten. This is cumulative with other distance-adding effects. Although longer jumps are possible, this is the maximum distance that may be lept without large decreases in altitude; The storyteller should figure a drop of one yard (from the starting jump altitude) for every two yards of horizontal travel, on average.

Cat-Falling Attitude normal

 Cost: 1 mote
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Manipulation: 3
 Minimum Essence: 	2
 Prerequisite Charms: Panther Stride Stance

Activating this charm allows the Lunar to suffer only bashing damage from any fall. This damage will at worst incapacitate her, although falling in dangerous terrain may inflict additional damage (Lethal or Aggrivated) at the Storyteller's decision.

Brawl I

Claws of the Silver Moon full

 Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Strength: 2
 Minimum Essence: 1

Claws and Fangs beco