Greymane/Character Creation

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Empyrean Character Creation Summery

  • Step One: Character Concept

Choose concept, Aspect, and Nature.

Note on Nature: Paragon is a very common nature to the Empyrean, as Azeriphel expects them to be champions, but they are not restricted to it.

  • Step Two: Select Attributes

Note that all Attributes start with one dot before you add any.

Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7/6/4)

  • Step Three: Select Abilities

Note Aspect Abilities

Select Favored Abilities (2; may note be the same as Aspect Abilities).

Choose Abilities (25 – at least 10 must be from Aspect or Favored Abilities; at least one must be in each Favored Ability; none may be higher than 3 without spending bonus points).

  • Step Four: Select Advantages

Choose Backgrounds (7 – none may be higher than 3 without spending bonus points), Charms (7), Words (1 per point of permanent Essence), and Virtues (6 – none may be higher than 3 without spending bonus points).

  • Step Five: Finishing Touches

Record Essence (3), Willpower (add total of two highest Virtues – may not start higher than 8 unless at least two Virtues are 4 or higher), Peripheral Essence pool (Essencex10), Personal Essence Pool (Highest Virtuex2), and health levels (7, plus any gained from Charms).

  • Bonus Points

Bonus points (15) may be spent at any time during character creation.

Empyrean Aspects

  • Skies of Winter – Pale Sky Aspects

Logic is clear, cold, and perfect as the bitter chill of the early dawn and the first snowflake of winter. The warrior-scholars of the Empyrean, the Masks of Morning Meditation play the role of the impassionate guide-tutors and instructors. Their part in the game is to shed the pale light of wisdom upon the ignorant masses, to teach mortal kind how to build the tools they need to fend for themselves, and to solemnly protect those who turn to them for guidance until the day comes they are ready to stand on their own.

Aspect Abilities: Lore, Linguistics, Craft, Awareness, and Martial Arts.

Anima Effects: A Sky of Winter can evoke enlightenment upon any mortal. By channeling 10 motes of Essence through his anima and touching a single mortal, the Empyrean can impart his wisdom to the target. For the remainder of the scene, the mortal makes all rolls involving any of the Empyreans Aspect or Favored Abilities as if he both shared the Sky of Winters score in each and considered them Favored as well. This ability does not impart specialties, though will not impair any the mortal might already possess.

In addition, the Skies of Winter can learn Celestial martial art styles at any Essence level and do so at a reduced cost.

  • Skies of Spring – Blue Sky Aspects

Happiness and prosperity find their place under the clear blue skies of spring. As the heralds and peace-makers of the Empyrean, it falls to the Laughing Children to embrace the most difficult of tasks. They must be confessors and forgivers, rise up the fallen and the ill, bring hope and happiness to the desolate, and peace to those trapped in the state of unnatural undeath.

Aspect Abilities: Medicine, Performance, Sail, Socialize, and Archery.

Anima Powers: A Sky of Spring can evoke peace upon the dead. By spending 5 motes of Essence and signaling the target she desires with a gesture, the Empyrean attempts to sever the fetters of her target and sooth their desires for anything save release. The Sky of Spring rolls her Compassion and every success severs a two levels worth of fetters. A ghost who has their fetters reduced to zero through this method automatically begins Lethe. Those who manage to flee and escape the Empyrean recover their lost fetters at a rate of one level per 24 hours.

  • Skies of Autumn – Clouded Sky Aspects

Autumn is a time of uncertainty, when the clouds of storms yet to be loom upon the horizon. Tasked with becoming the hunters and assassins of the Empyrean, the Silhouettes of the Empty Hand move silent and alone in their grisly tasks. They purge corruption within society by both working within the system and quietly cutting away the sick parts when that fails, and they seek out the defilements of nature such as the Fair Folk and the Yozi’s own damned servants, putting them down with a brutal hand.

Aspect Abilities: Larceny, Stealth, Bureaucracy, Dodge, and Brawl

Anima Powers: A Sky of Autumn can evoke censor upon any creature he can touch. By channeling 10 motes of Essence through his anima and touching a target, the Empyrean can forbid them from speaking of a single specified matter. This must be a very specifically defined and worded, too broadly stated and the power will fizzle and die. “You shall not revel to anyone that that the Perfects new servant Azolaine is not a mortal being,” would work while “You shall tell no one what you just saw,” would more than likely fail. Once in place, the target will be unable to speak or otherwise communicate the matter to another for a single year or until the Sky of Autumn revoked the censor. Mortals or creatures with lower permanent Essence than the Empyrean are powerless to prevent this effect. Creatures of greater or equal Essence may make a Temperance + Manipulation roll with a difficulty level equal to the Essence of the Empyrean. Those who fail fall under it’s effect and are unable to speak of the matter. Those who succeed are unaffected and may act as they wish.

  • Skies of Summer – Crimson Sky Aspects

Heat begets rage and frustration and the red haze of summers gory skies call forth the anger of men and gods. As pressures build and spill into war, it comes to the Edges of the Shinning Blade to lead the righteous against the wicked. They are the judge and jury of Azeriphel’s will, punishing the guilty for their transgressions and the innocent by way of example, and scouting the land far and wide to burn out the dens of the depraved where ever they find them.

Aspect Abilities: Presence, Ride, Endurance, Athletics, and Melee

Anima Powers: A Sky of Summer can evoke testament from any creature within her sight. After spending 5 motes of Essence as a reflexive action, the Empyrean may ask a single specific question from a target and compel them to answer with absolute truth. Mortals and beings with Essence lower than the Empyrean’s are powerless to resist this effect and cannot take any action before answering, though they know immediately they are being manipulated. Beings of Essence greater or equal to the Empyreans may make a Temperance + Manipulate with a difficultly level equal to the Conviction of the Sky of Summer. If they fail, they are compelled to answer truthfully, but if they succeed then they are free to answer as they please. Most powerful beings do not take kindly to their lessers attempting to force them into anything and may well answer with drawn swords.

  • Skies of Eternity – Black Sky Aspects

Blissful night is also a time of mystery and fear, for the sky is boundless in it’s blackened garb and no matter the season morning wears, the evening shall always come after. The sorcerers of the Empyrean, it is the Voices of the Endless Echo who must look into the depths of what mortal kind was never meant to see. Within the game, they are the truth-seekers and journeymen, traveling into the depths of the unknown to uncover all which lurks within until they have learned to bend it to their wills and hold mastery over it.

Aspect Abilities: Occult, Resistance, Investigations, Survival, and Thrown

Anima Powers: A Sky of Eternity may evoke immortality upon any creature or object. By expending 15 motes of Essence and touching that which they wish to freeze, the target will become encased in thin layer of ice-like crystal. While in this state, they sit outside of time and Fate, invulnerable to harm or aging. They cannot be moved or otherwise be manipulated. Only other creatures outside of Fate can touch or attack them, all else simply bounces harmlessly off their crystal encasing. When attempting to employ this power upon living creatures, the Sky of Eternity must possess the creatures consent or else the power automatically fails. The Sky of Eternity may only have one object or creature under this effect at any time and can end the effect whenever he desires.

In addition, Skies of Eternity can learn Celestial Sorcery at any Essence level and do so at a reduced cost.
