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Gangs of the Boil

The White Cloud is simply... a great time. The grocery is simple, but pretty and clean - the sort of thing Moon, Fiona and Selina are more used to... earthly, mundane, but from a city big and cosmopolitan enough for all the flavors and styles contained in its sweets. Meaningless, frivolous conversations... wonderful, wonderful frivolous conversations.

After such a fun time, they crossed the gates of the House of Heavenly Pleasures again - crossing the arcs with the twin statues of the Smiling Lover, nipples there for good luck...

... and then she came.

Before Moon could react, a female form ran to him, hugging hm and latching into him, together with a cry of,

Moon! I missed you!”

Wes held him tightly. And she was strong enough to tackle down most people. Not Moon, of course. She knew very well from trying to overpower him in some of their most... physical interactions. Which they did often enough. ”Hey, it IS the boss!”

Inside, waiting for them, just as he can get Wes’ southern-tinged face out of the way, he sees them... where he had barely looked expecting to see the usual halls of the Heaven House, now crowded with his’. Kinny’s Ghost there walking toward him, and the others... shouting boss or his name, glad to have him back, on the way on the hall and quite loudly so.

From the cold of the winter outside to the warmth indoors...

Seventh Moon: It had been a good time, going out. Nice to see the girls all relax a little while, even if window shopping and eating cream-cakes wasn't his usual idea of an evening out. Moon gave the Lover's nipple a twist as he passed under her arms, then nearly stumbled back out the door as his usual idea of an evening out came flying into him.

"Aw, shit!" Moon laughed as the female figure sprang forward and pulled him against her with crushing force. His arms slid easily around her waist and hoisted Wes off her feet a moment. "Damn darling, ease up a little before you break somethin'. I wasn't gone that long."

Moon's palm smacked the tomboyish brawler on the rear as he let her go, stepping past to snatch up the hand of the Pack-boy behind her. "Kiiiiinnaaaay!" he yodeled cheerfully, grasping the other man's forearm and yanking him into a hug. "The fucks been going on, man? Where the hell have you people been?"

Selina de Windia: Hands in the pockets of her greatcoat, Selina stops as Moon halts before her, tackled from the front by...someone.


From all the greetings coming from within, though, the Windian can guess what, in a moment.

His gang, I guess.

Strange that she didn't see them before, considering this place was where they were supposed to be alot of the time. Some of them anyway. Looking back to Kanti and Fiona, running a hand through her pale blonde hair, Selina shrugs. "Don't ask me." She says quietly.

The Pack: Wes yelps a bit as he does so, "Seemed long enough!"

Kinnyholds Moon's hand strongly, smiling, "Man, ya won't believe. Same ol' stupid boredom. Black cloak's been screwing a bit with us, but we managed to bit them in the ass couple of times, so they stayed the fuck away from here, least enough not to mistreat da girls." He shakes his head,

"Some of those guys were sick to the girls, man. And we were just beating up the Crimson Street Burning Malkins, and a pair of weird miners we found on the way back who seemed to not have any wit of danger sense whatsoever. They are in an alley somewhere now. Girl was good enough for fun, least." Laughs arise, ten different versions and tales of how they beat up the other gang, and the miners, or one or two tales of the invading army's, the 'coldeyes' from how many of them looked, did with the girls...

He looks behind Moon for a moment, "Fuck man, ya go out to find de sweetling and end up hauling half the Lover's private collection? Wassup with 'um?"

Kanti: Kanti falls silent, the question on her lips silenced by Selina's soft comment. She instead warily watches the newcomers, not letting her concern reach her face as she listens to the confusing barrage of statemeents about the events of the city.

Seventh Moon: "Yeah? Wish I coulda been around for that" he mused softly, his eyes glazing in a soft glow as he pictured the scene. Flying fists and spit and blood and curses. Skin and leather, the honest way. It sounded like it was a lot better than what he had been spending his time doing lately. Which was mostly getting stabbed. Grinning, he gave Kinny a playful smack in the arm. "Nice ta hear you pussies ain't completely helpless without me around to keep ya safe."

The girls were already starting to draw attention. Moon looked back over his shoulder at them as Kinny started the Pack up on catcalls and whistles. That wasn't really gonna lead to anywhere good, not with these women and this lot. Selina might like the attention, but the two kids...

"You kiddin'? Lover only wishes she had a few lookin' this nice. Listen up," Moon raised his voice over the hooting and shouting until it shushed into silence. "This," he "Is my guest. So you drunk fucks will be on your best behavior. And these," his hand moved to Kanti. "Are special. So you will keep your hands off, a'ite?"

Selina de Windia: "Yeah sugar," Selina says, head swinging back to regard the lot of them, her voice casual, non-chalant. Anyone who lived on the street could recognize the tone. "I'm one of the Lover's little toys. I ran away and set up on my own, and now some people call me a Dark Angel."

She spreads her black-feathered wings, flexing them before folding them again, underscoring what she just said. You always had to establish dominance with gangers, or at least show them you weren't prey. She'd learned that lesson early in her Exalted life.

"Or maybe ya never heard of me, either way works."

The Pack: "Just wish you were there..." Kinny says, then shuts up as Moon raises his voice. There's some grumbling, with the looks at the girls being as interested as they should be before so much prettyness. But all nod to his words, no way in hell they would do otherwise.

"Guest, aye? Bein' a good host, you?" Wes takes a bottle of booze from one of the guys nearby, looking Selina over... then, she pushes the collar of her own shirt, looks down, and makes a face. "Must help if ya couldn't get to princess sweet" She says, handling him the booze, She never really liked Sarah. Weak, not part of the pack, prissy. But she respected her well enough for Moon.

Selina's words change them from the hot glances to the knowledge they have a legend there. The Dark Angel was well known in the north, especially in places like this, the Underworld. A name that carries weight carried by a woman that lives up to every ounce of it. Kinny pats Moon's back a little too strongly, breaking the silence of whispers with a whistle "Sheeeit. That ya'll have to tell me, Boss."

"We heard of ya 'rite." One of the pack girls say, the first to step foward to her, "We'll treat boss' host well, then. Wanna party with the rabble tonite?"

Seventh Moon: "Feh," Moon snatches the bottle from Wes's hand and bites the top off. Sweet, cheap, and strong berry wine pours down the throat and trickles from the corner of his lips. It burns like memory and hits him hard; the first drink he's had in a while now. The bottles nearly half empty before he lowers it, wiping his face with the back of his hand. "Ahh naw, you know on one takes your place in my heart, Wessy-boy."

He cocks an ear to Selina's little speech, then watches the Pack carefully to gauge their reaction. Was interesting to see how they dealt with having one of the Night Royals in their midst; Princess of the Underworld herself no less. Strange moment, as he looked back from the wide eyes of his gang to the calm, cool gaze of the assassin. Between two worlds again. New life, old life.

Moon swung the bottle over towards Selina, dangling it out between his fingers. "Course she does, right darlin'?" he grinned the challenge. "Said yourself past it all, you're just a punk like us. Born from shit, from shit returned."

Selina de Windia: "The whole world is shit sometimes." Selina says coolly, then shrugs and takes the bottle. Greatcoat unbuttoned, swinging open to reveal a bit of what's underneath, Selina takes a sip of the wine. Been awhile since she had anything like that, at least Windia.

And the stuff in Windia was pricier.

Been longer since she had anything cheap. Suddenly, she feels hesitant about getting drunk -- or drinking at all -- in this place. In Nexus, she did it occasionally, Chosen didn't suffer unduly from alcohol. Sometimes she also drank something else once the stuff was flowing through her veins. But this, this wasn't her place. She, suddenly. In a way she hadn't before.

Nevertheless, Selina made herself take a second attempt at the bottle, less of a sip and more of swig. Funny she felt that way. Nexus was even worse then here. She gave the bottle back to Moon, hand outstretched. Or waited for him to take it.

Seventh Moon: "Shhhaaa," he breathed in bemusement, reaching out as if to take the bottle back. But his hand opened at the last minute and engulfed her fingers beneath his. Moon had looped an arm over Wes's shoulders and pulled the leggy southern against him, stroking her side offhandedly as he grinned at the Windian. "Thought you were gonna be more darin' than that. Gonna be lady-like tonight, huh? Kill ya to relax it a bit more? Relax a little period? Ain't no one gonna fuck with us on our own turf, alive or or half-dead. Whatever the fuck some of them are."

Moon pushed the bottle back towards Selina, till the cool glass pressed against her chest, then let go, turning back to the Pack. "Yeah, she's in good company tonight, right?!" he shouted to the gang. "We know how to show a guest a good time! Let's get shit faced! Let's go cause some noise and make someone bleed!"

The Pack: Kinny looks at Selina's attire within the greatcoat, skipping a breath, "Nah boss, she sure looks fine stuff. Dressed for Siena's tho!" Siena's place was less reputable than the heaven house, without one that likes fine like Vivian wants... but was the place for leather. Lots, lots of leather and whips. "Fine stuff, tho..."

Wesgives Moon a wrist-slapping, surprisingly strong one, though, pressing to him as he wraps her, "Don't ya have a big heart. Ah get some fun with that later, 'en?" trying so sound casual as she can even though she presses against, showing how much she missed.

"YEAH!" He hears, smoke from pipes filling the place, passing around, someone dropping a bottle of booze... and then Kinny pats behind Moon, "Tho we should go out before the mummy begins to crow, man..." Kinny had that problem with Vivian since she chased him around hitting him with her purse. Something about old crones made them easily to frighten the guy who regularly fought people thrice her size and let them bleeding. Then louder, "PARTY!" He says, stepping out and letting the flow follow, "Where to, boss?"

Selina de Windia: Turquoise eyes look serenely at Wes through the press...till Selina realizes just how she was related to Moon. She doesn't narrow her eyes then, nor growl. But she wants to. For a moment it even drives out her rising discomfort.

"Let's not get me daring." Selina mutters softly under her breath, taking a bigger swig of the bottle, keeping it this time. Not much left in it now.

You don't want my daring. She thinks ruefully, standing back up, looking around. Not looking at Wes.

Seventh Moon: "Big heart, big hands" he murmured to Wes, then gave her flank another swat. "Ain't never complained before 'bout sharing a lil."

Saturating in his element, Moon let it all soak through him. The stink of weed and sloshing booze. Shouting, screaming, familiar voices. Warm bodies eyes closed, he nuzzled hard at Wes's neck and breathed in deep. Mmm and warm scents. Peeling an eye open, he fixed his gaze on Selina and smirked slightly.

Come on, his eyes twinkled. You know this is gonna be fun

"I say we go see what the neighbors are up to. Been awhile since I paid anyone a visit. Sure they missed me too."

Selina de Windia: She tried to force a smile, or even a smirk, in return. Couldn't. Quite anyway. All she managed was some half-smirk, an unintentional little haughty gesture. Or was it really unintentional?

Fun? Her rapidly cooling eyes wafted back when he wasn't looking, or when she thought he wasn't anyway. Maybe for you.

Downing the rest of the bottle without bothering to give it back, Selina decided she'd need to find...something stronger. Single malt whiskey would do nicely.

Wonder if the Boil has any of the good years or brands.

Somewhere, it should. She'd find it, she'd consume it, then she'd go drink someone's lifeblood. That would make her feel much better.

The Pack: Wes walked around with him, the southerner's chocolate-colored body covered in a jacket and miner pants - quite utilitarian and roughly used. She was a pack girl, not one of their proteges, after all. Her body was healthy, athletic, fit. Harder more than muscled, her hair utilitarian darkest-brown cut by her neck. She noticed Selina wasn't enjoying. And rubbed on Moon more, pinching him as she took a joint from someone, breathing thick smoke out into the cold night.

And they were out! laughing into the night, a cloud of laugher and smoke about them, harmless pranks to those they didn't knew, drunk-friendly jokes to the locals as they walked through the red neighborhood.

Kinny in front of them all, gray jacket with the pack's symbol and a little bit of fur, dirty blonde hair down his shoulders, laughing as he threw a bottle to a wall with abandon. Wes cooed, "all big, darlin' I know. Want me to share with ms. entrance arcs?" She says, referencing the entrance arcs of the heaven house, statuesque image of their patron goddess made flesh on Selina's body. Oh, the envy on Wes, "Kinny said right, she's fine stuff. 'ave to go slow not to rip like sweetie's silks?"

Seventh Moon: Moon's brows lifted slightly, then plowed together. Even as the others came up to meet them and the Pack began to tumble out the door, Moon felt shaken out of the warmth. He barely felt Wes against him. His mind was drifting out of the smoky haze an into cold eyes. The fuck was up that look? He'd seen it before, or at least the same spirit. Usually it was Sarah giving it to him though, when she caught him

Whoa, whoa, whoa ! Light flashed in the Lunar's eyes, his ears twitching and lips parting slightly as he looked the icy Windian over again slowly. Posture. Expression. Aura. Perfect match for the mental image of Sarah standing on high in the doorway, over a bed she wasn't sharing.

Sheeyit. That was it. Man, chicks could be so possessive about stuff.

"Yeah, maybe Hey," he butted his head against Wes's softly. "Kin looks cold. Go keep 'im warm." It wasn't a request. Moon detached himself from the Pack girl and left her behind in the street.

For all the noise around them, when Moon drifted over to Selina's side, he said nothing. Had to chew this bite carefully. Fuck know's Sarah'd use to bruise him when he said stuff wrong. Start it simple... "Hey."

The Pack: They all were there, unique-looking, but ... mortal looks. Amidst the utilitarian, brawler clothes of the Pack, a court opened to Selina, to her great dark wings, to her greatcoated self, to her costume underneath. Not that they stayed away from her, just at a... respectful distance. Drinks still came her way, but not the same way. Some comments, about the Silver Burning Saber Wolves, a somewhat new gang over at a small territory close by, but... quite on a 'guest' way. And with Moon coming closer, they let them talk.

Wes makes a face as she walks away, tossing the joint on Selina's direction, or to the ground, if she does not take it, "Pah. Later, then..."

Selina de Windia: It's nothing, what she said. Selina's conscious mind whispered to her unconscious as the other girl kept talking. She's a witless fool, let her go.

The Dragon didn't care. The rest didn't either. And the dead god chuckled the vast, indrescribable sound echoing through her mind. No, she didn't want to be nice, not even to Moon's girl. Wasn't that her anyway? She didn't mind sharing, but this...

Moon came up, as she walked. "Hey." Selina replied, non-chalant. She was a good liar when she had to be. "So, want us to draw some blood tonight?" Her tone was, as it happened, neutral. Just the bit of interest to keep from being frosty.

Seventh Moon: "Heh, that depends" Rolling up the sleeve of his coat, he held his wrist out to her. White scars shimmered along side curling silver tattoos, writhing serpentine as veins pulsed bellow them. There was faint humor in his smile. "Good place to start?"

"Gotta be tempting. Better mine than someone elses." He didn't particularly have to name who 'someone else' might be.

Selina de Windia: "Don't feel like killing any, dun worry." Selina says in a quietly smooth, sultry tone rimmed with a bit of frost, in case he thinks of getting too close. And an easy manner. "I won't be coy and play games, 'Wes' should be a bit smarter. But don't worry, I don't want any her 'o her blood."

The Dragon chuckled a bit with her, this time. "Yet. People make mistakes. I'll let this one go."

The Pack: Walking into the territory of the rival gang, they hear some noises already. party nearby, and louder than their passage. A moment of utter celebration, as they own the streets they pass through. Crossing a street on a corner, Kinny on the front, htitting someone.

Moon hears the glass breaking, and two very different voices crying "Fuck!!! Before the other gets up, a punch directly to Kinny's face. And a kick from Wes to the other's.

Six of the Saber Wolves, four males, one female, crossing the same corner.

Confusion, lots of voices, reaching for clubs. "Hey, silverly number-guy's back!" Reg calls, once a member of Moon's big pack, now one of the big shots of the Saber Wolves, crashing a bottle of booze on a pack member's face, twisting a club, but stepping back... corner or no corner, six of them, against all of the pack...

Seventh Moon: The laugh was good, even if the rest was still cold. Moon dropped his sleeve and his arm. Marcos, blond and pale, wandered close to offer him a joint. Setting it to his lips, Moon pulled the smoke into his lungs and back out his mouth in even breaths. "Just as long as we're all good again."

He had been more worried about her hurting anyone than being pissed at him. That he was use to. Sarah spent as much time in his lap as she did slapping his face.

Of course, people were going to get hurt anyway tonight. That was why they were here.

"Heh, a'ite! Guess the neighbors are home after all" So much for romance. Moon flexed his fingers and grinned manically. Blood in the air already; hot and metallic in the wind. Fuck yeah. "'scuse me while I go say hello."

Dashing across the unevening paving stones, Moon elbowed through the rest of the Pack running to join in the circle that was pressing the Sabers back into the wall. He picked the largest out of the five, a familiar face to him.

"Reg! How the hell are ya?" he was on the burly gangster before the question could even phase Reg, a balled fist ramming into the big mans gut like a steamhammer. Moon's knee came up smoothly as Reg doubled over, crunching into the other mans face. He could feel something shattering against his knee cap. There was blood on his pants when his leg came back down.

"Ain't seen you around in a while man! Keepin' busy?" Moon went on conversationally, even as Reg reeled back, crimson spurting from his ruined nose. A broken bottle veered towards his face from one side, only to be slapped aside at the last minute and jamming itself into Reg's arm. Moon's hand lashed out and closed around the startled punks throat, slamming him into the wall then throwing him back casually to the waiting Pack to tear apart at their leisure.

Selina de Windia: Selina pursed her lips, satisfied that he was, and watched him run off into the melee. She thought for a moment about stepping in herself, but...

Only five and me having to share with all of them?

"Boring, that way." Selina croons to herself, then stops her pace and leans back against a wall, watching the melee. Though...even if more came -- far too many of Moon's to share with. Mortals didn't pose much of a challenge.

And Selina didn't feel like sharing anything tonight. Now, if something heavier ambled down the road, she'd show these gangers just how lady-like the Dark Angel could be.

The Pack: Reg falls against the wall, blood running out, the other punk receiving a high kick from Wes that sent him direct tothe ground after a dry crashing noise. She soon jumps on a third man, the rest of the pack kicking another, and pushing the two women against the wall, ripping shirts and going into the clothes, the same woman who had asked Selina in against one, another pack boy going for another... a bottle crashes and hits another of the pack guys, wood clubs breaking on heads, but the tide goes really, really well for the Pack...

About thalf of the Saber Wolves there; The other half would come soon, being as their melee isn't actually being subtle - the cries of both fun and pain echoing through half the neighborhood.

Seventh Moon: "Hey!" Moon barks at the gangsters already grabbing for the girls. "After, you horny buggers! Spoils come after the fight. If ya failed ta noticed, there's some still on their feet."

But they didn't' listen, to intent on tearing clothes and clutching at warm bodies. Not that he really expected them to. Moon stepped back from what was left of the brawl, letting the flow of the crowd wash around him and leave him outside of the howling thugs. Distantly, he watches his gang throw fists and knives and curses, then steps further back. He runs a hand through his hair as he moves beside the Windian assassin; well outside the gangs awareness.

"Feh ain't even sport tonight." He says wistfully, watching as the Pack polishes off the last of the cornered Sabers. One of the Saber girls was warbling in an attractive way, but it barely brought a tingle to the back of his neck. "Still remember when this use ta get the blood flowin', y'know?"

Selina de Windia: "Doesn't anymore?" Selina looks to him, smirking as she half-listens to the din beyond. The garrison in this town probably got used to not caring about stuff like this pretty quickly after they occupied it. Not worth the trouble. Not with things like her and Alex and the rest of the lot to worry about.

"Guess hanging around my type makes everything seem cold, dun it?" The smirk shows a little of her white teeth, and she nods at the melee. "Though you ain't exactly outnumbered there."

Seventh Moon: "Not like it use to," he admitted with a frown. Through the shadows and press of swaying bodies, he could see one of the Pack girls had pinned a Saber to the ground and was doing something to him that was making the hounds around them hoot. "Use ta be about slapping someone upside the head, then diving into his ladies knickers when he can't do shit about it."

Which was exactly what he should have been doing right now. He should have been up there with them, laughing with them, slipping his hand between some ladies legs. So why was he standing back here?

The Lunar looked over dispassionately at Selina's smile. Maybe she was right. Things sure felt a bit colder. Even the blood on his pant leg was chilling fast in the night air. Moon blew a strand of hair from his eye with a puff from the corner of his mouth. "But if it ain't sport, it ain't much fun. Chumps like these fall over when ya sneeze on 'um too hard, y'know?"

Selina de Windia: "Mortals are sport in groups, sugar. Or even alone. Depends." Her eyes lock with his for a moment, as they seem to smile at him when she continues. "But my kind of sport is solitary. Because only one person at a time can look into the eyes of a dying man. Or woman."

She licks her lips, shifting her weight to the other foot, and chuckles. "Works best with Chosen, though. Or Fae. Any kind of magical being, really. Fear isn't as familiar to them. And terror -- less. Other deathknights like death, or the dead. I like the dying. The killing."

Seventh Moon: Dying? Killing? The words made his face twist in disquiet perplextion and he let out a long, low whistle.

"Uh..." Moon rubbed the back of his neck slightly, giving her a quirked half-smile. "You're kinda weird in a scary way darlin', y'know that right?"

"I mean, shit, kill when ya gotta and all that, but" He laughed a bit helplessly and shrugged. But what? Don't have fun with it? Kinda dumbass thing to say when he got a spike ripping somethings to pieces too. Though, he didn't really talk about it like an artform or a drug.

"Ah, fuck it." He huffed, throwing an arm towards the Pack; having their fun with screaming gang girls. "Y'wanna head back ta the Heaven House and get loaded a while? Don't think we're gonna find much worth killin' out here tonight. Not less the Black Cloak bastards get off their asses and try to shut my people up."

Selina de Windia: Selina snorts in amusement, then replies. "Of course I know. And every poor shithead I get contracted out to kill knows it too. Just like I dress this way. Every second someone spends being afraid of me, or wanting to fuck me, is one less they're spending on thinking of how to kill me."

She nods back toward the now ended melee. Well, it was a different kind of melee now. "I think any garrison in this city accepts this kind of thing as daily life and lets it alone. So unlikely they will."

Seventh Moon: "Heh," Moon's smile straightened out. There was something darkly amusing to her reasoning. "Well, ya got both covered pretty well." Her head turned away, he snuck a finger to her neck and stroked her skin playfully. "Think I like seeing the second one more than the first though."

He didn't' count on her mood being so good that he wouldn't pull back a stump though and his hand fell away as he turned back to the festivities. "Depends on how loud they get really" As if just to prove his point, one of the Saber girls suddenly made a break for it, screaming as she threw herself against the line of bodies. For a moment, it almost seemed as though she was going to make it, till the dark gasping hands engulfed her and pulled her back in again. Moon watched it all unphased. "Different uniforms. Same fuckers in 'um. Enough people complain and they'll come marching out just to shut things up a little while."

Without warning, Moon suddenly let out a sharp whistle. "Hey! Kinny!"

The Pack: Shirt and jacket all covered in liquor from the broken bottle, face all scratched, Kinny was kicking the guy who had done so, close to a Saber who was being far, far luckier with one of the Pack girls, even if the situation was humilliating to him, Moon knew. Something about the sense of powerlessness to gang boys that makes it, if not the same as for the girls, then at least unpleasant. Spatting, Kinny smiled, jumped the Saber clutching his stomach and walked to Moon, "Fuck man, did we miss ya. Can't believe you beat Reg senseless so fast! Man was giving me quite a hard time the other day..."

Selina de Windia: "Would they complain to that lot, I wonder." Selina mutters under her breath looking about. It was amusing to think of townies going up to the dead garrison and asking them to stop the gangers making a racket. It was even more amusing to think of the garrison doing just that.

If they did, Selina would send them running back with their tails between their legs. She'd had enough of dead garrisons lately.

Seventh Moon: "Yeah, don't think that's gonna be much of a problem for a while." He laughed grimly. Reg would be lucky if his ribs weren't shattered and his face probably wasn't going to sit straight on his skull for some time. Not that it could have made the fucker any uglier.

"It's gettin' stale here though man. Tell the kids ta pick up their toys and head back ta the Heaven House." Moon cast a glance at Selina, then smirked a little. "An try ta keep one of the girls fresh, a'ite? Gotta see if we can have a lil test about sharing."

Tapping a finger on Selina's shoulder, he tossed his head back towards the street they have come down earlier. "We'll wanna get back before they do, if we're gonna do mucha anything in peace."

Selina de Windia: "Oh, you know you and me doing things doesn't involve 'peace'." Selina responds off-handedly, then looks toward the mass of people just beginning to break up. "And who exactly will we be sharing? Or will I be shared?"

She'd done that kind of thing before -- both ways. Either had their allure, depending on her mood. Though she preferred the latter after a dance, to get her blood running for that kind of thing. Pity she never took anything for that with her. It might have come in use tonight.

Either way, the earlier irritation was fading. Her smirk got just a bit more wicked. "I've been told I'm very share-able."

The Pack: "Righto! Hey, guys! Haul everyone! Lets get back and get wasted!" he says, a last kick to the one who had hit his face with the bottle, then a gesture to those molesting the girls, shirts wholly ripped, one already quite pushed on the wall, and moving... "Keep that one fresh to the boss. Don't waste the other too quickly either, tho!" He says, waving at Lina molesting one of the guys on the ground, "And bring the boy toys quickly too. Lesse if we get those lads drunk as we gets those girls screamin'!"

And as it is said, they begin to move out, dragging three of six, leaving the other three beaten on the ground, for their friends to lick the wounds of later...

Seventh Moon: "A'ite," he said, his arm wrapping around hers and fingers closing around her hand. Pulling at her gently, he turned her away from the Pack as they began to tie up, tie down, or just toss over their shoulders and haul the beaten, bloodied Sabers. "How about mucha anything without an audience? You might be share-able, but I'm pretty damn greedy when it comes to that."

That was something the old Pack use to laugh at him about. Little Moon, always the dog hauling his meal off somewhere dark to eat alone. 'course, that always lead to his being all the more filling.

"Mmm" he mused softly, his head tipped back to look through the smoggy screen at dimmed stars. "Kinda thinkin' we could spoil some poor lil thing with attention. Had to have gone through hell for a bit there, y'know? The boys can be bit rough. Dunno how ta make the girls a bit more willin' ta stick around." Slow, his finger moved back and forth against the edge of her hand and his face split into a playful grin. "Then maybe after she's a bit more calm, we can spoil the livin' hell outta you. Spoil you damn rotten."

Selina de Windia: "Oh, greedy, are we? But the only time I ever put on the southern veils and dance is when there's a crowd." Selina replies in a teasing manner, chuckles more predatory now. "Doesn't matter, though. Don't have em with me. They're at home."

"As for spoiling me -- is little Wes gonna be a part of this?" She looks back to the rest of them, then swings her gaze to Moon, curious. "I'd think those girls would be used to this kind of thing by now. Least some god-blood with tentacles isn't having his way with em."

Seventh Moon: His head lulled lazily to the side, staring into her eyes. "Use to it don't mean it's ever easy on 'um or a lotta fun darlin'. You had your days in the dirt, so you'd gotta know that. Like I said, the boys can be a little rough..." Any of the boys. His boys. Their boys. He still remembered finding a pile of girls stuffed in an alley, all from some gang that never lasted a month. Moon never found out who did it, but the bastards had been damn brutal. A couple of the girls hadn't even lived through it That was about the time he started enforcing some level of restraint on the Pack, when it came to what they did to the ladies after.

"My girls have had their turns too. You can ask 'um if ya want, but they're all gonna tell you they'd rather be on top."

Bringing Wes along too though "Naw, she'll have plenty limbs ta get tangled in without yours too." He let his eyes drift closed and put on a big warm smile, shaking his head as though savoring something. "Mm but damn. We'd be just spillin' outta the bed."

Selina de Windia: "That's true." Selina acknowledge, then shrugs and sniffs. "Sometimes they still do. Though not lately, not less I want them to think they're doing it." The look on their faces when she revealed her fangs and the blood began splattering all over the walls always made the misuse worth it. Always.

"But that's what you find on the street. Now, you know what I mean 'bout southern dance, right?" The Windian's wings perk up a bit, as she probe him. "Harem girls ring a bell? I learned it awhile ago. Maybe you'll see what I mean someday."

Seventh Moon: A throaty laughed rippled out of the Lunar. "Look around a little, angel..."

He motioned towards the lines of buildings stretching down the street. Red-lanterns hung from every doorway. Women in savory silks and soiled cottons alike clung to window frames and beckoned to anyone and anything passing by. The air hummed with soft noise, broken so often by snapping leather or shrill squeals.

"This is home. I've seen it. Couple houses around here are just about nothing but. Tease-holes, we call 'um. Look but don't touch." He made a bitter face to show just how highly that was thought of, sticking out his tongue.

"Really wouldn't mind seeing you in the veils though" Moon said almost thoughtfully, picturing her body rolling through the serpentine motions. "Least if I gotta take the last one off ya."

Selina de Windia: "Oh? Don't get to touch them, why's that?" She looks a bit disappointed that she's not unique for a moment, then realizes that this is that kind of place, and shrugs again. "Hmph. Bet none of them have wings, or my kind of look, right?"

If there were Windian whores in this city, she'd wonder what they'd be doing performing in places that didn't cost a fortune to get into, at least. Windians tended to be valued highly in those trades.

"Sometimes," She purrs, the sound rougher then before. "I get to other things before the last few veils come off."

Seventh Moon: "Shhaaa... whats the fun in gettin' teased till ya hurt, then left hanging? Teasing is only fun when it goes somewhere..." His thumb curled in between their hands and slid over the life-line of her palm. Moon smiled as he looked her over, as if any serious thought had to be given to her question. She was fun to touch "Mm don't think there's a girl in this whole damn city got anything goin' on you, darling Why ya askin' though? Thinking about going inta business?"

There were a couple of wing-girls who worked in the business, but they were the ones in the big houses. The ones with silk and perfume and every randy johnson walking in got treated like a king. Just the sort of place Moon couldn't afford and the Dark Angel probably would work if she stopped killing people and messed up sheets for a living instead.

Suited him fine things were like they were though. The Heaven House was good enough; he could stay for free and take a Windian to bed to boot. It's familiar archway was gleaming up ahead, while the Pack behind trailing behind them was starting to get a bit more rowdy as they got closer to home.

"Got something else ta do with them, then?" he ushered her through the doorway, into a welcoming smile from one of the girls who clasped her arms around his neck long enough to kiss his cheek before running away in a fit of giggles as a red-skinned foundry man came chasing after her. Moon's smile grew a bit broader for a moment.

Yup, this was home

Wiping the lipstick from his cheek, he tilted his head and pulled at Selina's arm. "Why don't we head downstairs and you can tell me all about it"

Selina de Windia: Her eyebrows raised in amusement at his question. "No, not with the veils. No more then I have to do with anything else I wear when I finally sit on someone's lap. Heh. You'd know all about that."

Letting him pull her downstairs, she continues in that same sultry tone. "You want me to tell you, sugar, or show you? Just will have to do without the southern outfit."

Seventh Moon: "By all means darlin'..." he chuckled huskily as they descended into the darkness of the basement. A wild clamor above of cheering, laughing voices marked when the Pack began to filter into the House after them. It would take the first of them a lot longer to get downstairs though; most would already be sloshed even before they made it half way down the stairs. Moon's voice grew softer as shadow swelled up around them, pulling them into a black blanket of warmth within the narrow confines of the stairway. Nuzzling softly at Selina's neck, Moon's arm unwound from hers and slipped beneath her great coat.

"Hell," he breathed as the walls closed in around them a little more, pressing them closer. "You can have a go at it without any outfit at all. I'm easy..."

Selina de Windia: "Oh, you'll see under there soon enough." Her tone becomes more reassuring, but keeping the same sultry purr she had before. "Don't worry. But the dance really works best when the dancer's clad. No one can explain why, but it does."

"Besides," She murmurs into his ear, softer this time, guiding the hand under her greatcoat to a place where she'd like it. "Going under something makes it seem that much...naughtier, doesn't it?"